My Head Hurts...

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:23 am

I'm on PS3 and i'm getting the CE at the midnight launch.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:14 pm

Ok so there's two explanations for this. First, Microsoft is paying them. Also, 360 is the crappiest platform. If they were to show ps3/pc footage or screens, xbox players would be very disappointed. It's that simple.

BAHAHAHAHAHA, good one besides Wii is the crappiest platform. Since it seems Skyrim was built with the Xbox 360 in mind and the fact that Multi-platform games pretty much always look almost identical on 360 and PS3 (except with 360 having superior contrast). I think we can safely assume that with Skyrim's graphics it will be nearly impossible to tell the difference between 360 and PS3. Unless it does actually end up being a shoddy port to PS3 which in that case PS3 will be the inferior game.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:53 am

ofcourse it will hurt after all those lines :unsure2:
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:57 am

I'm trying to stay hopeful in spite of past games or lack of footage or pictures. I expect Beth to pull through with the PS3 version, they had problems with the PS3 in the past, but I expect them to learn from their mistakes and get the game to work on the PS3 right. My main comfort is that my game won't stop working because of a red ring of death which I'm surprised has not occurred yet and that it'll work on my console of choice.
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:49 am

Again, how is this different from any other game without any console exclusive features?

I can't spot any other game series out there with a ten years life cycle [counting from Morrowind onwards] which versions have *always* been very different between different platforms, not to mention the games based on the same engine. So, yes, this actually looks very different to me.

The info you're expecting is one you'll never get until the freaking release of the game.

Everybody else wants to know how buggy the game will be this is not a PS3 only issue.

True, but not a good excuse for the lack of information. PS3 and PC users would just need a good reason for buying the game other than relying on blind trust.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:52 pm

Im tired of us PS3 owners getting screwed over. >.> Microsoft svcks for taking away stuff from the PS3 gamers. We should all as gamers get to experience all the same fun.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:34 am

This is why I've invested in a PC, 360, and PS3. I realize not everyone has the money, but it does leave you with better choices. If I'm looking at a Japanese game, made for PS3, I'll get it for PS3. American and Canadian releases will typically be best on 360. And for many games, I simply get it for PC because of mods, graphics, controls, etc.

I didn't know Fallout 3 had issues on PS3 before reading this thread, but now I'm glad I know. It just reaffirms my decision to not get Skyrim for PS3.

As for graphics differences, I don't usually notice a big enough difference between systems for most games. I borrow the same game from my friends on other systems just to try it. Mass Effect 2, for example, looks nearly identical on PS3 and 360.

However, that being said, I do think it's a bit ridiculous that there is little mentioned about PC and PS3 versions of the game. I'm not surprised, as I don't think most people are concerned. If they did release PS3 footage/screens/info, I'm sure it wouldn't tell you anything about bugs.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:57 am

It's my opinion that they're pushing the 360 so hard because it's the weakest of the three platforms. A.) It helps to boost the sales on that particular system. and B.) In comparison to the PS3's superior resolution and PC's superior...well, everything, 360 is going to look like crap and that's not good for sales at all. So if the only media we have is from an inferior platform, we can all hope to be pleasantly surprised when we get a look at some gameplay from PC and PS3.

As far as stability is concerned, I have to think that because this game is going to be such a huge part of BGS's revenue for the next couple of years, they'll make sure it runs equally well on all platforms. I have faith, at least.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:39 am

It's my opinion that they're pushing the 360 so hard because it's the weakest of the three platforms. A.) It helps to boost the sales on that particular system. and B.) In comparison to the PS3's superior resolution and PC's superior...well, everything, 360 is going to look like crap and that's not good for sales at all. So if the only media we have is from an inferior platform, we can all hope to be pleasantly surprised when we get a look at some gameplay from PC and PS3.

As far as stability is concerned, I have to think that because this game is going to be such a huge part of BGS's revenue for the next couple of years, they'll make sure it runs equally well on all platforms. I have faith, at least.

I agree, and you make an excellent point. If they showed to much PC footage, it would be seen as a PC game by people who don't "do PC games", hurting sales overall. Whereas many PC gamers such as myself will buy it for PC regardless.
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:44 am

I can't spot any other game series out there with a ten years life cycle [counting from Morrowind onwards] which versions have *always* been very different between different platforms, not to mention the games based on the same engine. So, yes, this actually looks very different to me.

That's why people here are saying how many 360 games look identical to their PS3 versions?

And the question was how many of these games deliberately gave out different footage on different consoles, without any extras on said consoles.
True, but not a good excuse for the lack of information. PS3 and PC users would just need a good reason for buying the game other than relying on blind trust.

