I really wish devs would squash rumors immediately. For things they KNOW are not in, and they see threads upon threads of people speculating and hyping themselves up.
For instance, a clarification of how snow falls. Unless this is a big reveal later, but if it does not work like that, and they are aware of it, why not just squash it now before everyone see's the first gameplay and realizes half the stuff they have been talking about on the forums is not really in the game. Disappointment and Nerd Rage fill the forums, etc. It just all seems unnecessary.
Long and Short of it is, if it is not in, tell us. Only if it is something your not ready to talk about yet (Mounts) should you be cryptic.
Be transparent with things like a simple yes/no to Havok Cloth in or not in. Or even a statement such as "we are not talking about that yet." it just seems silly to me, but maybe I am alone.
Various reasons:
1) if they tell you everything that WON'T be in, people know everything that WILL be in by process of elimination.
2) Some things they are still working on. It's possible many things are under development that might be cut if they affect performance too much or don't get finished, better to just keep silent on these things until you know whether they will or won't be in.