Hearts of Tamriel [Romantic Roleplay]

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:56 pm

Freyr Mer-Killer

Talos Plaza District

An hour later

Freyr couldn't get the fight he and Alix had out of his head. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't let it go.

I underestimated him. Plain and simple. I can't take this...I need to see him now. My body isn't nearly as bad off as his father thinks.

Freyr put all thoughts of hunting out of his head. He decided to go back to his original plan and fight until he couldn't fight anymore. This time, he was going to win. Then, then he could train with him.

Alex made his way back to the Talos Plaza District to go to Alix's house. He approached the door to knock, but stopped himself.

No, when I win, I want her to see it. She said she lived by him, I remember that.

Freyr figured someone like her likely lived in the Tiber Septim Hotel, so he went to check and see if she was there. As Freyr walked in, he got the same ugly looks he always did. He approached the counter to ask if Phenix lived there.

Hmph, an Altmer woman, great.

"Hello, Altmer. Does a young lady named Phenix live here?"

"Sir, I can't give out that kind of inf-"

"I'll find out myself, thanks."

Freyr walked past the counter and made his way to the bedroom area. When he did he saw no doors open, and they were of course all locked, so Alix decided to wait, and he began pacing around the hall.

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Kelly John
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:35 pm

Phenix – All Over the Imperial city, late afternoon

“Ma Lady would you like the latest addition of Black Horse Courier? Get the latest Imperial news here first.”

“Well yes thank you Sir,” hands him a coin.

I was so occupied by all the stores that I didn’t go in yet I just rolled it up in my hands and stuck the newspaper in one of my shopping bags. I then proceeded to make my way into the Red Diamond Jewelry store.

“Good day Miss. I’m Hamlof Red-Tooth owner of this fine establishment if you see anything you like just say the word.”

I just smiled at him and began to look into the showcases. Eyes widen, “Oh my so many jewels, so hard to choose one. Tell me kind Sir, you have any Rubies?” As soon as I said that his face went white as a sheet. He stuttered a little, “did-did you say rubies?” He looked down at a piece of paper and then back up at me.

“Yes I said rubies and I grabbed the paper from him.”

Giving him a suspicious look I glanced down at the note.

[White snow like long hair young women with a beautiful perfect smile, and undoubtedly will ask for rubies.]

I walked around the counter towards the store merchant. I took the small gold Dibella statue that was sitting next to the register and …

“Awe awwOooooo,” and smashed the top of the glass show case. “Oh no looks like you had a break in.” Taking a long piece of glass in my hands I move towards the merchant.

I move slowly watching him fear me with every step I take towards him.

“Now just you wait Miss, PLEASE!”

“Why do you have a note with my description,” pressing the broken glass into his throat until a small bead of blood is drawn. “You better start talking fast!”

“Miss, NO PLEASE you don’t understand! Please, unlock the register I am to give you something.” Uncontrollably shaking now he hands me the key to his register.

“You unlock it and give me whatever it is, do it NOW!” He hands me the tan tattered paper that I have come to love so much and also a small black velvet bag. I open it and out falls a flawless ruby necklace. The chain is made of the whitest gold and the rubies are in the shape of my initials PL.

My eyes darting around the room looking in the shadows for him.

“When??? When was he here? How long ago?”

“I’m so sorry Miss, he is long gone, but he said this will be your new dead drop. I am to be your new contact.”

“So please Miss let me live.”

“Hufffff,” I let him go.

“Well since I am not killing you now or anything can you do a gal a favor and help me put on my new necklace?”

I flash my beautiful smile at him and in my mind all is forgotten. He on the other hand is still shaking so bad he can barely clasp my necklace.

I stop to admire myself in the mirror before I leave. I miss you too Daddy. Touching the necklace with my blood red fingernails I knew I must have just missed seeing him. My heart sank and I could feel the loneliness return. The only thing that lifted my spirits is that rolled up tan tattered paper.

“Ok DB what do we have now?”

{1 Hour later}

I push the old wooden door open to the All Saints Inn and glance around the room.

Walking up to a very friendly looking bartender I just smile.

“Hello my good man, I would like to buy a bottle of your best wine please.” I drop the coins on the bar and take the wine over and set it down on the table in front of a good looking Imperial man.

“Hello I am Phenix and I would like to buy the yellow’s Champion a drink.” My long black eye lashes and sparkling deep blue eyes give him a wink.

“Oh and I think you might have dropped this.”

Slowly I bend down in front of him where he is sitting to give him a good look of what the Divines blessed me with.

I lay the letter in front of him.

“Here ya go Dominic…..”


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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:26 pm

"Here you go, sir," Willet said, hanging Dominic his meal.

"Thank you, sir," Dominic replied, dropping his payment on the table. He then took off his helmet and began to eat. He only ever took off his helmet when he was eating or washing himself. The rest of his life, he had it on, even sleeping in it, full armor and all. In his line of work, he had to take all the precautions he could. http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/6/6b/MadnessHelmet.png, slightly matching http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/4/43/EbonyArmor.png. He had acquired it from a traveling merchant who claimed it was very rare. It cost a lot, but it was the best fit for a helmet that could protect his face and match the rest of his armor.

While he was eating, a woman sat next to him, ordering some wine. He ignored her, but then turned to him and said that the drink was for "yellow's Champion". Turning to look at her, he laid his naked eyes upon a woman for the first time in years. She gave him a wink, but Dominic didn't show any reaction. Then she said that he had dropped something, bending down to pick it up, and then handed him a paper.

Dominic carried nothing with him besides his sword, shield, and armor, so he knew that this wasn't his. He opened it anyway, and saw a surprising lack of words. Rather, it was his name, a symbol, and the vague statement "We Know". Dominic recognized the symbol; the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood. Were it not for the name on it, he wouldn't have thought it was for him. He took the message the only way that made sense: a threat. Dominic had been deliberately attacked by vampires before, seeking revenge for his work, but he had only came across the Dark Brotherhood when he saw them on the move; never had he actively hunted them down like he did his vampire foes. Still, he had apparently done enough to become their target. Or perhaps someone else had made him a target. Either way, it meant that he would be faced with some form of hostility.

