Hearts of Tamriel [Romantic Roleplay]

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:40 pm

Freyr Mer-Killer

Just before Dawn

Imperial City Temple of the One

Freyr was lucky. It was still early and there weren't many people in the streets, and they all kept a very wide birth due to the wolf he had in his arms and the one following him. He had been running for an hour now to get back in the city and he was completely exhausted. Some of the wolf's blood began dripping over his hands, and she was slipping further and further. Finally, after outrunning some guards who wanted to question why he was bringing dangerous wild beasts into the city, Freyr made his way into the chapel.

"Hey! Hey is anyone here? I have an emergency!"

An old woman in old brown robes came shuffling over to him from a dark corner in the building.

"You again? Didn't we just heal you last ni-...oh my."

Freyr was quite the sight. With the skin sack and the bloody meat, the wolves and all the dirt, he wouldn't blame anyone if they called him savage now. How could he?

"I know how it looks, but I don't have time to explain in detail. I need you to heal this wolf. She and he are gifts from Mara, I just know it! Look how well this one takes to me! Just heal her. Mara's loving grace wills it."

"Alright, alright. Bring the beast here."

"Her name is Astrild. And he is Fenris."

The old woman tried taking from Freyr's hand, but Fenris growled in protest, so the woman had him sit down cradling her, and simply applied the healing spell to both of them. After about five minutes, Astrild's wounds were healed, but she still did not walk on her own.

Ok, sweety. Take your pets somewhere warm, and have her eat and rest. She should be all better within a day.

Freyr knew she would be fine, for in his mind he was blessed.

"Thank you so much!"

Freyr bolted out of the chapel and made his way back home immediately.


Freyr bolted his way past the guards into the Market district, and of course right past K'avar, who was about to yet again test Freyr's patience.

"Hey, get back here! I'll have words with you Sav-"



Fenris could sense the hostility from the guard, and even worse for K'avar, he could taste his fear. Fenris started to move up on the guard who drew his sword, but Freyr comanded him. And once again the wolf actually listened.

"Fenris, come here!"

The wolf not losing his murderous glare walked away reluctantly and followed his new companion to his home through the crowd of gawking early birds that were watching the spectacle. K'avar made no attempt to pursue them.

One thing's for sure. This definitely won't help my savage reputation.

When Freyr arrived at the house, his mother and father were arguing about Tolfi's injury.

"I can't believe you'd be so stupid! I've gotten over that you were almost killed, but now you want to tell me you're still going to compete? WHY?" said Sylga.

"We've been over this. I'm a blue team Champion. He's a Hero rank, and if I turn down fights, they'll be reluctant to give me fights in the future." said Tolfi.

"But you are injured!" proclaimed Sylga.

"Only barely. I can still move my sword arm. That to them is enough to fight." said Tolfi

Freyr walked up with the wolves, and his mom screamed out in horrer.

"Ah! What in Talos's name are you doing with those wild wolves?" said Sylga.

"It's a long story, and I'm not sure you'd believe me. But it involves this bear meat, and a girl I just met. Don't worry, I've tamed them." Ignoring the very skeptical and confused looks on their faces, Freyr continued. "What are you guys arguing about?"

Sylga told Freyr the gist of the situation, while Tolfi stood looking defiant and sure of himself as always. Freyr couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Pa, you're facing a serious opponent! This man needs to be fought when you are fully capable. Surely he would want his foe at full strength when you fight?"

"No...he's Khajiit. No honor among him at all. But that doesn't change my predicament. I will fight. I must."

Freyr realizing how much he and his father were, and realizing that he'd be a hypocrite to tell him otherwise stayed silent for a moment. Before Tolfi walked away, Freyr called out.

"If you try going to that ring, I'll drag you out myself...."

"Then you'll have to drag me, son. I'll be at the Arena training." said Tolfi.

Freyr, walked past his weeping mom after kissing her on her cheek and telling her he'd take care of it. Leaving the meat on the counter with the skin sack, and taking a slab for the wolf pair, Freyr went to his room, and stoked the fire. It was a rather large room for a middle class home in the market district. Big enough for him to practice weapon techniques and exercise, which is why his parents let him have the bigger room. So there was plenty of room for him and the two wolves, who he had seated close to the fire. Freyr who hadn't had a lick of sleep all night plopped on his bed to rest. It wasn't for another thirty minutes that the young warrior finally dosed off. He wasn't completely trusting of his new companions, afraid that they may turn on him and try ripping out his neck. Eventually his body did not leave it up to him, and he finally succumbed to the weight of his eyelids, and fell backward into a dreamless much needed sleep. As did Fenris and Astrild.

