Health System: More health would require more skills

Post » Wed May 27, 2009 7:30 pm

Crysis 2 brings the same flaws as the Call of Duty games in which you can perform neckshots (x1) or headshots (x2) or bodyshots (x3), but considering the normal latency, weapon accuracy and power... it's pointless to perform neckshots or headshots, since it requires pretty much the same amount of time to kills with 3 shots in the body.

In other words, it doesn't require much skills except to shoot first. A real competitive FPS would not only require you to shoot first, but also to better aim (headshot).

In Crysis 2, it takes 2 headshots with the Scar or only 4 shots in the body. Considering the accuracy and power of the Scar, there isn't much difference between the time it takes to perform 2 headshots or 4 bodyshots; it only requires twice the skills than just shooting first and that can't balance latency issues.

Headshots absolutely need to be more important than they are right now. To solve that competitive issue, I suggest that we add more health to the characters. It wouldn't take more hit to kill with a headshot, but it would take more hit in the body. That way, it would offer enough time for the game to compensate for the basic latency issues. That way, it would really take some skills to eliminate one or multiple opponents, the game will be properly challenging, fair, less random and fun.

2 headshots = kill
6 bodyshots = kill

3 headshots = kill
8 bodyshots = kill

Otherwise, the actual system can't be representative of the skill factors required in competitive gaming and Crysis 2 would remain a dumbed down FPS game like CoD, Halo and Homefront.
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kevin ball
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Post » Wed May 27, 2009 11:15 am

since when is halo a dumbed down FPS that game made the FPS genre. Gun stats need to be tweaked not the health system.
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Post » Wed May 27, 2009 7:15 pm

since when is halo a dumbed down FPS that game made the FPS genre. Gun stats need to be tweaked not the health system.
For Halo it would be a long story anyway. And you don't have gun stats without a health system. If you have to tweak the bodyshots and not the headshots, it's about both, not just gun stats...
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed May 27, 2009 11:44 am

Headshots become important when players use their armour ability during a fight, which happens a lot (because without it you flop on the floor from just an angry stare). That is an acceptable mechanic imo.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed May 27, 2009 3:15 pm

I really hope you are talking about Halo: Reach being dumbed down. Halo 2 and 3 sh!t on any other FPS game. This game so far is a joke.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Wed May 27, 2009 2:41 pm

I really hope you are talking about Halo: Reach being dumbed down. Halo 2 and 3 sh!t on any other FPS game. This game so far is a joke.

I'm talking about a game that doesn't require headshots unless you are using a sniper rifle. It takes 3-4 shots to take down the energy shield (you don't need to aim the head, anywhere would do) of your opponent and only then you can perform a headshot. Those 3-4 shots do not require any skills. And when you melee in Halo it doesn't require you to be precise, it's a generic melee attack and since Reach is the only game to offer evade; it's the only game that offered a decent melee attack mechanic, but evade was recently removed from Arena so it goes back to a casual state.

Crysis 2 has some potential, but if the game will remain random as long as that issue isn't fixed.

One of the main reason why so many people are still playing BF:BC2 default mode is because of the halth system that reward aiming skills. There may still be red arrows above the head of the opponents when they get spotted , but at least that gametype requires some serious aiming skills compared to the hardcoe mode in which one bullet can kill or a few bodyshots that can't compensate for latency issues.

Crysis 2 could benefit of both world and...

Rookies would return rookies,
Veterans would stay veterans,
Pros would return pros...
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