Could be several things.
You have messed with his combat controls. Try setting his distance to "on his own," Run Away to "Not feeling good" and Attack who to "Whomever is closest."
He could also be crippled. That sometimes causes npc:s to run away in fight. Look at Vic, and if it says:"He has crippled (something,)" This can be fixed with doctor skill.
Thanks for the replies, I tried all of those plus all the different combination of settings for combat controls but he still runs away. I also checked his ammo and he has plenty. Very annoying, leaves me by myself. I also lost Silik(spelling?) earlier because I went to the "Primitive Tribe" location and he wont leave that area, he kept saying "I will catch up with ya' on the road" but has never appeared. Companions seem pretty bugged, I even have the restoration project and killap's bug patch.
On another note(Sorry for the bombardment of questions on this thread lol), I cannot find the "Ghost Farm" which is suppose to be north of Modoc. I have litterally explored the entire map all the way to the edge North of Modoc(even south a little ways). Did one of these patches move/remove the Ghost farm or am I missing something?
*Edit* I tried having Vic hold a different weapon, so gave him a smg and a hunters rifle. I told him to "Use Best Weapon" but he will not unequip the 10mm pistol? These other two weapons are a little better than the pistol I believe, so not sure whats going on here. I may have to revert to a earlier save, but my closest save that worked was about 5 hours back into the game
