Hearthfire bugsglitches, general performance

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:56 am

they dont have that hand-holding option for them, instead what you have to do is enter the house, go nearby the case you want to put something in, drop the item(s) that you want to put in the case on the ground, leave the house, re-enter the house, go back to the item you dropped on the ground, then just move it into the display case yourself, and then save the game (you dont actually have to save the game tho, but concidering what a nuisance it is to move items by hand its prolly going to take a little time so you wouldnt want your time to get wasted )
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Roy Harris
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:33 pm

Does everybody gets this one?

I know is not game breaking, but it does take away the immersion feeling.

I've seen this kind of thing several times but always on distant from any point of interest. This time It's sitting there... 3 meters away from my front door And I see it all the time.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:48 am

New here and this is my first post Im not english speaking so excuse my spelling sometimes

So i hve been reading thru this whole thread and from what i can see none is saying anything about the wife glicht after she has been kidnapped!?
It drives me insane!
So for you that dont know your wife can get kidnapped and the quest to save her is very bugged, to just tell you the main issue is that when you get your wife back home she is not walking around the house like she should and she keeps walking stuck in one place and walking backwards and so on. Very frustrating.
First time i just went back to a previous save and started it al over but same thing happend. Second time she was bugged even when i went back to a privious save.
So now she is just bugged forever
Anyone know anything about this? I hope Bethesta is gonna fix this soon.

And i have one more question, i accedentley pickpocked my bard in my lakeview manor and he tried to kill me bc of that so... well i killed him and now i have a dead bard in my house. The corpse wont go away and i cant hire i new one from my stewerd wich is Lydia.
Someone have a way to fix this or am i just gonna have a dead bard on top my bookshelf where i put him?
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:51 am

i dont have HF on my ps3 myself so i cant help you with the wife issue too well, but you may try to get her to follow you (if available).. if you cant get your wife to follow you (never had a spouse on any of my characters, ever, so im a bit dummy on that matter) you may try getting their AI reset (make a new save game, kill the spouse, reload the save right after..just like resetting a berterers gold supply)

... as for the dead bard, you should go outside, kill your cow (and no, i am not joking..), then go to your steward, and both the dialogue for a new bard and a new cow should be available.. be sure to buy the bard 1st, cause if you buy the cow first, the dialogue option for bard will disappear again.. good luck with fixing your wife tho..
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James Shaw
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:39 am

My wife is Ysolda so she cant follow me and i cant kill her, i have tried Cant kill the kids eather.
Its been a wile now sense i killed the bard and have bought a new cow twice bc a giant killed it first end then bandits the second time. Doesent that count? Do i need to kill it myself?
Not buying a new cow again, just a waist of money
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:44 pm

ahh ok didnt know you cant kill your spouse...thank god im not married in skyrim as for the bard.. if the cow doesnt work for you, kill your chickens instead, see if the option pops up then (also it might be the corpse being there that wont allow you to buy a new one.. try using the dead thrall spell on him/her and kill it again)
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:00 am

Seems like some people has problem adopting a kid!? I had some to first before i realized that you need a fully furnished bed room for them. A bed and a chest isnt enough.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:22 am

This is for Winstad. More often than not (much more often than not) when I access the building bench, I don't get an option to build anything even though my house isn't completed. I think I've resolved this by walking into the house then back out to the bench, then I get building options. But I seem to have to do this every time.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:41 pm

yeah thats a known issue on all platforms... and you already know the "fix" to it
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louise tagg
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:50 am

I finally got around to installing hearthfire last night and built my house near morthal. everything was fine save for a few small table and workbench glitches easily worked around. it was fine until i started to store my gear, and in particular weapons and shields for display.

I put a number of quest reward and daedric weapons on plaques for display (dawnbreaker, skull of corruption, wuuthrad, and sanguine rose in particular). They displayed fine, but when i went to take them down they were marked as stolen and my housecarl became hostile and attacked me!

Has this happened to anyone else? I was able to use the bend will shout to calm my housecarl, but the items are marked as stolen. It was late and I didn't feel like testing if i could reproduce it, but i'll try again tonight to see.... just found it really odd that taking your own clean items would mark them stolen.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:04 am

The whole workbench thing i dont see as a problem, i just exit the workbench and then enter it again and it works.
But then i think its just alot easier to just let your stewerd build your rooms for you Worth the extra gold.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:19 am

hmm havent had that issue on my pc and dont have the dlc on my ps3 so cant really help you there except for the fact theres a real easy way to remove the stolen tag from items.. go to Dragonsreach in Whiterun, find the room the court wizard sleeps in, go to the dresser next to wizards bed, empty it, put all "stolen" items in there, exit the cupboard, then open it again and take your stuff back, without stolen tag on em
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:52 pm

but not worth the horribly long time it takes
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Charlotte X
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:22 am

Ok, so i bought the PS3 Skyrim and when my character was on about lvl 7 i also bought the HearthFire DLC (only DLC i have).

I fully build my LakeView Manor, with Bedrooms-Alchemy-Armory, Everything furnished to the max, except Armory and Alchemy tower.
I could not adopt Kids after the work on the manor was done, so i got my character married coz somebody told me that this is the only way you can adoptin Hearthfire...You need to get married.

My character Got married to Darkeethus.
I got the mail that i can adopt in the orfanage since i killed the old lady in there, but still, when i ask for adoption the lady tells me i need a safe place for my kids, ergo i need kids bedrooms. WTF?? i have fully furnished my bed rooms, i even tryed giving lydia 2000coins to furnish the bedroom herself...

oh and one more thing, the Darkeethus bug (where he keeps on running from home) is on again, i need to keep him in my party, or else he keeps on spawning from the front door of LakeView Manor.

