Headset Noob! How to??

Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:22 am

Got myself a Sennheiser mono-headset but it looks like others can't hear me. Can anybody give me instructions on how to get it to work? I want to use it handsfree so that's how I set the ingame configuration; VOIP; Enabled/ Voice Volume 90/ Push to Talk; Disabled/ Voip Threshold; 80.

My mic works. I can hear myself on the headphone and through the speakers so the earpad works also.

Now knowing Crytek.. Is this a known problem which hasn't been solved. Do I actually have a problem or am I just forgetting something? Is there another/better way/program to use a headset ingame? Should I maybe use Steam for this, and HOW??

All tips are welcome.
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Post » Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:46 am

Put your voip threshhold to 5? Then they should hear you! xD
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