[Relz] Heal Others

Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:42 pm

Ever seen a NPC gimping along after a heated battle. Ever wanted to Heal them In an immersive way, with out resorting to console commands? That is what this Mod aims to do.

The Mod adds 2 types of Injectors to Dr. Usanagi's Clinic. as well as off Julie Farkas (at the Old Mormon Fort) for sale.
one is a stimpak injector, does what a Stimpak does, but use-able on others! (requires you to have Stimpaks on you for it to work)
the other is a Anti-Venom Injector. for when people around you get Poisoned by those dirty Cazadors.

Save a Loved one! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43479

Name : Heal Others
Version : 1.0.1
Date : 08/16/11
Category : Gameplay Effects and Changes
Author(s) : Mak10z
Webpage : http://www.evilchicken.com
Forum : http://www.newvegasnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=245925 or http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/user/303823-mak10z/

this Mod adds a Stimpak Injector, and Anti-Venom Injector. enabling you to heal others and cure their poisons.

So I saw a group of NCR fighting the Leigon down in Camp Searchlight. then I noticed Sergeant First Class Astor was almost dead, and he would not survive another partol. So I got to looking for a mod that alowed me to heal him without resorting to console commands, I found the FO3 mod by Yngve91 (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4558) but the implementation was going to get my ass shot off by agroing his whole squad. so I began My Quest to make a better Version. also Decided to add the Anti-venom Injector as well. had too many Companions die to Cazador Poison.

you can Buy these Little Life savers at Dr. Usanagi's Clinic. as well as off Julie Farkas. for 50 caps. its a steal! :)

Manual Installation:
drop the Meshes Folder and the Esp In your Data Folder. you shouldnt have to over write anything.

FoMM Installation:
double click the FOMOD and activate Heal others in the package manager

Manual Uninstallation:
Delete MakHealOther.esp and the ..\data\meshes\Mak\Dispensers folder
FoMM Uninstallation:
Deactivate Heal others in the Package manager, once Deactivated you are free to Right click Heal others in the package manager and Select Delete

08/16/11 v 1.0 Initial Release

08/16/11 v 1.0.1 Added Sound Effects to the Stims and Anti-Venom when Used

n/a at the moment

Known issues and bugs:
the Only Issue I know of at the moment is Im pretty sure It Does'nt use your medicine skill to modifiy the Effectiveness of the stim. not quite sure how to get around that. so any hints are gladly accepted

None that I know of.

I can be contacted via the Bethesda forums PM (Mak10z) and via the Nexus PMs

thanks to:

Yngve91 for the original Idea and starting point. for my mod

poopoopapa, and TheTalkieToaster. with out thier help I'd still Be lost On the GECK wiki trying to figure the script

Tools Used:
Pyr?s: GuideLines (http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40278)
NifScope (http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope)
FoMM (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36901/)
GECK (http://fallout.gamesas.com/eng/downloads/geck.html)

Mod Dependencies:
None that I know of.

Future Plans:
I Hope to figure out how to make sure the Med skill is taken in to account when you use the stim injector

Recommended Mod:
Project Nevada

Legal and licensing:
You can modify, but give me credits.

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Quick draw II
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:58 am

I'll check this out later. It sounds nice to have.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:26 am

nice. i usually just killed them and resurrected them. this is a bit more "humane" though. :)

i was unaware that npcs even got poisoned. figured they were immune since radiation doesnt effect them.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:27 am

nice. i usually just killed them and resurrected them. this is a bit more "humane" though. :)

i was unaware that npcs even got poisoned. figured they were immune since radiation doesnt effect them.

Yea It just so Happens 3 days ago Veronica Got Poisoned and it bugged on me so it never went away, burnt 50 stims on her butt before letting her bite it. Had I made this sooner, I could have saved her!!!

:turtle: Curse my metal Body, I wasn't fast enough! :turtle:
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:14 am

Yea It just so Happens 3 days ago Veronica Got Poisoned and it bugged on me so it never went away, burnt 50 stims on her butt before letting her bite it. Had I made this sooner, I could have saved her!!!

:turtle: Curse my metal Body, I wasn't fast enough! :turtle:

strange i dont recall that ever happening to me. i wonder of you only get poisoned if you have armor that is under a certain DT? the first thing i do when i get veronica or sometimes even before i get her is get the power armors from the BoS questline and then give it to her. 3 or 4 suits is all you need to get one fully repaired suit and the repconn and boomer suits are easy to get access to early in the game. shes one of the more annoying companions cause she jumps in front of my sniper character alot i pretty much just store all my crafting materials with her and then just visit her at 188 if i need something crafted. :shrug: gannon is my favorite companion cause he isnt an uber killing maching like boone but hes more useful than cass or veronica in a fight.
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:03 am

I have her in T-51b off the BOS fools that got ganked at repcon, Nellis and Moe's crater . its 100% repaired and she still gets Poisoned almost every Cazador fight.. Maby Im just not lucky :P
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