Headline News! Mages get the Shaft.

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:37 pm

no not 1 guild all mages guilds. read the lore, pay attention, dont pretend to know what ur talking about, and do the research, mages were effectively wiped out over the course of the 200 years if you were paying any attention at all (which you probably weren't) necromancy was banned in cyrodiil is one way the mages were restricted, and if you even played oblivion mahru dagon or w/e was a mage who helped usher in the oblivion crisis. the mages of skyrim werent as flexible as the ones in cyrodiil simply because of the geographical location, the reason the mages in cyrodiil were so great was because cyrodiil was in the middle of all of the other regions (skyrim, morrowind, elsweyr, black marsh,hammerfell it was in the middle of all of these) its also why their are few khajit and argonians, the black marsh and elsweyr are very far from skyrim, read some books on the elder scrolls do your research b4 you start complaining about logical explinations of things happening in skyrim..

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:04 pm

In that case I'm GLAD I'm playing a mage, because it sounds like the warriors are the ones with the broken system.

Yep, I fully agree with you. I have never been able to understand the attitude of min/max gamers. Just about every RPG I've played can be borked to god mode in some way or other... I don't get it; who wants a win button? Reminds me of that awful "Button/Awesome" quote from that other RPG behemoth.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:35 am

Level 51, my spells can do what my ebony bow with frost damage can't; kill a dragon without taking damage. I think the stagger for dual-cast is OP, I just stood there and shot ice spikes on the dragon. If I used my bow (which indeed does more damage) I would get shot to death by flames.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:15 pm

I'm finding mage gameplay to be enjoyable, which is the first thing I look for in a build. The second thing I look for is viability, which it also has. It may be EXTREMELY difficult, but it is viable. If you use all the spells to their full potential, it's very flexible and useful.

That said, mages are fairly weak, compared to before. But that isn't such a bad thing. I've seen shield-mages and sorcerers be VERY effective now, because of the need of defense.

So, mages may be weakened, but they are far from 'getting the shaft'. As much as I love getting shafted http://27.media.tumblr.com/avatar_6feb8634e3d0_128.png , mages did not receive it this time.

who are you trying to kid, buster; mages do a pittance of damage and a large number of the wizard-like interesting utility spells have been removed from the series
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:29 am

If we want to have legitimate criticisms in this thread.

  • I do miss the utility spells, they should have included open spells at least.
  • Firestorm is horrible, and Blizzard is super situational. If they were all channeled they'd have more parity with Lightning Storm.
  • Invisibility shouldn't have any sneak dependency.

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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:39 pm

You want mages to be one-shotting monsters too?
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KU Fint
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:25 pm

its funny how people complain about mage svcking.

why? because they are fine if not the best class to be.

large damage output long range or mid range can cast consent heals on them self.

if you are having such a hard time it is one of three things 1) you chose bad perks / stat choice's 2) you are using the incorrect spells for the fight ( I.E using ice on a nord or using lightning on a draugr instead of a flame spell ) or 3) if you have done the above correctly maybe you just are not suited for the mage role.

It seems to me that the only people complaining about mage's are the oblivion or die fans who hate change and like seeing the same two spell animations every single time they cast because it is "better"

also you statement about no point in wearing robes is incorrect i cannot remember where i saw it but you can get near if not better armour rating with the best flesh spel ( only one i have seen so far is oak flesh ) and the best ward.

tbh it sounds to me like you are looking for problems in the game.. like the guy who plays a game and complains how the feet are not 100% on the ground all the time.

also your comment on how you feel like you should cast the open lock spell because you are to lazy to use a lock pick is annoying im sure you know this game better then the people who created it and beta tested it yes i wish it was still in the game but i don't give that much of a crap because lock-picking is easy.

many of the non combat spells were very limited if not useless. like water walking ok it has it's use's but unless you are going to be on water over 40% of the time then there is no point to it it only saves a slight amount of time for travel and i think the reason they took it out was because they did not feel like spending the days on coding it and making sure your character would not glitch with the water ( which if it did i am sure you would be [censored]ing about that right now ) just to save you 15-20 seconds of running.

long story short please Please continue, my good sir. and mage is fine if not best over all class spec

( sorry if some of this was repeated or started a sentence then stopped mid sentence and started another one it is 4:26 and i am sleepy i will correct the mistakes when i awake )
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:28 am

The issue isn't that magic is not viable. It's that Destruction magic is horrible. Yes, I'm sure you can beat the snot out of everyone with conjured minions, but that doesn't help anyone wanting to use Destruction as a direct damage choice. Playing stunlock with firebolts isn't my idea of a good gameplay experience, nor is abusing the Enchanting system.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:10 pm

whilst the game is great and the loss of certain things is not that much of a bother, i think they just lazily skimped out on magic and added some simple spells in tiers and didnt test them for more than a few hours if that and were finished with it
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:01 pm

In my opinion mages are almost fine, the real problem is smithing, enchanting and alchemy affecting melee too much. Melee is simply ridiculously overpowered if you max out those skills.

