Aha, you are skinning! That's the most challenging part of the story. I have seen many skinned bodies from games, books, tutorials, etc. IMHO the best are Oblivion (Eye Candy and Robert's). There are easily beating even professional. Probably, only Poser Victoria 4 bends better, but she is high polygon not a game model.
Shrinkwrap is definitely can be a useful tool (I have tried to use Max anolog of this mdifier but it is not as powerful as the Blender one).
Full automatic weightpainting of new or existing meshes with Blender 2.4.5 and above by Growlf (The Blender BONE WEIGHT COPY script allowes to copy the weights from original body to any mesh you wish.).
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14325 (German)
BlenRig 3.0 Alpha (Blender) can be also useful.
By the way there is no need to split meshes in Blender just assign new materials (textures can be the same) and exporter does the splitting job. This is the cleanest way of having no normals seams.