Headline News! Mages get the Shaft.

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:58 pm

Guys and Gals,


1. No class should be much weaker than another! This is called BALANCING! So why should a mage (A MAGE!!!!) be weak in mid and endgame??? When its at the first levels (like in nearly every other RPG) it can be tolerated -actually expected - but later on a mage should rule the world!! It is a powerfull spellcaster and lord of destruction. A damn horrible DOOM to all foes!!

2. It is a GOLDEN RULE that cross-classes succumb to single classes in the very basics! (Not actually in every skill but regarding magic, a pure mage should blasts every magical crossclass, just because it IS a pure mage). This is about specializing! If i choose to skill single class I expect to be the unchallenged MASTER of it.

3. I do not want to play a cross class (see point 2). As a pure mage I should have had the possibility to rule even in mid and lategame!! My damage output should be ENORMOUS!! Cause I am A MAGE! I am fragile cause I wear cloth armor and I do not have much lifepoints. But I should eradicate each reaking foe with one THOUGHT!!

I spend many hours to explore Skyrim, grinding money for my horse and first house, collecting herbs and so on. But after reading this posting I think I will change to knight or hunter (Level 7 atm). My heart bleeds to do so but realizing I skilled wrong and do not stand a chance in lategame as mage, svcks!

(capital letters in above text should not be seen as screaming but as highlighting important content)


Thats how it should go, but a smart mage in this game wears plate armor because robes are useless, lol. You are exactly right, the whole concept is broken. This game forces you to play a hybrid. It just is not fun anymore for people who want well thought out characters that don't take a little of everything. Specialising in magic is not an option in this game, not if you want a decent character that feels and plays like a mage
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:19 pm

Really? Ever been up against anything not 10 levels lower than you? We aren't talking wolves and mudcrabs. Even at level 20, you wont have enough mana in your bar to kill a single bear with dual casted firebolts. Let alone named bandits.

Cost reduction enchants.

Damn, that was hard. Next question on "Why do I svck at mage?" please.
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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:39 pm

I disagree with the theme of this thread. My mage is level 40, I have 100 destruction, 99 conjuration, 77 restoration, 95 alteration, 66 enchanting and about starter stats in most other things, sans lockpicking. All my perks are in mage trees. I haven't gotten my enchanting where I want it so I'm using found and/or bought equipment.

I have 50% reduction in all destruction spell costs, + and additional 40% from my gear.

I insta-kill some enemies with dual-cast lightning bolt. I have perks in ice too, and use that for lightning resistant enemies. I kill strong enemies like dungeon bosses and dragon priests with lightning storm, takes 10-15 seconds. Elder dragons take 20-30 seconds. But come on, they are Elder dragons...shouldn't they take that long? My preferred method of toasting tough enemies is lightning storm. I use a dremora lord to distract them so I can line it up, soon he will be replaced by 2 dead thralls when I hit 100 conjuration and the cost becomes reasonable. Am I doing it wrong?

Another pure mage not struggling in late game, THEY'RE NOT A MYTH!
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:27 pm


I can't get why it should be bad if you have to be tactical, using the environment, waiting for an opening in your enemy's attacks and have that satisfying feeling after a 30min long fight against a worthy opponent instead of just rushing in without any tactic at all.

It's all up to your playstyle. This is single player after all so your and my char will never fight against and there is no "best" or "worst" class, there are no classes at all.

Having to play overly tactical is a sign of weakness man, that's why. Key word OVERLY tactical.

I teach a women's self defense course and we teach them to be OVERLY tactical. Because they HAVE TO BE in order to survive. Because they are generally weaker and ill equipped for combat. Same principal applies here

Which in itself implies mages are gimped. And quite frankly, I don't want to have to setup up meticulously every battle I come across to make sure I can win. If that was the case I would play more of a rogue type. Even tho they can own anythign without much planning in this game.
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Stryke Force
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:49 pm

Cost reduction enchants.

Damn, that was hard. Next question on "Why do I svck at mage?" please.

The cost reducing enchants you have avaialble to you at mid level is not gonna make a huge difference.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:15 pm

Cost reduction enchants.

Damn, that was hard. Next question on "Why do I svck at mage?" please.

Cost reduction enchants on multiple items, stacking additively ... don't make sense. Not everyone wants to remove magicka regen mechanic from their mage gameplay.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:26 pm

Having to play overly tactical is a sign of weakness man, that's why. Key word OVERLY tactical.