Given the nature that this woman appeared, she had to be part of the Dark Brotherhood herself. Her conceited demeanor about the affair filled Dominic with a sense of rage, but he couldn't act. He wasn't about to cut down this woman for the implication that she might be part of the Dark Brotherhood, let alone in a place of food within this holy district. He dwelt on that simple sentence for one more second. "We know."

Dominic turned away from her and put his helmet back on. Then he stood up slowly and looked at the girl.

"No, you don't know," he said with scorn.

And with that, he left the inn. Willet called after him: "Sir, you haven't finished your meal!"

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:32 pm

Phenix – Imperial city, late afternoon at the All Saints Inn

"No, you don't know," he said with scorn. Then he left..

His distaste for me was evident and I have to say I wasn’t use to that.

Umm, wonder why my Daddy and the DB wanted him to join in the first place. I mean he did take great pleasure in killing the Orc and desecrating the corpse in the arena, which was impressing. He would make a great Assassin since he was already a great murderer.

Shrugs it off. I mean who am I really to question the reasoning of the Dark Brotherhood. They recruit who they want; I am just the new messenger….

Leans back in the chair pops open the bottle of wine.

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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:51 pm

Jaden the Inn and hotel afternoon

DAMN IT Phenix you know how you get when you drink wine! Phenix turns around and sees me standing over her shoulder. Stupid, stupid, girl you didn’t even hear me coming! What if I was your enemy? Not all the smiles and cleavage flashes is going to stop a kill. YOU know this! Grabs the wine takes a big old swig. Looks like I got here just in time too. I see you haven’t learned to save a little money for a rainy day either by the looks of things you bought out all the stores. It’s a damn good thing your Father isn’t here to see you in this kind of state.

Phenix is drunk off her ass and laughs at me. What? What was that chippy? I dare you to say that again! Phenix murmurs under her breath.

I help this brat to her feet and away we go back to the hotel. Laughing and flirting with every guy that we pass on the street just pisses me off and I want to slug her (but my arms are full of shopping bags,) plus I feel for the girl.

I am no idiot; she plain and simple is just like the rest of us bloats miserable, and alone with the exception of myself that was given the job as her guardian. We walk into the hotel and walk upstairs through the door. A big strapping guy (think maybe he is a Nord-takes one to know one,) is in the hall way. To my right phenix tells me that’s her room she is too busy eyeing this guy she didn’t notice her door was open and another guy is inside. What the [censored] Phenix? I let phenix go along with the damn shopping bags and unsheathe my perfectly balanced ebony blades. Raising them both high in the air pointing each one of them at the men.

You guys better start talking!

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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:22 pm

Freyr Mer-Killer

Talos Hotel


Freyr was growing impatient waiting for Phenix to come to her room. He started thinking about where she could be in the Imperial City and how he could find her.

This is silly. Maybe I should just go and hunt. Call it a- no. I can't. I have to show her I am stronger, so I can get to know her. I will be the one she admires, not Alix. And Alix...I'll show him. I wasn't angry before, but now I am. I'll show him just what a barbarian can do. Where the hell is she?

Freyr started picturing Alix off somewhere flirting with Phenix, even bedding her, and thought that for all he knew they could be together right now in one of these damn fancy rooms. Freyr went back and checked all the doors to see if they were locked, just in case he missed one. Surely enough one of the doors was unlocked, and Freyr quickly moved his way in.

"Phenix? I wanted to talk t- What the? Alix? What the hell are you doing here? Get up, round two starts right here, right now!"

As soon as Freyr said this, Phenix and some other woman come in behind him with ebony daggers raised, causing Freyr to go instinctively on the offensive and draw his axes.

"You guys better start talking!"

"I am Freyr, the one that your friend there will fall in love with. Who are you? I have no quarrel with you. Only this one here. I suggest you stand aside unless you wish to get caught in the middle. It could get deadly."

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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:42 pm

Gaelyn Stinclave, Talos Plaza District, Morning

Just as the girl had thanked Gaelyn she started to cough up a red liquid that looked like…”Blood? Okay, that’s not good.” Turning away briefly, the Imperial glanced around but couldn’t see any signs for a healer. Turning back to the Breton, she was slightly alarmed by the amount of blood on the cobblestones, but hoped that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. The girl was still standing, after all.

“Do you know where the nearest healer is?”

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Solène We
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:49 pm

Lilly Emily, Talos Plaza district, Moring

She tried to wave her off, not wanting to burden her,

"No..it's fine..."

She tried to stand well on her own, but if she tried she would start coughing again. She coughed out a little more blood.

"I'll be alright, don't burden yourself by my count."

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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:50 am

Veric Athellered, Talos Plaza District, Morning.

Veric got close enough to the two others to make out the last things they had said to each other, and also he noticed the fiarly large splater of blood on the ground. He immediately shot them both a concerned look and with a voice that seemed deeper than a whelp like him should have he spoke.

"Mara's Mercy, are you alright Madam!? Come, let's get you to the Temple of the One right away and I am sure that they will be able to fix you up in no time." As the words fell from Veric's lips his non-confident mind was already berating him, telling him to not sound like some creep trying to take advantage of the situation. Unfortunately for him his facial expressions were probably conveying the same sentiments. "Erhm.. what I mean to say is, if you think you can muster the walk to the Temple I will have my father and the other priests help you in any way they can."

He looked innocently at Lilly as he quietly spoke (though loud enough for them to hear him) then looked over at Gaelyn for a few moments then shifting his eyes back. "Or if you prefer, I have some potions back in my home that I would be more than delighted to give. It is your decisions though Miss..." He let the word miss trail off in the hopes that either one of them would actually feel like talking to him instead of just scoffing him away like usually happens with people around his age.

