Wow that is cool...
Wow that is cool...
Yea, if she wasn't such a [censored], lol.
what??? you need to explain this one I am to busy now to get on my game and find out what you mean hehe...
She mocks you a lot and laughs at you when you achieve warrior rank. Which looks ridiculous because her face looks serious face when she does.
oh ok yeah I hate that when that happens too..
Alternately considering what this RP is about the Rumor's about the Arena being fake with berry syrup that Some NPCs in the game Oblivion said could be true. That way no one has to die haha.
What's all this about the arena?
Also, I substituted the song Colonel provided in his post with this:
Infinitely more entertaining.
Dat song man. We used to play that in my dojo I used to train at. Good times...
I LOVED the freaking combat fight awesome jobs you two and OMG loved all the music
it made the scene people!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!
my bunny is dancing now WOO-HOO...
Me and Colonel are master's of fight scenes.
Almost forgot it was a romance rp. JK We'll get there. Looks like Alix will get the first attempt.
Oh you never know just what I'll do next.. maybe I'll get their before the both of you. Wait a minute that didn't sound right hehe, guess you all will just have to wait until the next post.. You all want Romance ok I'll begin the dance
I loved that post Colonel. Very detailed and dramatic.
Still not as good as the scene with me and Phenix, though.
Nooooo.... She left me for your info.... though that doesn't sound good. But hey she did say to come back once I get over my shyness, which will happen. So, ha!
That's what I meant. But we will see, brother. We will see.
Name: Alix Fire-Heart
Race: Breton/Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Hair Color: Brown hair
Physical Appearance: Alix is a very handsome young man. He stands at 5'9''. Due extensive training in Khajiiti martial arts from his adopted father who was a Khajiit, Alix's body is very built and very strong, but unlike most other warriors, he's not bulky, but instead is lean and cut. His facial features for a Manmer are very Elven. High cheekbones, narrow jaw line, slightly almond shaped eyes, and delicate nose and mouth.
Eye Color: Silver
History: Alix's birth is a mystery to him and to all that know him. He doesn't remember his Breton parents all that well, due to them leaving him at the age of 18 months. Ever since then, he was raised by a kind and caring Kahjiit named, Ra'jhaara. Even though Alix and Ra'jhaara were completely different from one another, Alix has always looked up to Ra'jhaara as a father.
During his time growing up in the dojo of Ra'jhaara, Alix learned the mysterious Khajiiti martial arts, that was usually prohibited to foreigners, but Alix. During that time, he met knew friends and was eventually accepted as a member in Ra'jhaara's family.
When Alix was 18, him and Ra'jhaara decided to leave Elsweyr behind to go live in the Imperial City in Cyrodiil. During his first few months in the Imperial City, Alix was awestruck at the marvelous architecture and magnifience of the Empire. And during one of his his nighttime walks, Alix came across a garden that would change his life....
Personality: Alix is a very quiet and conserved person. He's not very boastful or loud and tends to keep his thoughts to himself. He is very respectful, it was the way he was raised. One of his quirks is, he likes practice martial arts at any chance he gets, so he might start throwing some kicks and punches out of blue. He also very shy around women.
Preference: Dat ass (women).
Edit: Reposted for updates.
Damn, the wolves Colonel encountered are much nicer than the ones I encountered only a few feet ahead.
I'm not that far up. You're all the way by Bruma.
edit: Oh wait, read it wrong. I'm still not near you though. I'm deep in the woods.