Heartless / Cardiac Arrest!

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:58 pm

The only advantage to the Cardiac Arrest! perk (over the alternative Heartless) is an increased effectiveness of "healing items (chems)." But switching back and forth between Cardiac Arrest! and Heartless seems to have no effect on any healing items, at least according the Pip-Boy.

Does anybody know for sure which items are affected by Cardiac Arrest / Heartless?
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:26 pm

It says it right on the perk. :huh: "But on the bright side, healing items (chems) are even more effective!"
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:58 pm

So are you agreeing that the description is extremely vague? Or are you just being unhelpful by quoting the vague description as if it answers my question?

My question is WHICH ITEMS are made more 'effective' and how? Because I've tested both perks in side-by-side comparisons (not just relying in the Pip-Boy data) and there seems to be absolutely no difference in how many hit points you recover with Stimpaks, Healing Poultice, etc.

So what's going on? Are these perks bugged or is the healing item effect working in subtle ways that don't affect HP?
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