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:29 pm


Tiber Septim Hotel


While waiting for Phenix, Alix laid in her bed. This is the bed that Phenix sleeps on. It smells amazi--

Two things happened at once. First Freyr busted through the door and was flabbergasted that Alix was in Phenix's room. Then a creepy looking Nord woman with ebony war axes starts yelling to the both of them.

This day just gets weirdier and weirdier. Then Freyr pulled out his war axes and started threatening Alix's life. That's it. Enough of the nice guy routine. Getting up from the bed, Alix shouted at Freyr, "Put those axes away,now!! If you don't, bad things will happen, Nord!!!"

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:35 pm

Freyr and Alix

Talos Plaza Hotel


Freyr, turned around and faced his intended target. A sneer crawled onto his face as he sheathed his weapons.

"The only reason I comply is so not to slay my training partner. This time I'm angry, so don't expect it to go the same way. Now, get up and face me!"

Freyr runs for Alix and sends a left punch soaring towards Alix's face as he seeks retribution for his defeat from earlier.

Smiling Alix said, "Bring it savage!"

With lightning quick speed, Freyr threw a left punch that caught Alix off guard. Thinking quickly, Alix reared up and threw a flying sidekick straight into Freyr's midsection sending him flying back and hitting the wall out of the room. Running up to the dazed Nord, Alix threw a vicious right uppercut followed instantly with a left elbow...

Freyr after hitting the wall took the hit to the face, then parried the elbow hit with his arm. Afterwards, Freyr grabbed Alix's head and proceeded to ram his forehead into his face repeatedly.


Afterwards, Freyr sent his knee in the direction of Alix's midsection area...

Freyr was able to parry the elbow thrown by Alix. Dammit. Freyr then started to repeatedly ram his forehead into Alix's. I can't concentrate, it hurt's.

Alix felt a knee hit his abdomen. It hurts even more now. [censored] I need to take him out.

Grabbing the Nord's face, Alix rammed Freyr's head into the wall, then took him by the back and kicked him down the stairs. Jumping off the top of the stairs onto the floor, Alix picked up Freyr with one arm, dragged him to a chair and started beating his face in.

"You think just because I'm some Manmer, that I can never best a brainless Nord like you in combat well think again!"

Freyr started laughing at the comment before he grabbed Alix's fist to stop his punching.

"Yes, I do! Before today, you've never faced a TRUE nord!"

Freyr grabbed Alix's other arm, and fulled him towards his head and headbutted him some more. Then he stood up and simultaneously picked Alix up off his feet and lifted him over his head. Afterwards, Freyr ran full speed into a wall, using Alix's back to block the impact. Then, the savage nord picked up the chair that Alix propped him in and picked it up to use as a weapon.

"Get up! I just started having fun! GET UP!"

The force of the impact on the wall knocked the wind out of Alix. Man, so this is a Nord...

"You must not know the real Alix...."

Getting up in a flash, Alix looked at Freyr with a murderous intent. Kill,kill, kill, kill!!!!! Rushing foward with inhuman speed, Alix sent a punch straight to Freyr's face. Alix could hear the crunch of bones. Quickly stepping back oout of range of the chair, Alix spotted a sword as a decoration on the wall. Leaping up 6 ft, Alix grabbed the sword and rushed at Freyr...

Freyr was dazed by the punch, but despite hearing something crack, didn't feel it. His adrenaline was pumping too hard, and his battle haze was too strong.

Whatever it was, it's nothing a healer can't fix.


Freyr observed Alix lifting a sword off of the wall, and chills literally began to rise up his spine. Suddenly Freyr let out a long bellowing laugh. He was truly excited. The people around beholding the spectacle simply watched in horrified astonishment at the scene of the two young warriors. Still laughing, Freyr drew his axes while saying...

"Hahaha! Now you're talking! I didn't intend on killing you before, but now...anything's possible. Come!"

Freyr crouched his legs and pointed his axes straight towards his charging target and waited for him to come. His hands were slightly trembling partly from the adrenaline, partly from the blood rush, and partly from pure ecstasy. This is what he lived for.

Using a quick feint, Alix slashed Freyr's thigh then swooped the blade towards Freyr's face...

Freyr lifted his foot to block the sword slice to his thigh with his steel boot, well aware of the vulnurable points on his body. Afterwards, Freyr leaned back to dodge the sword slice to his face, and sent his boot to Alix's gut after he missed, hoping it would hit, and knock him back.

Freyr dodged blocked the strike to his face and sent his leg into Alix's midsection, at that moment, Alix keeled over. What's happening to me? Reeling in pain, Alix dropped his sword, and said to Freyr, "You win this battle, Nord."

Freyr didn't hear what he said, still too consumed by his adrenaline. All he could see was that Alix had dropped his sword, and that he stopped fighting.

"What are you doing? Pick up your weapon! You still have some fight left in you, I can tell! Pick it up!"

"No. You clearly have the upper hand. It would be a waste to continue this mindless violence. Let's finish in the Arena, like men. Or are you afraid to fight your father? Because if you don't, then I will. I'm joining the yellow team."

Freyr listened to his words, having calmed down a bit, although his chest was still booming from heavy breath both from fatigue and the remnants of his excitement. Freyr sheathed his axes and held out his hand for the Breton to shake.

"You are the first worthy opponent I have ever met, and to my surprise you are not of nord blood. I would be honored to one day fight you to the death in honorable combat. But I ask you, do not join the yellow team. Join the blue team. When we are both champions on our side, then....then I will duel you."

Taking the Nord's hand, Alix got to feet. Looking at the Nord and faintly smiling, Alix said, "I promise to join the blue team for your sake. Until the day, lets not hold any resentment or grudge against one another. I feel like you are the brother I never had", grabbing Freyr's forearm, Alix quickly hugged Freyr. Looking back at him, Alix continued, "You're big you know? Hahaha, let's get something to--"

"Stop right there, vagabonds!"

Freyr looked behind him to see the crowd of people behind them cowaring in the corners and hiding under the table in fear of the two warriors in the room. In front of the doorway blocking their exit were two guards with their swords drawn. One of them none other than K'avar, the Redguard that was always giving him grief.