I teach a women's self defense course and we teach them to be OVERLY tactical. Because they HAVE TO BE in order to survive. Because they are generally weaker and ill equipped for combat. Same principal applies here

My mage is female so what?

/edit: And she is a small breton after all so she needs that huge frost atronarch bodyguards to take care of those pesky draugr (not that she couldn't beat them herself with a conjured sword...she is a lady after all).
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:02 pm

What would satisfy you, a video?

The only things that take more than 4s are dragons. I mean really, I'm at the end of the leveling curve. Hardest difficulty. Spells do not scale so mine are exactly as strong as yours.

This isn't skill we're talking about here. I'm not bragging. 4 dualcasted Incinerates kills nearly everything, 2 for most. At range, With a stun. How is that weak?

Based on the new calcs i just made, here is the damage you are currently doing(Assuming you are not using potions).

60*2.2*1.5=198 damage per cast. 198*4=794 damage. Master lowers your damage by either 50% or 33%, leaving you with either 396 damage or 522 damage over the course of roughly 3-4 seconds to cast those spells.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:34 pm

My mage is female so what?

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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:53 am

Another pure mage not struggling in late game, THEY'RE NOT A MYTH!

I haven't got there myself, but 99 conjuration + what difficulty ? It's master where named mobs get big boost to their hp pools.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:54 pm

Oh yeah, I can also paralyze the whole room for 15 seconds over and over with alteration and let my minions kill everything; but that just feels too cheap for my playstyle. If you want to be OP'd as a mage though, there ya go...

And normal difficulty. Master difficulty in any game forces a type of min-maxxing that svcks the fun out for me.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:42 am

My mage is female so what?

/edit: And she is a small breton after all so she needs that huge frost atronarch bodyguards to take care of those pesky draugr (not that she couldn't beat them herself with a conjured sword...she is a lady after all).

I was using gender as an example of weakness, the gender of ur mage is obviously irrelevent because it makes no in game difference
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:00 pm

I disagree with the theme of this thread. My mage is level 40, I have 100 destruction, 99 conjuration, 77 restoration, 95 alteration, 66 enchanting and about starter stats in most other things, sans lockpicking. All my perks are in mage trees. I haven't gotten my enchanting where I want it so I'm using found and/or bought equipment.

I have 50% reduction in all destruction spell costs, + an additional 40% from my gear.

I insta-kill some enemies with dual-cast lightning bolt. I have perks in ice too, and use that for lightning resistant enemies. I kill strong enemies like dungeon bosses and dragon priests with lightning storm, takes 10-15 seconds. Elder dragons take 20-30 seconds. But come on, they are Elder dragons...shouldn't they take that long? My preferred method of toasting tough enemies is lightning storm. I use a dremora lord to distract them so I can line it up, soon he will be replaced by 2 dead thralls when I hit 100 conjuration and the cost becomes reasonable. Am I doing it wrong?

on adept the game is too easy for any class doing ANYTHING.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:41 am

to be honest im more upset about the loss of the utility spells, destruction can easily be modded. I just want my mage gameplay back where i can use useful magic outside combat
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:03 pm

Honestly I am the kind of hack and slash player sometimes, but I enjoy more rules , character definition and a lot of the nice things that where in morrowind and where stripped out to please the 12 years kids out there that shouldn't play the game anyway couse the game is marked mature but they play the same because Beth tought to them by making the game streamlined , accessible and easy to understand .. you just put the dvd and press start , "you are what you play " they say ... "I do no more feel playing a rpg" I say ....

anyway I tried to make a mage the last day ... I used cheats and stuff to change all the stats to a mage of 26 level destructor , I did it so to be balanced as it coudl be what I woudl have developed if I played the game character mage since beginning , so with 400 of magika almoust , with robe abilities, racial ability of the high elf , and some other stuff I had regenerarion etc , I felt superpower with my spells .. ok time to venture out of the house .... I met a wizard in the streets that challenges me ...

Ok why not I say lets take the challenge , I cast stone skin , summon atronach of fire to distract him , prepare other spells for shield and then offense .... all of a sudden after that one single hit by a lighting , and I am dead .... I say wtf ok I must have wrong something or I did too slow ... I redid 20 times more or less , getting in the street and meeting this guy that blocked me the exit from the city ... so I finally gived up and returned to press the two buttons of the warrior ... hack and slash streamline...
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:38 pm

What would satisfy you, a video?

