Daedrica - Heart of Azura
There is a tradition on my local german tes-forum to make a modding-xmas-calendar each year. After I had to decline last year, I'm on again this time. Most of the plugins are worked out in just a few weeks, so was mine. So plz don't expect a landmass of TR size and a new mainquest.
This is a new custom environment, hopefully eyecandy, plus some nice goodies. Most of the models were made by myself, with some help of my alter ego TheDaywalker, lol. All content which was made by myself can be considered as resource. A more detailed Readme will be contained with the PI.
THX goes to Vurt for letting me use his outstanding trees and groundcover, Arcimaestro Anteres, who's working on a creature animation, which might be released in an addon to this mod lateron and last but not least my man Chainy who does always have to fix all the stuff that I've messed up!

The plugin requires Morrowind and Tribunal and will be released in germany for the german version first. A translation will follow soon. It's interior cells only, so it should be no big deal. I'm still working on that project at the moment, prepairing for a long nite. Once the mod is out, I'll post a link in here to the gernan version, for those who don't want to wait.