"You! Savage piece of [censored], you're gonna rot in a cell til the next era for what you did to me! And now you're here starting trouble in the most expensive hotel in the city?"

"Hey, I payed my bounty off already for knocking you out, and me and this one were simply having a sparring match. Last time I checked, that wasn't illegal, fool. We were just about to see ourselves out."

K'avar took his helmet off and threw it to the ground, visibly infuriated that he couldn't lock Freyr up legally.

"You! Breton. Who started this fight? Did he attack you first, or was this really a... "sparring" match?" said K'avar.

Looking at the guard, Alix replied, "It was sparring match, sir. If you want we can spar, but I doubt you'd win though. I was the one who gave Freyr those bruises from our earlier sparring match. Now please, out of our way'', looking back at Freyr, "Let's go get some mead, Freyr."

Freyr started to laugh at the redguard as he and his partner left with their tails between their legs. Still standing in the hotel, Freyr called out as loud as he could.

"Hahaha! Maybe next time, bastard! Ha!"

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:16 pm

Phenix, Evening, Talos plaza Hotel

Hearing her annoying voice echo in my ears the room started spinning.

“DAMN IT Phenix you know how you get when you drink wine!”

“You’re not my Mother Jaden so go fall on your own sword!” The next thing I felt was her through my arm over her shoulder as we left the Saints Inn. Oh the irony of it really made me laugh and blurt out my thoughts probably a little too loudly. “Jaden, Jaden isn’t it funny I gave this Dominic an invitation to join the Dark Brotherhood in an Inn called All Saints Inn ha-ha?” That is just too funny. She wasn’t in the mood for laughs as we stumbled down the streets back to my Hotel.

Finally we make it back to the hotel and the lobby was buzzing with activity. We walk past the Hostess Augusta and she tries to tell us about the gentlemen we have waiting upstairs. Jaden however is in too much of a rush to stop for one minute and listen to her. Jaden let’s just say is not a people person and avoids crowds at all times. We make it upstairs and pass the door into the long hall were all the rooms are located. Sure enough the next thing I feel is myself dropping to the ground along with my shopping bags. I hit the floor with a thud landing on my back. “Whoa what a trip.” Staring up at the stone ceiling I can’t help thinking to myself that this is some type of metaphor for my life, always upside down and surrounded by baggage….

“You guys better start talking!”

I turn around onto my stomach and try to focus on who she is talking to. Hey I know him; he’s that rude Nord that never properly introduced himself to me. Wait a minute then my mind cleared a little, he also was my target. I see Jaden pull her ebony swords and point them at him and to someone that must have been in my room. My door was locked when I left so who the heck is in there and how did he get in? Have I been found out? There is nothing worse for an Assassin to be burned and I don’t mean by fire. Unfortunately if a member of the Brotherhood was to be found out they would be punished by penalty of death. I felt sick until I heard the Nord say;

"I am Freyr, the one that your friend there will fall in love with.”

Love? Love, ha, really is he nuts? I never had love in my life nor do I want it! Love is for the weak.

Then my intoxication took hold and all I heard from that point was bla, bla, bla…

“Could get deadly.”

Now you got my attention Nord Freyr…

"Put those axes away, now!! If you don't, bad things will happen, Nord!!!"

His voice was familiar and soothing to my ears. It was the handsome gentleman with silver eyes that I sat next to at the Arena earlier. I can’t lie my heart actually skipped a beat when I heard Alix’s voice.

The next thing I see is a blur as the huge muscular Nord runs straight at Alix.

"Bring it savage," he yells!

Jaden quickly flies into Guardian mode and helps me up and pins me close to the wall getting us both out of the way.

She turns towards me and says,

“What happened to shivery? You see Phenix how both men are so taken in by brawling they were completely content on leaving you right on the floor,

like a dog? I was the one Again that had to take care of you!”

Her words stung like a bee for she spoke the truth even if I didn’t want to hear it.

Both men traded blows one after the other. As disappointed in them as I was for showing the lack of manners towards me I couldn’t take my eyes off the fight. Neither could Jaden. The sight of blood excited her vampire ways and I had to tell her to cover her eyes with her hood before someone noticed her. By then the men had taken the fight downstairs in the hotel lobby where a lot of the hotel guest where having dinner. Jaden and I followed them watching every move. I laughed at the men trading insult with injury. I marveled at each of their unique combat skills. Nothing sobers you up quicker than being on the sidelines of a fight like this one. Just when it was getting real good I heard Alix say,

"You win this battle, Nord."

What? No. Ahh, gee he was bested by the big Nord. Looking around the room I was the only one besides Jaden that weren’t hiding under the table in fear. Then to my amazement the men stop fighting and shake on it. I don’t know where they both come from but when and if I have to fight it is without a doubt to the death anything else is not an option.

Then wouldn’t you know it the darn Guards coming busting through the door. From what I could make out the guards and the Nord had history, bad history. They exchange some not so friendly words and then left. Umm, I can exploit this distaste from this Guard K'avar and my Nord target.

"Let's go get some mead, Freyr."

“What? Are you kidding me?” Woops did I just say that out loud again?

I through my hands up in shock….

Jaden gives me a smirk then says,

“I told you so. See all men are the same. They have already forgotten about you little chippy.” Now their pulverized bodies are just making me hungry. I’ll be back later now go to your room and sleep it off.

Jaden slips into the shadows of the room and leaves the hotel.

“That’s just great I am not even tired yet!”

I walk slowly back upstairs and pick up all my stuff in the hallway.

I turn and shut the door but this time I make sure I lock it……

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patricia kris
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:54 pm

Alix Vanne

Tiber Septim Hotel


Get a hold of yourself, Alix. Remember what you came here for. That's right Alix originally came to ask Phenix out on a date, but got distracted when Freyr messed up his plans. Looking back at Freyr, Alix said, "On second thought, we can get some mead later Freyr. Make sure to meet up at the Arena at 11 o'clock tomorrow. We're both going to sign up for the blue team together. Well see you later."

