Bullcrap. The PS3 and the 360 are two different platforms with radically different APIs and hardware architecture while Fallout 3 on the PS3, especially post DLC, was simply a pile of feces. Bethesda's done absolutely nothing to make me think they can make a decent PS3 game... let alone a port to the PS3 completely on par with the 360 version. We do not know what the game looks and runs like because we (implying any of us playing the game on PS3s and/or PCs) because we haven't seen the game. Furthermore, what we do know is that they're focusing on the 360, as is evident by all of Bethsda's actions we're even publicly aware of. Developers have said both will be the same without showing the PS3 version before and they most certainly do not turn out the same. Bethesda have not only, in the past, compeltely discredited any claims of parity they intend to make without evidence, but they've, in general, proven to be poor at porting and technical work, in general. The Xbox version of Morrowind was terrible, the 360 and PC versions of Oblivion were both terrible, the PC and PS3 versions of Fallout 3 suffered unique technical problems with the PS3 version, especially post-DLC, being unarguably disgusting, and now, it's clear that Bethesda are focusing far too heavily on just the 360. Daggerfall wasn't known as Buggerfall for no reason, on top of that. Bethesda has a terrible technical track record... especially with multiplatform games. Until proven otherwise, I stick by my claims of Bethesda's claims being invalid and worthless and I stick by the claim of them having had scammed me out of $60 with Fallout 3's GOTY edition.
Thank you for forming an actual response, at least. I honestly think that everyone will be pleased - for the most part - with how the game runs on every platform. I will admit that you are correct about the past. They don't have a great record; however, this time around, Bethesda has shown (at least to me) that they know how much they need to tell us about the game. (Remember Oblivion?) It
is biased information, but as of now, people need to have a little faith in Bethesda. After release, if there are problems, I will admit I was wrong. But until then, I just don't see a huge problem. I understand why it would bother people, but it honestly isn't as big of a deal as some people seem to be making it.
(Don't read this as if I am angry or upset - I have a tendancy to sound angsty when I don't mean to be)