Headline News! Mages get the Shaft.

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:57 pm

i dont know how you came to the conclusion that mages are weak O_o i must say they will destroy you should you lose track of them... they made mince meat out of my warrior quite a few times.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:34 am

my gf has a pure mage and if she needs to sneak around a bit she uses muffle + invisibility + sneak for the best effect. Is it really a big problem using the sneak skill?

Because I should not be forced to waist valuble skill points and perks into a skill tree I have no intention on wanting to use on a regular basis. I just want to have one of my illusion spells work well for me as a mage when i need it, without having to put much needed skills and perks into a tree im not using, just for one spell to function as it should
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:41 pm

Did you read the post or just the title. I gave valid factual reasons why.

And I disagree with every single thing you posted. I play primarily with magic skills, and magic feels much better than it ever did.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:43 pm

i dont know how you came to the conclusion that mages are weak O_o i must say they will destroy you should you lose track of them... they made mince meat out of my warrior quite a few times.

The problem is obviously not with NPC mages.

Its high level destruction that doesnt scale and all the fun spelllines that got cut since Morrowind and Oblivion making it an extremely bland experience for those used to more versatility than pew pew.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:12 pm

Because I should not forced to waist valuble skill points and perks into a skill tree I have no intention on wanting to use on a regular basis. I just want to have one of my illusion spells work well for me as a mage when i need it, without having to put much needed skills and perks into a tree im not using, just for one spell to function as it should

So you're saying you want to be good at an ability without having to invest in it...

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:20 pm

Ya and if you read through the forums, I'm far form the first person with this issue. Get your mage past level 20 and then come talk to me. I bet you have never even played morrowind so your opinion doesn't matter.

Between this and the COD comment you've made it clear that you are here just to whine.

You can't expect every game to be like the last one just because Beth made it and it's in a series. If every game was exactly like Morrowind there would be no reason to make a new one. Sure, I'm upset that enchanting has been gutted. It was one of my favorite things to use as a mage, and alteration is gutted as well. But this isn't Oblivion, which is where I perfected my mage character and playstyle (which has always included enchanted weapons). This is a new game and playing a mage requires some new tactics to make it work. So, I'm doing things differently and it's still fun. Rather than looking backwards and being all crabby about it, you can look at this game for what it is, Skyrim, and play it as it is or reject it for what it is. But to sit there and reject it because it isn't Morrowind is silly. Of course it isn't. And it shouldn't be.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:06 pm

Won't any soul PLEASE THING OF THE CHILDREN MATH! http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1283497-destruction-versus-one-handed-statistics/page__gopid__19376384#entry19376384
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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:37 pm

It is true man, but people who have no idea what they are talking about will defend this issue all day. I don't know why I bother other than to have it heard by Bethesda. Play Morrowind and the originals, then come tell me that mages feel A OK. Go back to Call of Duty please.

You're being very rude. And it really does sound as though you should stick with Morrowind. Skyrim is not Morrowind which is not Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:12 pm

The problem is obviously not with NPC mages.

Its high level destruction that doesnt scale and all the fun spelllines that got cut since Morrowind and Oblivion making it an extremely bland experience for those used to more versatility than pew pew.

This is perfectly said, mages feel bland.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:24 pm

its sad really. because magic was so uber exploitable in morrowind, beth continues to weaken it in a desperate attempt to stop people from calling it broken, ignoring the broken aspects of every other skill that develop in the process and forgetting that nobody cares if something in a buggy, open-world series known for its imbalances can be abused for fun and profit.

no, its when we HAVE to abuse the system that we take issue. a pure mage is either a conjurer or a cheater who uses enchanting to make all spells free, because any other way of playing falls completely short of warrior and thief builds.

but there is always mods... well for you at least. i have to slug through this console version for quite awhile before i can upgrade my PC to be able to play skyrim, you lucky bastards :sadvaultboy: .
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:04 am

Did you play morrowind?

Can you read?

a pure mage is either a conjurer or a cheater who uses enchanting to make all spells free

Seems just as much like cheating as is power-leveling smithing and enchanting for a melee char.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:37 pm

So you're saying you want to be good at an ability without having to invest in it...


I would think that being a master in illusion would be enough of an investment ;)
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:08 am

Because I should not forced to waist valuble skill points and perks into a skill tree I have no intention on wanting to use on a regular basis. I just want to have one of my illusion spells work well for me as a mage when i need it, without having to put much needed skills and perks into a tree im not using, just for one spell to function as it should

oh i get it you have difficulty picking priorities... placing perks in the necessary trees are good and all but your not going to get anywhere being so particular. you need more then one build to make a good class. you have 50 perk points to spend use them wisely even if that means sacrificing a few to other essentials outside of your normal trees pure classes don't really hold dominance you have to go for a hybrid class to do a good amount of damage. so swallow your pride and invest in sneak or something else that is needed or play something else
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:08 pm

After reading this article I'm going to wait until Bethesda patches the game for mages or wait until a mod comes out that buffs them. Basically they are 5x weaker than warriors according to the article, and that's a lot. It should be the opposite as mages are like glass cannons that do lots of damage but can die easily.