Walking up the stairs, Alix came near the door to Phenix's room. She probably mad at me for fighting. Dammit, I need to make this right. Gathering up his courage, Alix knocked on Phenix's door. "Phenix it's me Alix. I need to talk you, please. It's about what happened recently. I--I'm---I'm sorry..." Please open the door, Phenix.....

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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:28 am

Freyr Mer-Killer

Talos Plaza Hotel


Freyr knew exactly what Alix wanted to stay for, but after the fight, he thought it would be best if he gave her space. He'd get his chance to speak to her. After all that him coming in to talk as well would be too clingy, and he needed to go hunting afterall.

Don't think this is me giving up. I'll have my chance. Besides, I need to get healed up.

Freyr being content with her seeing him fight left the hotel and made his way off to the temple of the one to look for a priest to heal his wounds.


Two hours later

Freyr feeling much better now after the priest healed him up was hiding in a tree with his hunting bow drawn, waiting for wildlife to pass by. The wind in Cyrodiil did not pick up as much as it did in Skyrim, so Freyr did not need to worry as much about his scent being carried in the wind. In some brushes in front of him he noticed very slight movements in them. When Freyr looked closer, he could see a rabbit pop out that was eating some nuts. Now that Freyr's mind was clear of anger, he realized how much of a fool he had been over a woman he just met.

These Imperial women in Cyrodiil do not go about courtship in the same way that they do in Skyrim. They take months...sometimes even years before they profess love. I must be patient. Like hunting. I will wait until the time is right, and then....strike.

Freyr had drawn his bow and launched an arrow at the rabbit while he was contemplating this. The rabbit fell quite easily at the strike of the arrow.

Well, that'll be dinner for tonight. I may have to wait until morning for a deer.

As soon as Freyr internally said this, a wolf came out of nowhere, and grabbed his kill just before running away with his stolen prize.

"What the?"

Oh, you son of a [censored]! Literally! Get back here with that rabbit!

Freyr hopped out of the tree and ran full speed to catch the lone wolf before it made away with his meal.

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jessica sonny
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:35 pm

Alix Vanne

Tiber Septim Hotel


“ Hello Alix what can I do for you?”

Much to Alix's surprise, Phenix actually opened the door. He wasn't really expecting it, since he thought that she was furious at him, for getting into a fight with Freyr. Remember be honest Alix.

"Phenix I wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for what happened between me and Freyr. My emotions got the better of me, and I know that you're probably angry and rightly so, but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."

Reaching into his inner coat pocket, Alix pulled out a small wooden box. Opening the box up, Alix pulled out a silver pendant. Hanging from the chain was a silver ring and embedded into the ring was a decent sized flawless sapphire. Holding it up so Phenix could see it more clearly, Alix explained.

"This was with me when Ra'jhaara found me on the steps of his dojo in Elsweyr. I've had it ever since I was a baby and I have treasured it ever since then. It is the only thing that connects me to my real parents. When I saw you, the first thing that captured me was your beautiful sapphire blue eyes and when that happened, I thought of this pendant", gently taking her hand, Alix put the pendnat into it and said, "I want you to have it. It suites you better than it does me."

He waited patiently for her reply, hoping that she would forgive him and accept his gift.

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michael danso
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:51 pm

Phenix, Evening, my room in Talos Hotel

Alix clearly was sorry for his bad manners and I respect men and women who find the courage to apologize.

It does go against all that I have been taught by the DB. “Forgiveness is for the weak,” they said.

Well maybe it isn’t in some circumstances I thought. Then Alix surprised me with a beautiful Sapphire gift.

“I couldn’t take such a meaningful gift like this from you.”

It is so beautiful I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

I looked up into his eyes that were beaten and bruised; I can’t take that from you it’s a piece of your family history.

I hand it back to you. The gift was so thoughtful and I gently kiss him on the cheek.

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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:31 pm

Alix Vanne

Tiber Septim Hotel


Unfortunately Phenix did not accept his gift, but she did forgive, which he was thankful for. Phew, I glad that's over. Looking down on her beautiful face, Alix couldn't help but smile. Man, these bruises hurt. I need to get healed.

Alix thinking of something to say, said, "It's alright, Phenix. I understand, I probably shouldn't have offered the gift. Thank you for forgiving me. You know, the reason I came over in the first place was so that I could take you out on a date. I wanted to show you something beautiful, but it looks like that is going to have to wait for now."

Putting his hands on his face, Alix muttered a weak healing spell, and he noticed and felt his wounds on his face fading away, and eventually within in a few moments, his face was completely healed. As for the rest of body, not so much.

Putting his attention onto Phenix again, Alix said, "You know, I'm going to have to repay you for two kisses you know that right?" Leaning in, Alix kissed Phenix on lips for a couple seconds and said, "Will that do?"

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:08 pm

Phenix, Evening, my room in Talos Hotel

His Kiss was nice but surprised me some. “Maybe later when you are fully healed I will show you a real kiss one that you will not forget…”

Remembering him from earlier at the area so dashing, so handsome. Now he is all bruised and banged up and dripping blood all over the carpet. I felt for him he would stand there in pain and come to me to give me such a beautiful gift. The least I could do was clean him up a little. I walked over to my chest and unlocked it and pulled a small red bottle of health potion from my saddle bag.

It wasn’t very strong but it did help in a pinch like this one. I mean his healing spell didn’t seem to work.

“Here Alix drink this potion it will heal you enough to close up some of those cuts and reduce bruising.” Now I was just about to go down stairs to the basemant where this hotel has a room with two tubs in it. Why don’t you come with me and clean yourself up?” So down we went and opened this big wooden door and there they were.

The two old wooden tubs beckoned me and Alix to fill them. The fireplace next to the tubs were used to heat the water with its many cast iron pots hanging with boiling water over the flames.

Fresh stack of wood that one of the hotel workers must have brought it in and piled it ever so neatly.

next to the fireplace.

