Basically this mod reduces the built in health regeneration to a level where you have to rely on other means of healing.
You will still heal up slowly so resting for say 8 hours will heal you up but you wont notice much health gain over a timespan of 15min real time
Regeneration Potions are no longer useless, in contrary they are a valuable commodity for longer fights
Restoration and normal health Potions remain untouched, you will need both more often.
There were some Mods on Nexus already with the same premise but they didnt work for me, or came with some faults.
This mod alters the following records
[5]Regeneration Potions
Ingredients for regeneration Potions (magnitude)
load it after conflicting mods or the Regeneration Potions probably won't work correctly
Due to the altered Regeneration Pots method, their gold value is lower then before