Yes, destruction might need some tweaking like scaling but that tweaking has already begun: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=611
I've tried this mod and it fits me perfectly. Once the Creation Kit is out, there will be much sophisticated fine tuning mods. What I would love to see in such a mod is a perk in Destruction which increases your damage by x% if you wear only cloth items because right now you don't gain anything from cloth as you can enchant light or heavy armor with -x% cost.

So relax, TES were always about modding. Once the Creatin Kit is out, all your problems will be solved.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:31 am

i love my mage, but i admit more dmg with destrucion magic wouldn't be a luxery.. lol
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:37 am

its funny how people complain about mage svcking.

why? because they are fine if not the best class to be.

large damage output long range or mid range can cast consent heals on them self.

if you are having such a hard time it is one of three things 1) you chose bad perks / stat choice's 2) you are using the incorrect spells for the fight ( I.E using ice on a nord or using lightning on a draugr instead of a flame spell ) or 3) if you have done the above correctly maybe you just are not suited for the mage role.

It seems to me that the only people complaining about mage's are the oblivion or die fans who hate change and like seeing the same two spell animations every single time they cast because it is "better"

also you statement about no point in wearing robes is incorrect i cannot remember where i saw it but you can get near if not better armour rating with the best flesh spel ( only one i have seen so far is oak flesh ) and the best ward.

tbh it sounds to me like you are looking for problems in the game.. like the guy who plays a game and complains how the feet are not 100% on the ground all the time.

also your comment on how you feel like you should cast the open lock spell because you are to lazy to use a lock pick is annoying im sure you know this game better then the people who created it and beta tested it yes i wish it was still in the game but i don't give that much of a crap because lock-picking is easy.

many of the non combat spells were very limited if not useless. like water walking ok it has it's use's but unless you are going to be on water over 40% of the time then there is no point to it it only saves a slight amount of time for travel and i think the reason they took it out was because they did not feel like spending the days on coding it and making sure your character would not glitch with the water ( which if it did i am sure you would be [censored]ing about that right now ) just to save you 15-20 seconds of running.

long story short please Please continue, my good sir. and mage is fine if not best over all class spec

( sorry if some of this was repeated or started a sentence then stopped mid sentence and started another one it is 4:26 and i am sleepy i will correct the mistakes when i awake )

the concept of a large mage damage output in this game is laughable, plus the range aspect is not that beneficial for magic at all and is more beneficial for bows, plus the fact that many encounters in the game are in tight quarters in dungeons etc

also i dont see why anyone would defend their choice to take out all but the most basic spells, because thats silly and the magic obviously didnt get much development
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:27 am

I play a mage and many others do the same so...it has to be you not the game. It's single player after all, there is no need to do the most damage, have the most badass equipment etc.

I play a Mage as well, but only begrudgingly. Not because I'm actually having as much fun with it as I did in every previous TES game. There are so many things wrong with spells in this game it's pathetic, and the seies HAS turned into one that caters towards a meathead hack and slash style of play. I have an infinitely easier time on all of my physical characters compared to the caster.

And before the trolls reply with "Maybe playing a Mage just isn't for you", it's the class I've had as my first character in literally every RPG that allowed it and was never a problem until now.

In my opinion mages are almost fine, the real problem is smithing, enchanting and alchemy affecting melee too much. Melee is simply ridiculously overpowered if you max out those skills.

Yes, destruction might need some tweaking like scaling but that tweaking has already begun: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=611
I've tried this mod and it fits me perfectly. Once the Creation Kit is out, there will be much sophisticated fine tuning mods. What I would love to see in such a mod is a perk in Destruction which increases your damage by x% if you wear only cloth items because right now you don't gain anything from cloth as you can enchant light or heavy armor with -x% cost.

So relax, TES were always about modding. Once the Creatin Kit is out, all your problems will be solved.

Remove smithing, enchanting and alchemy for a bit. Know what? That doesn't improve Mages at all. Do you know why? Because the physical classes still have a much easier time thanks to weapon upgrades and skill increases. They won't be rushing to Daedric+++ items to blindly plow through the game, but they will still be steadily increasing from 1-50 or whatever. The way level scaling works in this game and because of how some elites seem to have ten times the health of trash enemies, it makes it much worse on someone who relies on a blue bar to deal all of their damage. The other problem is that the spells actually get more inefficient as you pickup the new versions. Sure, the cost drops as your destruction skill raises, but they are still less damage for the cost compared to previous spells. Then you have people saying "well lol all you need to do is powerlevel enchanting so that your spells cost nothing". So I should be forced to raise a crafting profession to it's max to make my damage tree viable? No physical class has to do this, and doing so with them just trivializes the game. You don't even need Enchanting/Alchemy on Adept level for physical classes to make it way too easy. Even on Expert, Smithing skill lvl 100 gear is way more than enough to easily plow through the game.

