No Hearthfire

Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:42 pm

Are there any known bugs I should be aware of that would occur by not having Hearthfire installed? For example, by having DG installed but not HF there was a bug with the Alchemy Lab in the Breezehome so that even when you purchased it, it would not appear.

Was that bug by any chance fixed with DB or 1.9? Are there anymore I should be aware of?

I will have DG and DB installed as well as 1.9, obviously, but decided that maybe I wouldn't install HF with this reinstall I am about to do because I never plan to build a player home, it always seems to kill my game both physically and mentally (long story), and I have no intention of ever adopting children so I just figured what is the point of even having it....

But if it is going to cause annoying little bugs as a result then I will go ahead and install it.


I don't even know if this is the right forum for this, there is no HF forum

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Samantha hulme
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:04 am

The alchemy lab issue in Breezehome is the only one I am aware of that occurs as a result of not installing Hearthfire. This bug was not fixed with the addition of Dragonborn as far as I know. There is a workaround for this bug though in case you are not aware of it (see below):

  • Hard save your game in a non-DLC area (i.e. Whiterun)
  • Exit to the dashboard and delete the Dawnguard DLC from your Skyrim folder (Warning: this will remove any progress you have made in the DG DLC so far)
  • Clear your system cache
  • Load the game up and select the hard save you just made and ignore any messages about missing content
  • Buy the alchemy lab from the steward of Whiterun
  • Make a new hard save and exit back to the dashboard
  • Re-install the Dawngurad DLC
  • Reload the most recent hard save that you just made and the alchemy lab should be available in Breezehome

By the way:

This is the correct forum for DLC technical issues. The three separate DLC forums were merged with the main Skyrim forums when the legendary edition was released.

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cosmo valerga
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:21 pm

Ahh, ok. In that case maybe I will just wait and install the DG DLC after I get breezehome since I always get it early on anyways, usually have it by lvl10-12. Thanks

As a matter of fact, maybe I will just wait and install both DG and DB and just play vanilla for a while until I am ready for the new content... that sounds even better actually.

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