Headline News! Mages get the Shaft.

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:20 pm

To be fair it shocks me how weak apparently mages are. I myself haven't played one yet but ever since I started it's all I've really wanted to do. It seems like every expensive item I pick up is mage related (which actually works out quite well for making money) but even like my Dwarven armour which should be beneficial to me apparently makes alteration skills cost 17% less to cast?! Not too bothered about it since I made my flawless orc armour but still..

Might still give mages a go to see if theyre really as bad as people say but obviously they're fizzling out. Maybe a lot of people just found it too awkward to constantly change spells and have the knowledge to know what creatures are weak to. Betheseda have dumbed down the game skills wise, maybe this was to follow in those footsteps.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:28 pm

I think it's kind of funny, personally.

Magic outpaces melee time after time, but the once it's not the be all and end all of a game there's such a ruckus you'd think the world is ending.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:50 am

Destruction mages are hugely overpowered. If you're even slightly skilled every single enemy in the game is an easy kill for a mage(at least untill level 30, above that I have no info) because the game is scaled and stay at the same difficulty level the whole game through.

I Could defeat any enemy in the game with walk turned on as a mage from start to finish

Mages need to be harder to play, but they made it easy like this because Bethesda scaled it for the lowest common denominator, for the slow and clunky console gamers. At master I can now do nothing to get a challenge out of the game with the class I wan't to play. Scaling has absolutely ruined another Bethesda game, removing my ability to go looking for challenge on my own, because the world is adjusted to be easy for me wherever I go.

I am not sure we play the same game ... with walk on 2h warrior chief will be done with you in 2 swings on master. Unless you are one of the posters who use companion, summons, abuse enchanting and then say destruction is fine :)
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:21 am

I think it's kind of funny, personally.

Magic outpaces melee time after time

Really? Tell me more.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:02 pm

How so? Everything I stated were factual aspects of the game, not opinions. Destruction spells don't scale, all of the the utility spells were removed, robes have no incentive. You trying to argue with facts?

I never knew water breathing dealt damage to the opposition. More of a utility IMO.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:48 am

Whats bethesdas new motto? If it aint broke..change it entirely??

I started this game as a pure mage, (always have been) and I must say after reading many of these posts talking about how the destruction has been broken I didnt want to believe it, I had thought it was just an exaggeration.

so i continued playing, and I must say for the first 30 or 35 levels of the game I had a blast, the destruction spells were bread and butter...than lvl 40 came.. and it slowly started to decline, becoming a nusance to fight.. It would take anywhere from 10 to 20 fireballs (or either other school of magic) to take someone down.. multiply that by fighting multiple enemies at once, and cant forget the fact that to benefit you need to wear robes for the most part so no defense.. now this was bearable but starting to get annoying..

...lvls 45-50 came around.. absolutely svcked. I quit playing and remade a new character.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:32 am

I never knew water breathing dealt damage to the opposition. More of a utility IMO.

Try casting waterbreathing when you need it.

Compared to any other TES game, Skyrim's magic is gimped beyond belief.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:12 pm

You're overreacting bigtime...
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:11 pm

Post limit.
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