Note: i choose Lydia as the LakeManor for the steward, i told her to be as soon as i build the House entry.

Are this glitches only on PS3? coz i didnt play my PC copy for almost a year now and im not going to buy the HearthFire DLC on my PC , i just bought a new laptop....short on money for a while...
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:38 am

You got a bedroom wing right? With child beds. The beds on the second floor dont work for kids.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:02 am

I posted this back a bit, and it continued even after getting DG, but when I switched to my 2nd character to play DG, her encounter rate was normal, and on returning to my original character, the encounter rate has stayed normal, and not the double-encounter issue has not returned. Miarra now rides up on a giant OR a bandit group, individual foxes, and necromancers that are only fighting each other, not Blood Horkers. Whatever happened has unhappened, and that suits me fine.

I wish some of the other bugs could be resolved as easily.
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phil walsh
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:14 am

i dont think the encounter rate being high is actually neither a glitch nor a bug as the rate percentages and all that are randomly generated, so your character was just getting put to the test i guess usually all it takes is quitting the game, turning off your system, (or inserting another game for a second, your choice) and then loading up Skyrim again. That will make the game "assign" a new encounter rate for your char
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:46 pm

Can I post annoyances here? (things that just don't work the way they should in-game, but maybe not serious enough to call a bug or glitch)

In Lakeview, in the bedroom suite (to the left of the main dining room, with double bed and 2 child's beds), I built the weapons plaque, which appears on the wall between the bookstand and a tall shelf.
The weapons plaque should hold a shield and 2 weapons. It holds a shield fine, BUT the left weapon slot hangs things upside-down, and the right slot puts weapons on the wall above the plaque.
Also, it seems to be on the wall too low; it's almost level with the bookstand.

I never considered the workbench thing a glitch; from the first, I just backed out , looked up at the hawk or something, and tried again. Inside, if I saw a lot of choices, it just made me suspicious, which caused me to back out and try again. The problem always seems to resolve/reset itself right away for me; sorry if it's unsolvable for some...
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:38 am

You do not need the bedroom wing to adopt, the single beds on the second floor can be used by children, you just need to make sure you have both beds in either children's area, and the children's chests in the bedroom wing, or the dresser between the beds in the upstairs bedroom. The children's bedroom has to be fully furnished for two children, even if you only want one.

Did you try those same weapons and shield on another shield plaque? The problem is usually with the weapons, not the plaque.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:10 am

I agree with Aussie that the kids can use the twin beds on the second floor. On my Xbox, my son and daughter took those beds and my housecarl was out of luck, in Lakeview, because I hadn't added the small beds in the master bedroom. I then added all the kids furniture but they stayed upstairs anyway, the ingrates.

On my PS3, I didn't repeat those mistakes, and I omitted the cellar to avoid the infestation, lol. I do have the same annoyance about the weapon shield in the master bedroom. I tried different weapons and it was still messed up. That did not happen in my Xbox game.

And people seem to think spouses are marked essential and can't die? My spouse died both before the DLC long ago (found his corpse floating after a pitched battle with Falmers) and recently after adding Hearthfire, again by Falmers. Of course I save often so I just reload. I have Serana now as a follower so hubby will stay home forever. I don't have a spouse in my Xbox version. I'm playing the DLC in the same order as they were released on the Xbox so have not started Dragonborn yet.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:56 am

As many others I have the experienced that when I open the out doors carpenters workbench it comes up empty, no text at all. Sometimes it works, and I can build stuff, the problem is I can build stuff I've already built and thus waste materials. I have tried this for the stables, animal pen and garden. This is for Lakeview Manor, and I have Lydia as steward, one kid, one dog and a bard plus Rayya as housecarl.

One of my weapon and shield plaques puts the swords up on the wall above the plaque, it actually looks good, but the other plaques doesn't. I'm not sure if there are two different kind of plaques or this catually is a bug.

I do wonder what's everyone got against my chickens, I've been attacked thrice, by bandits, a giant and a dragon and the first thing they all did was to kill my poor chickens.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:17 pm

chickens are like a blight to Skyrim, eh?
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:01 am

Were is the courier for hearthfire he isn't coming have you had this or have you got a solution HELP!!!
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:40 am

first make sure youre level 9 or higher (as for some reason even gstaff stated couriers wont appear for lower levels then that, in this post: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1443095-starting-hearthfire/ ) if you are, go to any bigger city ( Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude etc) and wait for like 2-3 full ingame days. OR if you are already a thane in either 3 of the locations you can buy land at (Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar) simply go to that town, find the Jarl's steward and see if you have the dialogue option to buy land.

And if even that fails, go to Riften orphanage and see if you have the dialogue option to adopt a child or not... if not, you need to simply re-install the DLC
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:29 am

Hey guy's and Gal's! I installed HF on ps3 last night and everything whent swimmingly. I only have one single bug: I have been trying desperately to mine the quary for stone and "mine" the clay deposite for my house in Falkreath. I built the small house using the matials that came in the chest when I bought it. Now I'm trying to expand. But I try to mine the stone and clay and nothing happens!!!! I restarted the game, uninstalled everything and re-installed but to no avail. I approach the clay or stone deposite and it say's I'm about to mine but I hit X and nothing happens. It is behaving like a depleated ore deposit without saying it is depleated.

What the heck?
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