And my main question still remains unanswered.

What kind of information are you talking about?

Footage tells you nothing.
An alpha build is unreliable.
They've already spoken about it, but you just don't accept that.

What you're asking here is the impossible, it's like you ask the chef to describe the taste of a meal he hasn't even cooked yet...
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Penny Wills
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:23 am

Microsoft is where the moneys at. Hard to blame them, really.
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james reed
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:43 am

We're approximately at one month before Skyrim's release. We still haven't seen any confirmed PS3 or PC screenshots or footage, still only 360 footage, we already know they're going for timed DLC exclusivity deals with Microsoft, they haven't demod the PS3 or supposedly the PC version even once at any of these conventions (including the ones where fans got to try the game out for 15-20 minutes), we have no reviews of the PS3 version and possibly not even the PC version and no reference for how they technically look and run, we already know the 360 is the lead platform and the other versions practically ports, nothing Skyrim-related is coming onto the PSN, any given Bethesda staff member won't even acknowledge the lack of PS3/PC footage and/or the possibility of seeing either before release... or from them, at all. Just today, I found out that the speedruns were exclusively held on the 360 and Bethesda released the list of 360 achievements... but didn't even so much as mention the PS3's trophies and I'm not sure of anything pertaining to Steam achievements.

Arguably, some of these things are minor and even unimportant, depending on the specific subjective view, but my point is more about what, together, they represent and more about the principle of much of it. This game isn't coming across as multiplatform, it's coming across as a 360-exclusive. I... my head's throbbing, but I've reached an all-time peak of frustration when I should be celebrating the game's upcoming release... but I can't because I don't even feel like Bethesda considers anyone playing on my platform or the PC in any of their marketing decisions and few of their technical decisions. They won't show anything pertaining to the other versions and it's really upsetting me. What is this? How much longer do we need to wait? Why is everything relayed the public about the 360 version? This is simply an inexcusable failure on the part of Bethesda's marketing team. They aren't addressing their fans on 2/3 of their supposedly supported platforms. Following what they dared to do with Fallout 3's PS3 DLC (delay, release as technical mess, never acknowledge or patch it) and I just have very little faith in their technical motivation to actually give a crap about something other than the 360 version nor am I getting the message from the marketing that this is a multiplatform game... just a 360 game quickly and haphazardly ported over to the other platforms in an attempt to grab money. What gives?

You worry too much! ;)
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Andy durkan
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:55 pm

Microsoft is where the moneys at. Hard to blame them, really.

Yes, that's why they're making a multi-console release...
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:25 am

PC players shouldn't complain, they get access to mods and better graphics should they so choose. If anything, there should be more PS3 complainers on here about lack of footage. But from Pete's Tweet about Todd playing on PS3, I'm sure there will be only a very slight difference in graphics.

And if BGS wants to accept money from Microsoft, just for some exclusive videos/screens for the public.. I say let em. BGS gets more money, and we still get to see the game.

You want to see some good footage for your system? just wait until 11/11/11, you can see all you want then. ^_^
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:50 pm

One month away and no PS3 or PC footage, that is going too far, Sure I understand 3 or 4 months away from release just to show a certain consoles gameplay, but a month! All I am understanding is that Beth does not care about the PS3 or the PC fanbase, that we are a simple after thought just so they could get a buck or two more, heck why even mention that its going to be multi-platform when you have yet to show us ps3 or pc footage and we are so near the release.

They say that they don't like console wars, but with their actions it just seems like they only care for the 360. How exactly are they going to raise sells for the PS3 and PC when they just leave us in the dark? How hard is it to do a 10-15 minute gameplay footage of the PS3 and PC, is their something that they don't want us to find out?

Honestly it is really hard to remain optimistic about it, how exactly is it a good marketing strategy to leave a chuck of customers in the dark?
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:56 pm

They don't show anything because there's nothing to show.

How do I know this? Because they don't show anything.

Again, they've mainly showed 360 footage from Fallout, and surprise it looked exactly like the PC version!

You know what would be funny? If they would release PC and PS3 footage but people would still claim they're lying and being fed by Microsoft, because they're not at all different from the rest of the pictures.
You know, what people are DOING RIGHT NOW!
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:16 am

You know what would be funny? If they would release PC and PS3 footage but people would still claim they're lying and being fed by Microsoft, because they're not at all different from the rest of the pictures.
You know, what people are DOING RIGHT NOW!