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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:38 pm

Alix Fire-Heart

Arena - Bloodworks

Late Morning

Alix fitted on the blue team's signature blue light armor. Taking the Akaviri Katana that was handed down to him by his father, Ra'jhaara, he secured the scabbard on his back. Buckling it in, Alix felt light and flexible. His heart was racing so fast, that started to breathe short breaths. He couldn't believe he was about to fight in his first Arena duel. Man this is so nerve racking. Who knew the minutes before a duel would be so heart pumping.

Hopefully the hostess gave Phenix the invitation. I would really like her to see my first Arena fight.

"You ok, Pit Dog?"

Turning around to see who the speaker was, Alix looked at a tall Nord. Thinking quickly Alix replied, "I'm a little nervous, but I think I can handle it", looking a little closer, Alix realized that this man was one of the Blue team's Champions. Not only that, but he looked even closer and realized that this man was Freyr's father, Tolfi Mer-Killer.

"What wrong? Am I that interesting to you, Breton?"

"No, no it's not that. Your Freyr's father aren't you?"

"Aye. How do you know my son?"

Alix replied, "Me and him have sparred a couple of times. He's a good fighter, now I know why. Also I'm only half Breton. I'm half Nord also."

Tolfi laughed and said, "Wow. To think my son would lose to a guy like you. You must be a very talented warrior then. What's your name, Pit Dog?"

"Alix. Alix Fire-Heart, sir."

Shaking Alix's hand, Tolfi said, "Well it was good meeting you, Alix. I hope your first fight goes well. You know, if you finish off your opponent in a spectacular fashion, Owyn will advance you by two ranks, which will make you a Bloodletter. So do your best. Though if my memory serves me correct, people who wield an Akaviri katana, tend to have the flashiest moves. So I look forward to your victory." With that, Tolfi walked to do some push-ups.

Owyn walked over to Alix and said, "You're up Alix. Make it a good fight." With that Alix was led up to the door and he walked up to the metal cage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and girls. Welcome to the Arena!!! Today we have an introduction for a Blue Team Pit Dog. He will be fighting a Yellow Team Myrmidon!!! Brace yourself for a heart-pounding, gut-wrenching duel!!!"

Immediately after the announcer got done, both iron doors were lowered and for the first time Alix got a look at his opponent. He was an Orc wearing the Yellow Team's heavy armor. He had to least stand 6'6'', almost a full foot taller than Alix. Man he's huge. That warhammer looks deadly. The weapon that the Orc was wielding was a huge silver warhammer. The Orc bellowed his war cry. "RRROOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!!" Fighting his fear, Alix started to walk forward not too fast nor too slow. On the other hand the Orc was charging forward at Alix yelling at the top of his lungs. It's a good thing the Arena floor is large otherwise the Orc would be on top of me.

Coming half way across the Arena floor Alix burst into a powerful sprint. Each second he got closer and closer to the Orc. Then just as they were about to hit each other, Alix front flipped over the Orc, as he did so, Alix grabbed the Orc's top part of his mouth and threw the Orc with his momentum. Landing on both feet Alix saw his opponent land with a hard thump. When that happened, the crowd went wild with excitement. Clearly they have not seen this style of fighting before.

Focusing his attention back onto his opponent, the Orc got up fairly quickly. Run up on the Orc, Alix landed flying sidekick into his face. Reeling back from the blow, the Orc scream and charged. Charging up his warhammer the Orc brought crashing down towards Alix. Dodging the blow at the last second, Alix saw that warhammer hit the spot he was at. I would have died from that hit. Running up the shaft of warhammer, Alix landed a front kick and back flipped off of the Orc and a landed few in front him.

Again the Orc got up, but this time more slowly, Alix looked closer at his opponent and saw that his chin was broken. Good. Time to end this. Running up to the Orc, Alix used his inhuman agility and jump onto the Orc's left shoulder. "Hey!!!" Still on the Orc's shoulder, Alix jumped off and was in the air for a few moments. For awhile it seemed that time slowed down. Looking into the crowd, Alix saw Phenix. They locked eyes for moment, and in that span of time Alix confidence soared.

Then like a bolt of lightning, Alix came down with gravity and at the last moment unsheathed his katana and sliced the Orc in his bare neck. Landing, everything went quiet for a few moments then, then the Orc's head fell off and blood rushed out and some of it coveedr Alix. Swiping the katana in the air, Alix got the blood off the sword. In one quick motion, Alix resheathed the katana on his back. Looking up into the stands, Alix saw Phenix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G01LYlnXPos, Alix saw Phenix once again. He smiled at her as he walked back to the Bloodworks.

