» Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:23 pm
I really, really hate to get in on this... because let's be honest here, the OP's argument for why mages get the shaft is just flat-out weak... but the man/woman has a point.
They stripped out everything (save for light) utilitarian about the Mage class, in favor of turning it into a purely combat-oriented build. Which, when it comes to mages, is utterly fatal. If you can't play a mage without having to rely on the other non-magic skills to perform mundane tasks... then you might as well not be playing a mage. That's the whole purpose of magic, in the first place. They sacrifice physical strength for utility and damage output.
If you take away both of those things, what does a mage have left? I love that they took the time to re-structure the schools... but this over-simplification of the spell-slinging 'archetype' has rendered the class both utterly weakened and desperately underpowered for the higher-level battles which inevitably come. This is why Spellmaking was so important. This is why the system needed to be refined, rather than scrapped.
Either the entire magic system needs to scale with the player automatically, so that creating spells is no longer needed... or the ability to create newer, more level-reflective spells needs to be restored.
As for the spell-functionality? I hate seeing lock/unlock gone. I hate that they took away levitate. I hate that they've stripped all of these good spells away because they're too shortsighted to bother designing puzzles and levels AROUND them. Nope, we can't be arsed to put -that- much thought into a puzzle! How else would we get our 300+ unique locations in?
Pfft. Doesn't matter.
I love the game. I even love playing my mage. But it's steadily growing more and more impossible.
Worse still, I'm playing on the 360... so I might just have to abandon my mage characters entirely after level 50 or so.