I know, it's just that we're both North of the Imperial City. I was speaking in hyperbole
I know, it's just that we're both North of the Imperial City. I was speaking in hyperbole
you forgot to change the hair color deary...
hey eveyone look at our new Alix just got the pic made for him today.. Anyone wants me to make them a pic let me know glad to do it for our role play..
I LOVED both post on the Wolves eveyone loves them so KUDOS to both of you
for such good post and HOWLLLLLLLLLLLL at the moon...........
That looks good. Could you make a simple one of Veric?
Yes I would love too.. Let me PM you now dear and get some ideas from you..
What I would like to do is make a pic for everyone of our members and then make a cool music video of our Cast and we can all vote on what song to use in the video too..
That would be awesome. It would be cool if we could choose a soundtrack from OB.
I have the theme song of Oblivion on my Skyrim soundtrack so that would be awesome and easy to make for our thread...
Really? Pics based on Skyrim or Oblivion?
it would be pictures of your character,our cast members...
I mean if we were to take screenshots of our characters, would they be from Skyrim or Oblivion?
Mine, Balrogs, and QoR's characters have barely had any intereactions though, We are both all only on two turns each. Speaking of which, Balrog my character did talk to yours.
I posted last so the ball is in their court.
Keep up People simply skip ahead on your post alittle to stay current on our timeline thats all.....
The creative use of the emoticons pleases me. I am amused.
edit: But we should chill lest we wake the bear. Freyr's not around to protect us from it afterall.
Ok I had an idea People, We should have a Casting Call for someone who would like to play a character who is a Journalist from the Black Horse Courier. It would be cool someone running around reporting the news in and around the city.. What do you all think? or