Hearthfire bugsglitches, general performance

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:46 am

So I can place a ton of stuff, go outside, return inside, save and then leave and go about my business?

if anyone has comments feel free to help
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:31 am

no, you drop the items on ground, you leave the house, you reenter the house, then place the dropped items on the shelves/display cases/wherever you wanted to put em, and THEN save
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:51 am

Windstad manor? This is EXACTLY what happened to me, except I haven't even managed to put in one wing...
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:48 pm

Usually backing out of the table reveals different menus. I have used this to get around this problem at Heljarchen Hall. The problem with the drafting table at Windstad Manor is it just seems to get stuck. I'm left with the conclusion that you probably need to build Windstad first before you build Lakeview or Heljarchen. This might reduce the number of glitches you get at the drafting table, but I can't figure that out unless I test it with a different save file. When I build houses again, I think it would be best to build all the wings first before building all the external stuff.

I haven't had any problems with storage in the new houses. That has been a high point at least.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:48 pm

There's something wrong with Alesan (adoptable boy from Dawnstar).

About 90% of the time, his head and neck are one color, but the rest of his body are another.
He's a good kid, but he's freaking me out.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:09 am

Sigh, so I'm going to have to start a new game if I want three houses with three wings each. Yeah, I can get a few different menus for Windstad manor. Too bad none of them are the right one!
Well, I'll just tack that down on things to do a certain way next time 'round.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:41 am

You drop some stuff and leave, then come back and arrange them where you want them. You drop a ton if stuff something is bound to go wrong, small increments are best. Do a bit of decorating each time you come home.

The cats around Whiterun would be a better bet for sabre cat teeth.

Butter churn, apiary, chickens, fish and junk only respawn if you are absent form the house for ten days.

If you got robbed of a bard, kill the cow and the choices will renew, get the bard before you buy the next cow, and do not buy any more chickens.

It seems strange you are having problems like that on the PS3, are you sure you are not just looking at the menu for the small house? Press O, can you back out of it back to the building menu for the whole house?
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:35 pm

He and I have a similar problem with the Windstad drafting table. I'm personally unsure if it's because everything else outside was constructed. I'm fairly sure it doesn't have much to do with the other two houses, though the fact that workbench options for Lakeview comes up sometimes is a bit strange. What I do know from my experience is that it is possible to back out and get a different menu. What happens at Windstad is you'll get the small house layout option or just workbench options for wings already built at Windstad or different houses. So far, I've only built one addition to Windstad (a library) and three additions to Lakeview. Those are the workbench options I get. I will also occasionally get an option to remodel the small house to the entryway even though I've already done that at Windstad. I tried for about twenty minutes to get the full menu by backing out of the menu multiple times, but it was to no avail. This fix worked at Heljarchen's drafting table, but Windstad's drafting table appears to have a strange sort of glitch loop. Unfortunately, those of us stuck in that glitch loop can either reload another save or just keep trying to overcome the loop.

I also seem to have stumbled upon a glitch loop associated with clay deposits. At Lakeview my character will not even mine the clay. The animation of mining will show up and then immediately stop as if I had pressed something on the controller. Then I try to walk away and my character ends up right in front of the clay deposit again. A similar problem emerges at Windstad, but at least I am able to mine the clay there. The only way I can fix this is to fast travel to a location far away from the homestead. I tried fixing this at Windstad by fast travelling to High Gate Ruins, but it spawned me right in front of the clay deposit again. I had to fast travel to Solitude to break this glitch loop.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:12 am

it sounds like you are having some major problems here, most likely a corrupted save file or something unfixable without reverting to an older save. have you tried uninstalling the game data/patches and doing a fresh install? did you one when you first installed update 1.8?
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:28 am

I loaded a different save with only vanilla gameplay completed and I was able to build every wing of Windstad without issue. I did it without building any exterior improvements or building any furniture inside the building other than the small house. I did not remodel the small house into an entryway until all the wings were completed. I occasionally had to back out of the carpenter's workbench to get the house improvements to return sometimes, but that's pretty normal for Hearthfire anyway. I'm going to attempt to build Lakeview following the same pattern as before to see if I encounter any drafting table or workbench glitches.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:33 am

What version of the game do you have? Did you update to version 1.8 before downloading Hearthfire?
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:20 am

Oy, and here I was hoping I wouldn't have to start a new game every time a patch comes out. Yeah, I'm stuck in a glitch loop where I keep getting all the wrong menus. I have found this glitch at Lakeview manor, and workbenches, but they tend to resolve themselves after two, three tries. Windstad Manor's drafting table does not.

Man, not restarting/reinstalling when I got a new patch AND not keeping backup saves? I must be putting a lot of faith into Bethesda. I think what I'll do is just keep trying on my current game to the best of my abilities (Not like building a full house is going to keep me from beating the main quest!), and make a character later when Dawnguard is out, THEN reinstall and stuff so I'm hopefully stable as heck.

While I am sad to hear there's no way around this irritating issue, I do thank you for helping how you could.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:04 am

The 1.8 patch came out before Dragonborn was released, so that is up to date.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:25 am

New Vegas it was a helluvalot easier to place items in the SINK or anywhere else you chose to live. Here, it's just terrible I choose not to place anything anywhere in the home. When are they gonna fix our problems??????? Or are they just gonna say the hell with us?
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:48 am

It's that bad?
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:28 am

I spent QUITE some time trying to stand up the Dibella statue on a low table (in the house I was in before I moved into my Hearthfire one, I had it standing at the foot of the bed), but eventually gave up. The grab point is on the bottom so the only way to flip it over is ram it against stuff.
At least I got a jug up the right way on the dining table.

