» Tue May 07, 2013 8:22 am
Ok, so i bought the PS3 Skyrim and when my character was on about lvl 7 i also bought the HearthFire DLC (only DLC i have).
I fully build my LakeView Manor, with Bedrooms-Alchemy-Armory, Everything furnished to the max, except Armory and Alchemy tower.
I could not adopt Kids after the work on the manor was done, so i got my character married coz somebody told me that this is the only way you can adoptin Hearthfire...You need to get married.
My character Got married to Darkeethus.
I got the mail that i can adopt in the orfanage since i killed the old lady in there, but still, when i ask for adoption the lady tells me i need a safe place for my kids, ergo i need kids bedrooms. WTF?? i have fully furnished my bed rooms, i even tryed giving lydia 2000coins to furnish the bedroom herself...
oh and one more thing, the Darkeethus bug (where he keeps on running from home) is on again, i need to keep him in my party, or else he keeps on spawning from the front door of LakeView Manor.
Note: i choose Lydia as the LakeManor for the steward, i told her to be as soon as i build the House entry.
Are this glitches only on PS3? coz i didnt play my PC copy for almost a year now and im not going to buy the HearthFire DLC on my PC , i just bought a new laptop....short on money for a while...