This kinda makes the Gauss rifle rather obsolete when compared to the DSG-1 sniper rifle
The Gauss rifle in multiplayer does 115 points of damage and the DSG-1 does 61 points of damage, this means that each of these weapons need to be fired twice on the chest area to kill and one shot to the head for a one hit kill.
head has a 2.2 multiplier
chest has a 1.0 multiplier
Given that the DSG-1 has better attachments (especially the suppressor) Why would you want to take the Gauss rifle? Isn't the health level supposed to be 100hp instead of 120 so the Gauss rifle could kill in one hit to the chest?
On another note a multiplayer bug report: It seems that if you equip the gauss attachment for any of the two assault rifles and then kill anyone with the gun, all kills whether bullets or the gauss attachment will count for a gauss attachment kill. You can exploit this and many easy exp.
Thank you for reading.