The only things that take more than 4s are dragons. I mean really, I'm at the end of the leveling curve. Hardest difficulty. Spells do not scale so mine are exactly as strong as yours.

This isn't skill we're talking about here. I'm not bragging. 4 dualcasted Incinerates kills nearly everything, 2 for most. At range, With a stun. How is that weak?

I was worried about leveling past 35 because of all the people saying that destruction stops doing damage beyond that.

I figured out what their major malfunction is. The continued using lower level spells. They don't use incinerate because it uses a lot of mana when you don't utilize enchanting.

I'm now at the level they said they were and I'm having the same experience you are. They simply never stopped using firebolts...
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:07 am

on adept the game is too easy for any class doing ANYTHING.

Adept is the default difficulty of the game. This thread makes no sense in the context of higher difficulties because any character (not) struggling on Master is broken.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:56 pm

I don't care that a damn Warrior can out dps a Mage when maxed. The fact that you can't one shot everything at level 50 is a big so what for me . You want God mode put it on Novice. Lord there are some whiny Mages on this forum, i'm playing a pure Mage and i'm loving it.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:30 pm

I was worried about leveling past 35 because of all the people saying that destruction stops doing damage beyond that.

I figured out what their major malfunction is. The continued using lower level spells. They don't use incinerate because it uses a lot of mana when you don't utilize enchanting.

I'm now at the level they said they were and I'm having the same experience you are. They simply never stopped using firebolts...

No offense man, but there have been hundreds of people complaining about this, if it was a simple matter of upping to spells above firebolt (fireball, incinerate) there would not be so many issues. Thats not the case.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:01 pm

to be honest im more upset about the loss of the utility spells, destruction can easily be modded. I just want my mage gameplay back where i can use useful magic outside combat

I have to agree with you here. I certainly miss the open spells and waterwalking (it's nearly useless but who cares). Haven't played morrowind but i don't want to have mark/recall and levitate as i fear it might break some quests (and with cities being seperate cells it's not that smart entering them without actually using the door).

But about that mage combat thing just let us agree that it's single player and everyone can play what he/she wants to. Statistics like "melee is 5x stronger than magic" doesn't matter because they will never compete ingame.
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maya papps
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:11 pm

I don't care that a damn Warrior can out dps a Mage when maxed. The fact that you can't one shot everything at level 50 is a big so what for me . You want God mode put it on Novice. Lord there are some whiny Mages on this forum, i'm playing a pure Mage and i'm loving it.

Again, the destruction can be modded to my likeing, I am more pissed at the fact that they took out so many of the spell effects and left us with only offensive options. They have eliminated the fun of playing a mage.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:03 am

I'm playing a Pure Mage and loving it.
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City Swagga
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:40 am

The destruction spells don't scale and you end up becoming the equivalent of a snow ball chucking bully by mid game. By then, warriors and assassins are one shotting just about everything and in better armor.

In that case I'm GLAD I'm playing a mage, because it sounds like the warriors are the ones with the broken system.
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matt white
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:30 pm

@skeleton1947 This is probably the most ridiculous cop-out explanation for castrating mages that I've ever seen on this board. You really think a guild disbanding or political shenanigans have anything to do with how the player experiences a Destruction mage or the removal of pretty much all utility? haha

no not 1 guild all mages guilds. read the lore, pay attention, dont pretend to know what ur talking about without doing any investigation on pretext, mages were effectively wiped out over the course of the 200 years if you were paying any attention at all (which you probably weren't) necromancy was banned in cyrodiil is one way the mages were restricted, and if you even played oblivion mahru dagon or w/e was a mage who helped usher in the oblivion crisis. the mages of skyrim werent as flexible as the ones in cyrodiil simply because of the geographical location, the reason the mages in cyrodiil were so great was because cyrodiil was in the middle of all of the other regions (skyrim, morrowind, elsweyr, black marsh,hammerfell it was in the middle of all of these) its also why their are few khajit and argonians, the black marsh and elsweyr are very far from skyrim, read some books on the elder scrolls do your research b4 you start complaining about logical explinations of things happening in skyrim..
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:46 pm

Again, the destruction can be modded to my likeing, I am more pissed at the fact that they took out so many of the spell effects and left us with only offensive options. They have eliminated the fun of playing a mage.

For you you mean , i'm playing a pure Mage and loving it.
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Alexander Horton
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