You are right about one thing though. It's up to the modders to make the game worthwhile in some areas. Although I would not go as far as to say it's as bad as Oblivion in any other area. I think Skyrim is pretty much everything Oblivion was lacking other than the magic system and some boring guilds/NPCs. I know people moan about the loss of the stats, but the functionality of them has been incorporated into your weapon skills. I loved screwing around, tailoring my STR/DEX etc like anyone else, but at the end of the day, unless you did something absurd, there was not really that much of a difference between higher level characters and it was all about gear and spells. And that's exactly how it is in this game.

this ---^

Wrong. And guess what? There are more difficulties than Novice/Adept and some people keep playing the game past level 30.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:06 am

BTW, my mage is walking in a sixy light armor.. :D

Not sure how its called, but those strange ppl use it in the south/west part of the map.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:08 pm

This is the first TES game I've actually liked mages in. The previous ones I spent all my time spreadsheeting to make ultra-high damage touch DoT's and it was [censored].
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:30 pm

This is the first TES game I've actually liked mages in. The previous ones I spent all my time spreadsheeting to make ultra-high damage touch DoT's and it was [censored].

---^ this so much this, the spell creation alter was way to gamebreaking, totally ruined the theme of the game and turned it into a "who can make the wierdest touch and bug everything spell" game
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:27 am

who are you, just some other idiot crying about how bad mages svck when u dont know how to play the new TES herpaderp

The NEW TES? By how to play, I assume you mean roll a dual weild warrior class and own face on master setting like you do right? Then claim it's all becuase of the lore. No thanx
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:02 pm

Who the hell are you to tell him he's playing the wrong game? I know Sanctuary here on the forums and he has been an avid fan of most, if not all the TES games. Who the hell are you? You are just some moron flapping your gums about TES lore that has nothing to do with what we are speaking about. TES games have ALWAYS been about magic

Hey news flash he can say whatever he wants . To be honest at this point i feel the same way if you don't like the game don't play it. The constant whining isn't doing a damn thing except pissing off the people that like the game.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:19 pm

no lol i play a summoner and have no problems with the mage, if your having issues dieing or getting owned either turn down the difficulty or adjust ur playstyle to suit the challenges and by that i mean invest in some MAGE ARMOR perks, they help alot, games about ur defense rating and some perks actually reward u for wearing CLOTHES! OMG NO WAI SO HAX
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adam holden
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:58 pm

I agree with the OP

The majority of the forum will disagree with the OP. Why you ask? Well ill bring out my calculations!

50% have not played a mage over lvl 40 yet and get owned by NPC mages
25% play with low difficulty settings
20% like the challenge
4% have yet to play Skyrim in detail but defend it without knowing the facts anyway because its the best game of all time!!!!!! O_O
1% Edit: forgot to put this option in. People get "annoyed" with criticism of the game on the forums (where apparently we can discuss the game freely) so they get a headache or a bad back. Then they get annoyed and post to complain about complainers. I recommend we raise a fund for these poor people who force themselves through such hardships.

I also like the challenge but I would also like the option to enchant my gear with magic power as well as magic regen. Then it will balance things out because then mages can choose to concentrate on mana regen or magic power. Then everyone will be happy :D ..... no I lie.... but more people will be happy.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:26 pm

Who the hell are you to tell him he's playing the wrong game? I know Sanctuary here on the forums and he has been an avid fan of most, if not all the TES games. Who the hell are you? You are just some moron flapping your gums about TES lore that has nothing to do with what we are speaking about. TES games have ALWAYS been about magic


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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:41 pm

then ur playing the wrong game =P

The right way to play mage is a) lower difficulty B) hire a companion c) use conjuration

right :) ?
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:13 am

Hey news flash he can say whatever he wants . To be honest at this point i feel the same way if you don't like the game don't play it. The constant whining isn't doing a damn thing except pissing off the people that like the game.

Nobody makes you read the forums. Where else do you expect people to whine?
Some level of whining informs decisions made in future games.
The rest is just the usual forum whining found anywhere.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:20 pm

Invisability + Muffle means you can get by without sneak too.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:53 am



Really? Have you played Morrowind or Oblivion? They were both huge on magic, go play the games and come back and talk to me.
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