Havok Cloth

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:45 pm

I hope its in too, but judging from the screens, it looks like the same static clothing from Oblivion.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:32 pm

My only problem with this is that, unless the game informer screenshots are outdated, it seems as if Beth isn't really employing layers into their armor system. I would AT LEAST like a belt or something to hold my weapons (Red Dead did something similar to this). Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed with this.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:38 pm

I really wish devs would squash rumors immediately. For things they KNOW are not in, and they see threads upon threads of people speculating and hyping themselves up.

For instance, a clarification of how snow falls. Unless this is a big reveal later, but if it does not work like that, and they are aware of it, why not just squash it now before everyone see's the first gameplay and realizes half the stuff they have been talking about on the forums is not really in the game. Disappointment and Nerd Rage fill the forums, etc. It just all seems unnecessary.

Long and Short of it is, if it is not in, tell us. Only if it is something your not ready to talk about yet (Mounts) should you be cryptic.

Be transparent with things like a simple yes/no to Havok Cloth in or not in. Or even a statement such as "we are not talking about that yet." it just seems silly to me, but maybe I am alone.

Various reasons:

1) if they tell you everything that WON'T be in, people know everything that WILL be in by process of elimination.
2) Some things they are still working on. It's possible many things are under development that might be cut if they affect performance too much or don't get finished, better to just keep silent on these things until you know whether they will or won't be in.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:29 pm

I honestly don't see why they would choose against this to be in the game. From the sounds of it it's not something that takes a lot of coding to do, so maybe they can add it from now til the November? From what I took from it it's just another part of Havok's technology, like Behavior, that basically does all the work generating realistic movements of the clothes with little codework involved...

I hope they include this. Could be another step forward in immersive gameplay. Without it I'll still play the game but why take one step forward with Behavior and then stop? Go all the way.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:28 pm

All clothes' physics are like they were underwater or rubberish instead of fabric.

I agree on that on the Havok Cloth' ballet video, but not on the ogre' one. It's clothes just looks fantastic.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 11:57 am

Honestly HAVOK svckS! and i'm not saying it just because.
All clothes' physics are like they were underwater or rubberish instead of fabric, and equally faulty are the physics for characters themselves which when dead they are floaty and bouncy, like an inflatable doll in lunar gravity instead of flesh and bone.
I've NEVER ever seen Havok ragdolls behave the least believable, in dozens of games played. It's just ok for debris and particles.

Yeah. Havok has been a good physics engine for a while but it's pretty outdated now. One way you knew a game had the Havok engine is when you disturbed an object on a table, all the other objects on the table would twitch. Hopefully Skyrim will have a more updated version of the Havok engine.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:43 am

There is a screenshot of the Nord Barbarian in the GI issue that there is some kind of piece of loin cloth or something hanging from his rear end and it seems to be curving with the wind.

So I think that it is in. But I'll remain very skeptical as it being on every single item of clothing... That would cause MASSIVE frame rate issues if the cities are densely populated.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 1:27 am

It's highly possible its included. I just hope they have it as an isolated graphics option so it can be turned off or set to player only if it takes too much of a toll on performance.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:14 pm

I guess by "we" you meant "I". So, that eliminates the two of us, thanks ;)

Actually, I started this thread for three reasons:
  • To inform people who are unaware about the possibility of Havok Cloth being included in Skyrim, since we already know that Skyrim uses Havok animation.
  • To provide a forum topic that discuss any information people may come across about Havok Cloth actually being included in Skyrim. For example, twitter, forum and blog comments.
  • To discuss the idea of fluid cloth motion in Skyrim.

No. he meant we because you dont know either.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:27 pm

I REALLY hope they put some kind of cloth physics into the game. I know many of us have been pining for them ever since Morrowind came out.

Heck, just look how many cape mods have been downloaded WITHOUT any physics. Having a flowing cape or robe would really add to immersion.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:31 pm

I actually think I'll be massively disappointed if some kind of clothing and hair movement is not included - we have dynamic snow! Tree branches that move with the wind to a vitreous degree depending on the weather! And joust how dumb would a character look standing in a snow storm with show flying around, tree branches cracking and his/her robe and hair not being affected in the slightest???
It bothered me in Oblivion already, but the better the overall graphics the better thous "outdated" character looks are visible by contrast, so in Skyrim it would be just... Gah!
I woun't mind if they just add animation bones for clothing and hair, if that's what it takes to improve the performance I'm fine with it, but some kind of effort has to be maid at this point, or they are plain lazy.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:08 pm

How do we know they aren't working on their own version of fluid cloth motion? Maybe they haven't announced anything because they're still figuring it out or it's causing performance issues. Maybe they are planning on using Havok Cloth, or maybe they'll resign to only if they have to, or maybe they're just trying to implement it now or plan to soon but don't have it in yet.

So many unknowns--not just for us, but probably for them, too.

I just think that with how good the barmaid's clothing looked in the GI magazine screen shot, it would be silly of them to have the clothes look stiff and be motionless, and that they realize that and will try to do their best to make it look like a part of real life (and subject to the laws of physics).

We have to trust them, and should figure that if something like Havok Cloth can't be implemented into the game, then they must have a good reason for that.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:44 pm

I think the simulation complexity has to be tuneable indeed and have a low setting of off individually for clothes and maybe separately for the player only.
I'f you have a robe or something, it would be interesting to have a low setting to react a little to your movement. Nothing too fancy like waving or folding in realistic fashion but at least have a basic movement.
Because even if the full simulation is too taxing, no one will want to turn it COMPLETELY off with such technology available there.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:20 pm

Tail physics.
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