» Mon May 06, 2013 11:36 pm
RIght after you exit the dream and disable the barrier, don't talk to Erandur. Go outside and save then reenter the tower. The saves, autosaves even, are what cause it to freeze. The bug will have fixed itself if you do what I wrote.
So I adopted two kids, threw them into my home at solitude with my husband and went to falkreach to become thane and build my home. I was SUPER excited. I spent a good six hours straight building this thing to prefection and spent over 20k in gold. I have everything, child's beds, and all furniture. I made my housecarl into my steward and travelled to Solitude to move the family into the new home. I can't move my family! My husband lost all talking options other than what's for sale, make any money, and follow me. The kids don't have a moving option either. I looked it up online and lots of XBOX and PC users have the same problem. I'm amazed there hasn't been a patch for them and we just got this. I don't even want to mention the freaking dead dragon that's been stalking me everytime I exit a building since downloading hearthfire, it just appears everywhere skin and all, and the kids don't recognise any pets I bring home... Poor Meepo.
Okay, but I even made my husband follow me to the Manor which I spent all that work on and he didn't recognise it to move, so I saved and added children's rooms to my normal home in Whiterun. The move option still never appeared so I went back before the save. I miss homecooked meals and the fact I can't even move my imaginary family to the imaginary MANSION I built for them. Please fix this. I feel like I spent all that money both in reality and in game for nothing. I mean we waited a year for this DLC, I understand there will be glitches but if Xbox has been complaining and now PC too then it's been a problem for awhile.