Hi. So in Hearthfire from what I see all your houses are standard material, and you can't make a log house...I really wished I could make a house like the Jarl's longhouse in Falkreath of wood. Is it possible? Is it possible with any mods?
Hi. So in Hearthfire from what I see all your houses are standard material, and you can't make a log house...I really wished I could make a house like the Jarl's longhouse in Falkreath of wood. Is it possible? Is it possible with any mods?
A simple log structure is well... rather simple with the CK. It only takes a couple of afternoons to get familiarized with it. One to watch a few videos and another to actually toy around with it.
A weekend spent can enable you to make one where ever you want with literally anything in it. Be warned, it will be very very addictive. There are all the links to every tutorial you will need, in the CK forum. Then again, there are literally hundreds of log type player homes on the nexus.
I think the op would like to be able to build a log house as we build the other ones within Hearthfire. I would like to be able to do that too; a small log house or farm like the ones of Faendal or Gerdur, for example.
Meh, the other ones look okay too. I might just Creation Kit it. Depends on how the Hearthfire library turns out. If it's a legitimate library with rows full of books, I'll keep if, if not, I shall have to get my hands dirty
It also svcks that you can't choose where to put certain things. The fireplace looks really awkward, it's placed at the far end of the first room near the main hall's entrance and it's jutting out of the floor very awkwardly. Same for shelves.
I understand that, dear lady. However, the only way he can achieve that is to utilize the CK. There are no BYOH "log home" mods.
just remember though, houses made with the CK are not avaliable for your characters spouse, or Adopted kids to live
If you want a Spouse or Kids, you will have to either buy and Build a Normal hearthfire home, or buy a house in the capital of any major hold.
Now, that's a pity! I'll have to do my own then.
That's actually how some of the great player home mod authors started out. They wanted a special little place and fell to the addiction and ended up creating a truly spectacular home and uploaded the file on the Nexus.
You could very well be next best thing to share with the world.
That's why we have http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11370/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D11370%26preview%3D&pUp=1 It only works with spouses, but Emma wrote that someone's making a similar mod for adopted children.
Not sure who said that spouses can't live in houses made with the CK. Any player home created can be navmeshed and given a 'location" script for spouses to take up there.
Of course the easier thing is the mod suggested by the Kitty Kat.
??? I assume you guys are talking about creation kits or pc mods or something? Hearthfire on the console is pretty much connect the dots, you can't really decide what you make or where, you can only decide to leave stuff out but otherwise building a house is a linear progression thing... unless I'm mistaken??? (please be mistaken).