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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:54 pm

oh i get it you have difficulty picking priorities... placing perks in the necessary trees are good and all but your not going to get anywhere being so particular. you need more then one build to make a good class. you have 50 perk points to spend use them wisely even if that means sacrificing a few to other essentials outside of your normal trees pure classes don't really hold dominance you have to go for a hybrid class to do a good amount of damage. so swallow your pride and invest in sneak or something else that is needed or play something else

I hate playing mages, but are you seriously suggesting a mage should have to SNEAK? He has MAGIC freaking fireballs!
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:33 pm

After reading this article I'm going to wait until Bethesda patches the game for mages or wait until a mod comes out that buffs them. Basically they are 5x weaker than warriors according to the article, and that's a lot. It should be the opposite as mages are like glass cannons that do lots of damage but can die easily.


I'd settle for even being two thirds as effective as a warrior at minimum. Anything is better than what's in game now. Though with any luck they will balance it out to be equal. I don't get how mages got past testing, it's like no one looked at the numbers.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:33 am

I have a level 32 Brenton who is 100 in conjuration who REALLY begs to differ... mages can be insanely game breaking.
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:42 am

Did you play morrowind?

You sound like a whiny child, i have yet to try a pure mage but my lvl 36 assassin has no trouble with destruction.
In fact, i usually end up one or two-shotting people with fireballs and have to sneak up and slit throats just to break up that monotony

On a side note, morrowind isn't the greatest game ever and has loads and loads of flaws, and you shouldn't judge others for not
playing it "or the classics"

I love the game overall, magic system included, more than any previous game in the series (except arena, i still haven't gotten around to that one)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:06 pm

The problem is obviously not with NPC mages.

Its high level destruction that doesnt scale and all the fun spelllines that got cut since Morrowind and Oblivion making it an extremely bland experience for those used to more versatility than pew pew.

lol. I don't know what game you are playing, but as a mage I have never run around so much or had to rely on my wits so much to stay alive as I have had to here in Skyrim. And frankly I'm having a hell of a good time because of it. In Oblivion I used my bag of tricks (conjuration, destruction, restoration, alteration, enchanted weapon, etc) to win in combat, but I was really powerful ultimately and rarely ran into trouble. Here it's a lot more fun being the underdog. I have a companion that I need to help me, I rely heavily on my conjured atronach, and I still use my bag of tricks of several spells from different schools, and I do lots of creative tactics running around in situations with a lot of baddies or a boss fight. :celebration:
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:05 pm

After reading this article I'm going to wait until Bethesda patches the game for mages or wait until a mod comes out that buffs them. Basically they are 5x weaker than warriors according to the article, and that's a lot. It should be the opposite as mages are like glass cannons that do lots of damage but can die easily.


Ya man, but it must just be us whining ;)
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:09 pm

I like playing as a battlemage, but to be honest, I use to love magic in Morrowind, and Oblivion, I know where your coming from but to be honest, they had to remove some aspects, no clue why, and no reasons why, but I wish they did have levitate, but really, we just need to live with what we got.
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Nadia Nad
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:43 pm

oh i get it you have difficulty picking priorities... placing perks in the necessary trees are good and all but your not going to get anywhere being so particular. you need more then one build to make a good class. you have 50 perk points to spend use them wisely even if that means sacrificing a few to other essentials outside of your normal trees pure classes don't really hold dominance you have to go for a hybrid class to do a good amount of damage. so swallow your pride and invest in sneak or something else that is needed or play something else

That is ridiculous. Illusion has always been and should still be a substitute, not a complement for Sneak. No self-respecting pure Mage will waste points in sneak.

And you can have alot more than 50 perk points if you work at it, I'm in my late 60s.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:29 am

Ya and if you read through the forums, I'm far form the first person with this issue. Get your mage past level 20 and then come talk to me. I bet you have never even played morrowind so your opinion doesn't matter.

Are you serious? "I've spent more time sitting in front of a screen playing games and ranting on forums longer then you so your opinion doesn't matter!"

Take your elitist crap elsewhere, and don't bother returning until you learn to respect people.
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James Smart
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:48 pm

I hate playing mages, but are you seriously suggesting a mage should have to SNEAK? He has MAGIC freaking fireballs!

what good is a mage who gets chopped to bits after being detected? hes whining about not having invisibility so much the next best thing is to be skillful and sneak around your targets and picking the perfect time to strike...

come to think of it i wonder if he pays attention to the environment and has noticed that in a good number of dungeons there is oil on the ground for quite an observent opportunist to take a shot at with a fire ball
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:18 am

Ya man, but it must just be us whining ;)

I like how none of the opponents have used math. They just keep coming in here and yelling their opinions and stomping their war sticks sort of like... barbarians. :ninja: I see the conspiracy now, it's a plot by them to keep us under. We must destroy them. :gun: :rofl:
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