You really don't get the point, do you? OP is not hoping for a *better* version, due to his bad experiences is actually hoping for, at the mininum, the *same* version as XBOX.
And please stop saying they will all look the same, you just like any of us don't have the slightest idea what the PS3 and PC versions will look like, no matter how big you write it.
Oh good, expect the worst, that always works.
But no, he really don't want that.
Why, because a benchmark picture/ randmo footage will tell you NOTHING.
The problem with Fallout 3 was not the graphics, it was the bugs, and if you expect them to show you whether or not the PS3 version will have more bugs than the Xbox then I really can't help you.
Oh [censored], Mass Effect 3 did not gave out PS3 or PC footage, so it must be a 360 exclusive or the PC and PS3 will definielty be much worse.