Hi all, i use a HDTV as my monitor capable of 1920x1080 (1080p) resolutions at 60hz. Now, the recent 1.9 patch has done exactly what the first Crysis does at DX10, capped the refresh rate to 24hz instead of the default 60, which results in the framerate with vsync capped at 24fps which is unacceptable. Turning off vysnc results in massive screen-tearing as the TV is only refreshing at 24hz where as before it was 60. This issue could be fixed in the original by alt tabbing consistenly but i'd rather Crytek fix this issue for all the Crysis games and hopefully someone can tell me why it's doing this? Finally, my fps on Crysis 2 was 60 before the patch, and on Crysis it's around 40 and i'd like to be able to play at that rate.
Im using a EVGA GTX 560 Ti, just in case anyone asks about the Graphics card. Thanks in advance.