» Tue May 07, 2013 3:34 am
Most would not notice the iron ore glitch because of the perspective, they float above the ore. But on a lower level character of mine, the ore itself actually floated slightly above the ground, and he never did when mining it, he actually stood on the ore which none of my other characters had ever done. My low level PS3 character floats above it. It probably just depends on what you get the first time, because none of them have ever changed once it was seen. There are lots of mismatched textures in Skyrim, floating trees floating rocks, floating plants, they are nothing to worry about it is just they way they are built.
In Dragonborn a fair few times it seems you cannot mine, but you equip a a pickaxe and attack the vein, it works just fine. Always in the main game there has been the glitch where you mine and nothing happens, you are just stuck there doing it for ever with no reward, you exit and try again it will usually work. So possibly with the clay problem for some reason a new glitch has evolved. I have only heard of it with the PS3 version so far, yet we all got exactly the same DLC, with the same glitches, which is why I was thinking it might be something to do with having Dragonborn before Hearthfire.