“Alix dear, why don’t you put some wood on the fire and give it a good poke for it’s chilly in here.

While Alix proceeded to warm me up and fill the tubs, I walked around and searched some of the cabinets.

“Good, some clean wash cloths, towels and I found lavender in one of the draws,” and so I crushed some of it up into my bath. In the other cabinet I found mountain floral soap that was fresh and new still rapped in paper.

Thinking, oh my that smells so good.

I drop the bar of soap in the water and it immediately starts to bubble up. I smiled at Alix as he still was pouring the water in both bath tubs. “I hope you like bubble baths?”

I turn slowly towards Alix and he is looking a little unsettled. Umm, he must be shy…

Don’t be shy Alix it’s just a bath. I walk over standing in front of him, I turn around with my back facing him.

I lift my long blonde hair up and ask, “Be a dear and untie my corset top for me.”

His hands beaten and bloody I feel him take the laces down so gently and open the back of my shirt. For a moment his hand touched and felt the long soft crease of my back and it gave me shivers down my spine.

“Thank you, as I let my corset top drift to the floor.”

I turn around quickly letting my hair fly around and settle in front of my shoulders covering most of my voluptuous briast. Slowly I slip and shimmy off my cream skirt and kick my high heels off across the room.

“Now you will need to turn around.” I waited for Alix to turn and then I took my velvet thong panties down and slipped into my bubble bath. “Ok you can turn back” and I giggled at how his face was blushing.

He stood there and watched me for a while.

I didn’t seem to mind.

Probably because the warm lavender scented water felt exhilarating.

I took up the wash cloth and gently washed down my face. The water tickled my soft skin as it slowly ran down my neck and across my briast towards my navel. I leaned back against the tub picking up one leg at a time running the cloth from my inner thighs slowly down to my toes. Using my fingers I stroked my long wet blonde hair over and over again. The ambient glow in the room was so beautiful. The crackling wood sound from the fire place grew louder. The heat in the room grew hotter.

I turned and looked up at Alix standing there watching me still.

“Come on Alix aren’t you gonna get wet?”

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:00 pm

Alix Vanne

Tiber Septim Hotel


Oh man, this is a dream right? She not actually naked right? Yeah this must be a...... No Alix is for real. You need take the reigns now, be the man.

Looking at her softly, Alix said, "Of course." Unbuttoning his torn and dirty overcoat, Alix then removed his undershirt. http://alden-tan.com/wp-content/uploads/bruce-lee-09.jpgRemoving his shoes, pants and undergarments, Alix got into his tub.

Looking over into hers, Alix marvled at her beauty which entranced him. Smiling, Alix said, "At first I thought this was a dream, but I guess not. Thank you for this bath Phenix it is just what I need. Though do to these bruises, I won't be to practice Whispering Fang, for a while. My muscles surprisingly aren't fatigued at all."

Getting a closer look at Phenix, he did notice that she was very fit too. Thinking about it, Alix asked, "Do you practice any form of martial art Phenix?"

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:00 pm

Dominic Vesuvius.

Outside the Imperial City.


Figuring it was best if he left the city, Dominic came out of the gates, and after he crossed the bridge over Lake Rumore, he turned northward. His destination was Bruma, a city he rarely visited. This decision was based on that if he was trying to elude the Dark Brotherhood, he'd have to go somewhere they didn't expect. Dominic weighed this decision against going somewhere he was familiar with, such as Kvatch, so that he would have a better time if he did run into trouble. He ruled in favor of this more unfamiliar territory because he felt he needed somewhere to hide for a while. When looking at a map, he chose Gnoll Mountain, as it was described as quite scenic, and was very out of the way. Sounded like a perfect place for a vacation.

Dominic proceeded along the main road without a torch, so as not to attract attention, but he was beginning to get tired. He normally hired a carriage to take him to his destinations, but wanted to remain discreet. His armor was weighing down on him, and he began to get exhausted. Between the arena and this trek, it was a long day. But he couldn't stop until he at least reached Bruma, where he'd be relatively safe.

It was when Dominic assumed he was about halfway to Bruma that he ran into trouble. He heard growling, and before he could turn around a wolf had pounced on him from behind. Dominic fell to the stone road with a loud clang, and the wolf was on top of him. It tried to bite at his neck, but the armor blocked him and made it hard to get to the neck. Dominic wrestled the animal off of him and grabbed his sword. From the ground, he swung at the beast, but it dodged the attack. Dominic brought himself back up to his feet, his adrenaline now pumping, and the wolf charged at him. The sword swung, but the wolf dodged, and bit at a weak spot in Dominic's armor; a slightly less protected part just under his knee. Dominic yelled, but shoved his sword down into the wolf's head, killing it instantly and releasing its grip. Dominic made sure that it was dead, and then shook the blood off his blade.

Looking at his leg, Dominic saw that he was bleeding. He didn't have any cloth with him to make a tourniquet, so he limped on in the darkness towards the north, making his progress slower and more dangerous. He had fought off wolves before, but never when he was so tired and could barely see. Dominic couldn't forgive himself for allowing that to happen.

Growing ever weaker, Dominic continued on, gradually losing speed as he lost blood. Eventually, he saw lights. Bruma, he thought. But now he was beginning to lose consciousness, so he took his shield and dropped it on the stone road, hoping for someone to hear it. A strange plan, but the only one he could think of. And with the bang of the shield, Dominic passed out, falling to the road.

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Kari Depp
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:24 am

I just laughed at him.. Leave it to a man to start asking about what form of combat do I use when I am hot and naked in a bubble bath no less right in front of him..

"No, no, Alix I am a lover not a fighter," and I smile a very sixy seductive way. "Why do you ask?" I lean my head back and sink deeper into the warm bubbly water...

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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:40 pm

Ah, what am I saying. I need to stop talking about combat. Hmm... Feeling the warmth of the water around him Alix relaxed a bit. Looking over at her, he said, "Well, I couldn't help but noticed that your... body, is very defined and strong looking... for a woman, I mean. Never mind what I said, I was just rambling."

