hdmi question

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:00 am

last 2 weeks i bought a gtx 570 ( ehich has hdmi port and i already have full hd 23" monitor.
on the desktop i have 1920x1080 @ 60hz. every time i start crysis 2 it switches @24 which doesnt work fluently and post processing customer which causes not showing these stealth mode, just completely nothing. first i thought ok the this card isnt strong enough for hd. tried out setting down graphic options and then i found out v-syn. i have to swithc off v-snyc then i have 60hz. after that i can switch it on and it stays on 60hz. but i have always sett post processing on ultra again to by every starting the game. my question is/are:
-whats with taht 24hz? i looked monitor settings and could choose 23hz, 24hz, 25hz with interlaced, 29hz with interlaced, 30 hz with interlaced, 50hz 59hz and 60hz. the desktop stays always on 60hz by starting and closing pc.
-why i have every starting crysis 2 only 24hz and post processing not on ultra, where/what is the problem?
and why does v-sync influence monitors fps?

-why the leters on almost everything seem to have a white backround? for example writing here posts, the backround of the text area is white, bu the letters have a white backround too, which have higher brightness. its a bit bad for my eyes. or the tabs of firefox: there where are names of the tabs (here gamesas.post a new topic), the tabs has more grey color as backround and the letters self are black. but the letters have a white backround.
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Kaley X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:53 pm

Theres a fix that Crytek posted to get 60mhz over the HDMI, it requires changing some settings in your nvidia control panel, i'd suggest doing a search for that thread.
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Kim Bradley
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