It's definitely harder to hand-place items in Skyrim than in Oblivion and New Vegas. Something about how touchy it is; makes it rather frustrating to put anything for display. I doubt it's worth a patch on its own, though, it's more a test of patience that you can win over with practice. Really annoying when you have heaps of stuff you want to sit on tables and shelves, though...
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:42 pm

i have a good glitch for you

check this thread out

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:01 am

Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread
I am so embarrassed
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:14 am

Where is the glitch? I would advise going back to a previous save and being a bit more observant about who you lose, how you lose them and when it occurs. And make sure to kill any enemies before they get in your house.

Your husband probably died in one of those attacks on the house you never noticed
Probably you left Shadowmere fighting something and a similar thing happened, either that or go back to the sanctuary and see if he is still there, if that is where he last was.
You only get a housecarl if you are Thane for that hold, the Jarl only appoints one, you get them killed you get no replacement.
You appoint the steward for each house, and you can only get stuff for the house from the steward. Not from housecarl's or husbands.
You cannot remarry in Skyrim
You could resurrect your bandits and have them follow you out of the house to get rid of the mess, although they would probably eventually vanish if you left them in the house and went off adventuring again. The QA testers might not have tested it though, not expecting anyone to let the bandits live long enough to get in the house. They seem to have only tested the obvious things, not the more unusual possibilities.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:09 am

It seems I have encountered yet another glitch at Lakeview. The iron ore veins hover above the ground. This particular annoyed me because it's just unsightly. Apparently all my saves have been corrupted. I suspect it's some corruption of the game data itself, but I'm not positive. I had been making saves and I never noticed this, which is partially my fault. But that wasn't a problem today because I specifically remember that my steward at Lakeview was mining that depleted ore vein. Now, he can't get to it. Who thinks to look for this? You saw it here first. So far, here are the glitches I've discovered during my time playing this DLC.

Lakeview Manor:
1) Floating iron ore veins above what I presume was the original map texture. I'll have to reinstall Skyrim to make sure this isn't a since game data corruption scenario. I'll post an update on this one, but apparently this can happen.
2) Clay mining glitch. You go to mine the clay and then you get caught in a glitch loop that keeps you stuck there without actually mining any clay. The glitch occurs at Windstad as well, but you just get stuck mining clay. Fast travel to a far away location is the only fix I've found for this.

Windstad Manor:
1) Options to build wings to the house disappear for an unknown reason. This is a simple drafting table glitch. I've gone into further reading about this glitch and apparently it can be fixed by placing items in the chest near the drafting table or removing them from the chest. I haven't tried to fix it on the save that was corrupted by it, but it was filled with major glitches like the clay mining glitch. I'll have to confirm whether or not that fix works.

Heljarchen Hall:
1) There's a more benevolent version of the above drafting table glitch here, but it will at least reset after you cancel out of the drafting table and re-entering it.

I'm hoping most of these issues get fixed in the next patch. As it stands, Hearthfire is extremely buggy on the PS3 and seems to be barely playable. This is very disappointing. Save and save often. When in doubt, uninstall Skyrim and the DLC and then reinstall everything.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:43 am

Everyone got the floating iron ore glitch in one form or another at Lakeview, nothing to worry about, there are plenty of other things that float in Skyrim. Either the character mining does the floating or the entire clump of rock can also float a bit above the ground. Everyone got glitches with workbenches, although the Windstad Manor one seems new. And mining has always been a bit glitchy. Dragonborn added a few new glitches to mining, maybe the clay problem is just an evolution on that.

They do not patch the DLC unfortunately, the patches only fix things through the main game. Pity the PS3 seems to have got a few extra bugs somehow, but nothing is fatal so nothing will change.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:24 am

There's no telling. Dragonborn worked glitch free for me. It apparently glitched at some point during the saves and I never noticed it, so it's probably something that we should always be looking for. Glitches are pretty well-documented at the wiki, but this one wasn't there. That will have to change soon since it's apparently more common than I realized. It's quite unsightly, but I guess I can overlook it as bad programming. I've been guilty of bad programming in the past and it was nothing this complex, so I can't whine too much.

Yeah. We're not seeing any horrific game crashes. I haven't encountered the floating ore glitch in another corrupted save, so I'm guessing it just loaded from the vanilla game save like that and got stuck. Who knows? Hearthfire at least isn't lagging the game significantly.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:09 am

Vanilla Skyrim has floating ore glitches?
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:34 am

Most would not notice the iron ore glitch because of the perspective, they float above the ore. But on a lower level character of mine, the ore itself actually floated slightly above the ground, and he never did when mining it, he actually stood on the ore which none of my other characters had ever done. My low level PS3 character floats above it. It probably just depends on what you get the first time, because none of them have ever changed once it was seen. There are lots of mismatched textures in Skyrim, floating trees floating rocks, floating plants, they are nothing to worry about it is just they way they are built.

In Dragonborn a fair few times it seems you cannot mine, but you equip a a pickaxe and attack the vein, it works just fine. Always in the main game there has been the glitch where you mine and nothing happens, you are just stuck there doing it for ever with no reward, you exit and try again it will usually work. So possibly with the clay problem for some reason a new glitch has evolved. I have only heard of it with the PS3 version so far, yet we all got exactly the same DLC, with the same glitches, which is why I was thinking it might be something to do with having Dragonborn before Hearthfire.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:12 am

I don't think so. I just think my vanilla save got corrupted somehow when I was loading Hearthfire. That's all I've got.
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