Thinking about what happened with Freyr, Alix knew the Nord was competing for Phenix. Like he'll win though. She doesn't even seem that interested in him to be honest. All of a sudden, some hot water hit one of his cut on the side of his stomach, and as a reaction to the pain, Alix jumped up out of the tub.

As the pain started to fade away, Alix realized the situation. He was standing completely naked in front of Phenix. Oh man, not good. Hopefully the soap covered up, "that" area... Thinking quickly, Alix grabbed a towel. and covered the lower portion of his body.

Blushing, Alix said, "Sorry you had to see that. As you can see some of my wounds are still fresh", he said pointing the long cut on his abs.

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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:28 pm

I just smiled as he quickly covered himself up. "You know nudity is nothing you should be ashamed about. The Goddess Dibella teaches us that very same thing, that all creation is beautiful and should be admired." With that being said I stood up in the tub where all the soap bubbles started dripping down my soft wet skin..

"You see I am not blushing or hiding from you because I know I am beautiful and I like it when you look at me." Stepping from the warm tub I took a towel and patted my long hair and then covered myself. I walked over to Alix and looked at him right in the silvery eyes and leaned in and whispered in his ear, " Come see me when you are not so shy and I nibbled at the bottom of his ear." Then I walked out and went back to my room.

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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:16 am

Freyr Mer-Killer

Wilds of Cyrodiil North of the Imperial City


Freyr was frantically chasing after the wolf that stole his meal. He could barely see with only the starlight there to illuminate the night sky. Freyr's long legs launched him forth, but the wolf was too fast. Freyr's stamina was fading fast, and the weight of his body pounding on his feet began to be too much. Eventually Freyr stopped running. The wolf was long gone.

Damnit! That's what I get for that little detour. I forgot to pack provisions, and now I have no meal for tonight.

Freyr wandered around for a couple of minutes looking for a place to sleep, but the area he was in didn't provide any shelter, and it was starting to rain. Seeing no other choice, Freyr plopped down under the nearest tree he could find, and attempted to sleep.

I'll just stay here until daybreak. Then I'll resume my hunt for deer. If I'm lucky I may even find a bear. I wonder what Alix is doing...surely Phenix wouldn't...na, they just met. Maybe if this were Skyrim, but this isn't Skyrim. For once, I'm glad for that. Otherwise, I'd have finished him off rather than risk him being with Phenix while I was gone. But then again, she's not exactly like the other women around here. If she chooses to bed him, then that is her choice. In the end, I'll be the one to win her heart. And the one to rip his.

Freyr finally succumbed to the ever increasing weight of his eyelids and allowed himself to fade into unconsciousness, forcing the thoughts of Phenix and Alix from his mind.


Huh? What the hell was that?

Freyr bolted up from the tree and drew his axes instinctively. Darting his eyes from left to right, Freyr waited to see if he would hear another howl. His back to the trees with his axes drawn forward, Freyr held his eyes closed, listening...waiting....

The sound was coming from the right, deeper within the forest. It was only one wolf. Maybe the same one from before. No other wolf answered this one's call. Freyr took the opportunity up and quickly ran for the location with his axes sheathed and his bow drawn once more.

When Freyr nears the sounds of the howling, he sees the wolf in the middle of an open area of the forest. A male, waiting with Freyr's rabbit, howling at the night sky.

All mine...and a wolf pelt to go with it....

As Freyr sat crouched, and slowly notching his arrow to his hunters bow, he hear another howl from behind him very nearby. Freyr jumped from the shock of the noise, and accidentally shot his arrow at the wolf, but it went too high. The arrow soared clear from his intended target, and the wolf bolted around from the surprise of his companion's howl and his persuer being right behind him. The wolf let out a deep menacing growl that sent shivers down Freyr's spine, and the wolf behind him gave one to match. Freyr ran out in the clearing and backed up to a rocky hill that formed part of a cave that Freyr guessed must have been their den. Stepping from the shadows of the forest, the wolf behind Freyr was finally clearly visible. It was a beautiful yet terrifying white female wolf with piercing blue eyes.


Wow..it's eyes are bright blue. Even more so than the ice of Atmora. Female. These two must be mates.

The other wolf ran next to it's mate, and continued it's snarling as the pair began to walk closer and closer to their new prey.


Freyr could tell that they were very hungry. Judging from the white one, Freyr guessed that they came from around Bruma and they couldn't find food, so they pushed down south.

Well you won't be making a meal out of me. I bite back.

As Freyr got ready to take on the hungry wolves, he saw a large dark figure come barging through the forest. Before Freyr could mentally ask what it could be, the large figure stood up on it's hind legs and let out a heavy huffing growl that that sent shivers down his spine as well as the wolves spines. Freyr looked on in amazement as the wolves actually turned around and backed up towards him to face the bear.

Are they protecting me? Or just protecting their dinner? This thing must have heard the howls and decided to investigate. If he came after wolves he must be quite hungry. Well, I wanted a bear...

After a few more seconds of the animals exchanging growls, the wolves dashed towards the grizzly with amazing speed and agility, crisscrossing paths as they did. The male wolf ran straight forward and dodged the bear's swipe and dashed for it's back leg, sinking it's wretched teeth into it's flesh. The white one jumped on it's back and started clawing at it, sinking her fangs into the back of it's kneck. Thrashing around, the bear started swinging it's large body around, and managed to hit the female wolf's body into a tree. Then it sent a quick claw swipe at her when she tried to get up, and it knocked her unconscious and bloodied into the tree. The male let go of his grasp on the bear's leg and dashed in front of his mate, fearlessly facing down the bear even though he had no chance of killing it.

This is my chance. Even though that thing was gonna kill me, I can't let them die. Heh, I'm a svcker for love. Besides, a bear is a better prize then wolf pelt.

