Where can I view this information in the Construction Set? I looked at some scripts but they called some methods I couldn't find anywhere.
And if it's this way with Restoration/Hearth Heal, I'm guessing it might be the same for all other starting spells? In that case, I'd love to get more information (or pointers to such) regarding this so I can update my http://morrowind.inventivegamer.com/tools/chargen/. As of now I figured Restoration had to be among the minors or majors, but my Khajiit Monk shows otherwise. I want my tools to work correctly.

EDIT: I just read through the discussion page on Restoration. It appears that the game checks the chance to cast for all spells, designated as starting spells. If the chance is over 50% (equal to as well?), the character gets the spell. So I have something to go on, yay! And another calculator to make.