How hard is it to just say "This footage/picture is from the PS3/PC/360, instead they just tell us "Oh its mixed" a bit hard to believe that its mixed when they have been showing favor towards the 360.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:29 pm

While the 360 version seems to be all fine and dandy, I can't say for certain for the PC/PS3 version.

I too was worried about a sub-par PS3 port, but (some of) my fears have been alleviated to a degree with a post from Pete's Twitter:

Rjdubb5Ryan :
@DCDeacon I am a hugh elder scrolls fan .. Please tell me you guys did not port the ps3 version from the 360 .. Why no footage???
17 Sep

in reply to ↑

@DCDeaconPete Hines:
@Rjdubb5 One platform has to lead. But it's not really a port. PS3 has folks working on just that version because a diff undertaking

Though I do hope the PC version is beastly...
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:48 pm

Microsoft is paying to have DLC first thinking that they willget more Xbox sales -.-
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:18 pm

PC players shouldn't complain, they get access to mods and better graphics should they so choose.
While this is true, we do still have to "purchase" the game.
Normally I'm a "wait and see" kind of guy, but at this point I'm with the OP, I mean it's not even a bias toward 360, it's fully 360 advertizing, all platforms should have been treated equally, I agree for the demos it's easier setting up the 360, but withholding information about the other platforms is just going to make people suspicious, obscure comments such as "we have shown screenshots from the PC" just does not cut it.
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D LOpez
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:39 pm

... That they're incapable of doing that or acknowledging any of their shortcomings, both of the past and the present, is a big deal.

I completely agree with you. Disregarding platform specific consumers is a terribly bad choice in terms of marketing and distribution. Especially if the end result turns out worse than people's initial expectations, not that I'm saying it will. I still have faith in Bethesda, and as for the bugs in Fallout and even OB, Bethesda did say they were going to be more diligent and frequent in patching something, and will react fast to any bugs that occur post-release.

Seti, is there any way for you to speak to someone directly about this at Bethesda? I know at this stage there won't be any changes made to the marketing schedule, but you might be able to make them see that you have a perfectly valid point, and it might help nudge them in the right direction come future releases.
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stevie trent
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:55 pm

I stopped reading this whine fest on page two. I really don't see what the problem is. I doubt their will be much difference between the 360 and PS3 versions.

Edit: If there is an annoying glitch like the vampire one in Oblivion GOTY that they never fix, I may say goodbye to Bethesda.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:44 pm

Seti, is there any way for you to speak to someone directly about this at Bethesda? I know at this stage there won't be any changes made to the marketing schedule, but you might be able to make them see that you have a perfectly valid point, and it might help nudge them in the right direction come future releases.

Even if Seti would be able to speak to someone directly, I don't think it will help much, Money > Valid point.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:46 pm

PC gets mods

who cares what consoles get it will never measure up to PC getting MODSSSSSSSSS and high res texture packs.

Skyrim + PC = epic win

Skyrim + consoles = meh good enough :P
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:42 pm

I completely agree with you. Disregarding platform specific consumers is a terribly bad choice in terms of marketing and distribution. Especially if the end result turns out worse than people's initial expectations, not that I'm saying it will. I still have faith in Bethesda, and as for the bugs in Fallout and even OB, Bethesda did say they were going to be more diligent and frequent in patching something, and will react fast to any bugs that occur post-release.

Seti, is there any way for you to speak to someone directly about this at Bethesda? I know at this stage there won't be any changes made to the marketing schedule, but you might be able to make them see that you have a perfectly valid point, and it might help nudge them in the right direction come future releases.

I sent a letter to Bethesda Softworks regarding their marketing for Bethesda Game Studios' games and their multiplatform marketing and sales failures, sent a couple tweets to Pete via facebook, made this thread a couple others, and responded whenever possible on these forums to any thread pertaining to the issue. That's all that can be done. Pete just completely ignores everyone's questions about PS3 footage (implying we're not getting any), I don't think I've received any response to the email I sent, and I've yet to see a dev come and comment in one of these threads, so that's about it. As said above, money > valid point. :shrug:

edit: I almost wish I could go down to Bethesda's maryland headquarters, knock on the door, and personally give them a piece of mind... or become a journalist that gets to interview Todd. I think I would defy all standard rules of fixed interviews, but I just wonder what someone like Todd would say about the issue if they were backed up into a corner about it and couldn't just shrug it off like on the internet or something. Honestly, all known Bethesda staff members just seem so detached from the issue that they act as if it doesn't exist and I'm sure that's their intent... to completely ignore it. For some reason, no journalists will touch the issue. I swear all interviews with Bethesda staff members are fixed...
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