Freyr once again notched his arrow, and sent the head flying into the bear's large furry rump. The bear cried out in pain, and turned around to face him. The large fat mound of fur started stampeding his way towards the young warrior, and when it got close, Freyr dived to the side just before it swiped at him, and he buried his left axe into it's flesh. Afterwards, Freyr pulled the axe out and backed up, getting ready for the next charge.

The bear and Freyr paced around in a circle for a while, staring into it's brown eyes as it stayed transfixed on him. He didn't see evil or anger. All he could see in the bear's eyes was dull hunger. Nothing else right now drove it.

Freyr looked to the right while he continued to walk in a circle with the bear, his axes raised, and he could see the wolf trying to wake up it's mate. It's sorrowful whimpering made Freyr equally as sorrowful for the male wolf, which pissed Freyr off and wiped out all fear he had of the bear. This made Freyr make the first move. Freyr savagely launched his right axe from his hand, and the weapon buried itself into the fat shoulder into it's soft flesh. Freyr quickly ran away in the opposite direction, and dashed for a low hanging branch.

The grizzly came hurling into the tree to try and knock Freyr from off the branch. Freyr who was standing straight up lost his balance and fell on the bear's back facing down. Holding onto it's fur which wreaked of dirt, mud and fecal matter, Freyr pulled himself forward as the bear stood up, and he yanked his other axe out of it's shoulder, and he jumped away before the animal clawed him off. When the bear's back was turned, to Freyr's surprise, the male wolf came hurling iowards the bear, and sidelined it by tackling it's head and sinking it's teeth into the bear's neck while standing on it's back, using it's paws to hold on. Freyr quickly used the distraction to finish the bear off. Freyr took two arrows from his quiver and charged straight into it. The bear stood up once more, so Freyr dashed to the side, and ran up to a large nearby rock. Using the rock, Freyr jumped off of it and launched his body towards the wild beast, grasping both arrows in each hand, and he then brought them down, straight into the eyes of his wild foe.

The bear having it's brain pierced through it's eyes instantly toppled over, as did Freyr from fatigue. As he lay there, he wondered what the male wolf would do now, now that their common foe lay dead. The wolf got down from the bear and completely ignored Freyr, choosing to sit by the white wolf until she woke.

Well, so far so good. Hey...I have an idea!

Freyr walked over to the pair of wolves and stuck his hand out to check the white one's breathing, but before he could, the male nipped at his fingers, and began savagely growling again.

Ok, I'll try something else.

Freyr went back over to the dead bear, and started cutting off it's fur, taking no measures to preserve the fur, as it was already too mangled for decoration, and there was no use for fur in armor here in Cyrodiil. Instead, he cut away the fur and saved enough skin to use as a makeshift sack to carry the bear meat. After stuffing the sack with enough meat for the shop and themselves, Freyr, who was amazed that the wolf hadn't came over at the smell of the fresh cut meat took a large slab of it and brought it to the wolf. The wolf couldn't resist it's hunger anymore and greedily started picking away at the flesh. Freyr waited for a while til he was sure that the wolf ate to his fill, before he tried again to check the female wolf's breathing. It was rather faint, but it was there, and she was somewhat awake when he checked.

I can't believe this is happening! Lady Mara, you have truly blessed me!

Freyr remembering that the wolf was theorized to represent Mara in Ancient Atmora took the white wolf as a sign that her blessing of love was on him. He picked the female wolf up wih the sack of meat in tow, and whistled to the male wolf to follow him. Amazingly, it actually complied. Freyr made his way back to the Imperial City with more than enough meat and two new companions in tow.

Don't worry, white one. We'll get you to a healer and you'll be as good as new. You are going to make me a very happy young man indeed. But you must hold on, for your mate's sake and mine.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:39 pm

Alix Vanne

Tiber Septim Hotel


Alix was confused about what just happened. "Come see me when you are not so shy." What was that about? Well I am shy around women. Alright then Phenix I'll make sure to come back a different man. Well time to head home.

Putting his battered and torn clothes back on, Alix walked up from the basemant, and headed out the door and came outside. Sighing he turn the corner and came to his house. Opening the door, Alix walked in and saw that the lights were dim. Hmm, father must be asleep. Walking up the stairs, Alix entered his room and closed the door. The thing caught him off guard was a Akaviri Katana lying on his bed. On top of the sword was a note entitled, Alix. Opening the note, Alix read it's contents.

Dear Alix,

You're probably wondering what this note is for. Well it's time I told you the whole truth about your origin. I knew your parents. They were a proud and strong couple. Your father Vulwulf Fire-Heart was a renowned Imperial Legate, and a proud son of Skyrim. Your mother Vienne Vanne was a Breton noble hailing from High Rock. These two unlikely souls came together, when your father was stationed in Torval with the 9th Legion and your mother came with her father, who was a renowned Count.

No one knows they exactly met, but they both fell in love with each other and had you. I was the Headmaster of the Blades in Elsweyr at the time and they both came to me and asked to join the Blades. In order to join they had to give up their son, you. At the time you were 18 months old, the age I said I found you on the steps of my dojo. The sword you see here is the one that was given to me by my Blades master. I want you to have it. It's my gift to you. You have graduated training, you are now an official Blade. Use that sword well, Alix Fire-Heart.

Always Your Father,


Closing the note, Alix could not believe what he just read. His father or guardian or Blade Master or whatever, knew his real parents, not only that, he found out he was half Nord. All of this hit him like force of fate. Why now? Is he gone?! Getting up quickly Alix checked his father's room. It was empty, not only that, it looked like no one had lived there at all. Shaking, and tears running down his face, Alix muttered, "Ra'jhaara, thank you for everything you have done for me."

Walking back into room, Alix picked up the Akaviri Katana , and unsheathed the blade. The blade of the sword was polished so fine, that it was like a mirror. It blade looked razor sharp. Taking the Katana in both hands, Alix swore in a serious voice, "I, Alix Fire-Heart, swore this oath. I will uphold the rules and codes of the Blades from this moment forth. The people of the Arena, will behold a true warrior." With that Alix sheathed the blade and went to sleep.

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