Head animation settings -Help please

Post » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:38 pm

A long while back I cut the tusks from one of the WoW orcs that were modded-I forget who did that now. It was a .ace file.

Anyhow all was good and great, except when my character does the breathing animation. The tusks seem to svck in and out of her mouth.

Quite disconcerting.

So I tried to make the NiGeomMorphController match.

Tusks say :

Target Ptr 10(tusks)

Data Ref 12[NiMorphData]

Head I am currently using says:

Target Ptr 2(Head WE F1)

Data Ref 4[NiMorphData]


When I make the tusks match the head, she begins to chew and blink rapidly.

When I make the tusks target only match the head, she has some really bizarre head deformations.

How can I fix this please?

Thank you!

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