» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:15 am
alot of conflicting opinions here ive noticed.
Personally, i think they all hold merit but as for my own.
Magicka not required, the amount you do have is enough (honestly it really is) if you are planning on being sneaky, UNLESS you like to use the illusion tree, if thats the case, chances are you will perk in this tree anyway and a illusion mana cost reduction enchant on a piece of armor will MORE than suffice.
The Health/Stamina arguement.. very valid....
If for example your backstab does fail (given how buggy it "can" be, ive had backstab fail whilst being completely hidden) then a nice health pool will get you out of a tight spot.
Id go 2:1 Health/Stamina until you reach 200 stamina, then drop the rest in health. (If you end up 10 magicka short or even 20 short of casting 2xfasthealing, then an extra 2 points in magicka will not harm at all, but as stated, so many potions laying around, magicka should not be an issue here that cant be solved with a timely potion).
As for perkage, at lower levels, it really is about Archery/Sneak. Try to get sneak and archery up early and you really can take a grip of an encounter. Currently on Master difficulty, ive crafted my warrior a lovely little bow and one shotting people. He is only level 12 on this run, with alot of points invested into smithing already (so combat wise, at a disadvantage).