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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:25 am

Phenix, Morning, my room in Talos Hotel

Faster and faster we rode. I could see Shadowmere’s beautiful black mane flying in the wind.

Her head held high as she carried herself with pride.

“Go faster,” he said. I could feel his arms tighten around my waist. He bent his head down and tucked it into my neck. I used my arm to wrap around his back and I pulled him closer into my body. I was riding care free once again, but this time I was not alone.

Shadowmere slowed down to a walk to catch her breath and it took me a moment to focus for

the mere touch of this his hands set this Phenix a fire.

“Look Phenix just look,” he whispered in my ear.

The forest was so beautiful. Shimmering leaves of every kind of green imaginable dripped with the morning dew. The light warm breeze had the scent of wild flowers that grow high in the mountains. The pink and purple flower petals were swept up by the wind and slowly circled around us.

Shadowmere then stopped by this beautiful pond that was filled with white lilies and pink petals.

I could feel his arms loosen from around my waist and then he pulled me down off my horse.

He just stood there looking at me.

“Come,” he said as we walked closer to the water.

The air was electric; it seemed to overwhelm our senses. The light that came from the sky was so brilliant and bright it seemed to come from the Divines themselves. As we admired the light I turned, and asked him, “Are we dead?”


“Yes, is this where all the good people go when they die?” My mind was racing with such a thought.

He took my hand in his and answered,

“If it is, I’m glad you’re here with me. It proves my point that everyone can be saved.”

His gentle words warmed my heart and gave me a sense of comfort that I have never known before.

“So everything that I have done, everyone that I have killed? You think I am forgiven? I can be redeemed?” All my secrets, all my truth was laid out for him to see.

“You already know so much about me, but I know nothing of you.”

“I like it that way,” and he grinned.

“Maybe I should just go over your head and ask the big Gods upstairs to tell me at least your last name.”

Flashing that one of a kind smile, you know the one that makes you melt in your shoes whenever they show it to ya, he just answered back,

“Maybe you should. I like being mysterious it gives me all the power over you.

Your right there is nothing more powerful than your name.

“What’s in a name,” and he laughed?

It defines you, it’s everything!

Phenix it is in our actions that define who we are, I have told you this time and time again. It’s how you love that changes your heart. When will you believe me?”

Then like a flash he pulled me into his arms and stared deeply into my eyes. He paused for a second as if he was waiting for me to say or do something.

“Are you waiting for me to kiss you? I won’t, I can’t! I don’t know how to love!”

I could feel every muscle in my body tense. The words rang in my head over and over, Love is for the week. I am Phenix Luicanna LaChance and I am NOT week!

“Give in to me Phenix, be my true love, let me be yours!”

My heart hurts, short of breath, I hear him say,

“I feel your pain, your loneliness. It’s time to let it go.”

I touched his face with my hand. Please stop, just stop!

“Phenix, just let it all go.”

He gently touched my cheek with his. The sun light shimmered through the clouds. I could feel it warming his skin. The wind started to pick up, the flowers peddles where blowing around us just as they did before. They were dancing for our delight. The tree branches swayed in the wind making music in the air. The scent of the flowers hit us like waves of the ocean. We could feel the electricity of the moment devouring us. With that his hand brushed my hair from my face. He pulls me close into his body. I feel his one hand rounding the back of my neck. His other hand running down my shoulder and across my back. My heart starts to race like it never has before. I can hardly breathe. He slowly turns his head and guides me towards him. We’re staring deeply into each other eyes and then our lips touch for the first time, our eyes close then…………………….

Knock, Knock.

“Miss Phenix, it’s Agusta I have your breakfast ready dear.”

My eyes open and I set up quickly in bed. I take my hand and touch my lips,

“It was only a dream?”

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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:54 am

Dominic Vesuvius.


Dawn. (Unless it's a different time, actually)

When Dominic woke, he wasn't really thinking. It was that odd time when you wake up but you're like a zombie, just coming out of sleep and not really having any actual thoughts. This state was prolonged a bit by Dominic's loss of blood. It took a few minutes for him to actually start thinking again, but when he became cognizant, he realized that he wasn't on the road where he had fallen. He looked around, and found that he was in a bedroom that was quite small, but nice and warm. His foot was cold, though.

That's when he noticed that his leggings had been taken off, and his wounded leg was bandaged and no longer bleeding. That was also when Dominic realized he was without his helmet. He looked around in a slight panic, wondering where the missing components of his armor were. His torso armor was still there, but the rest still wasn't cheap, and Dominic didn't have the kind of money that he did when he first started out on his ventures. He could see his shield leaning against a wall with his sword, but not his helmet or his boots. This at least made Dominic think that the missing articles were not stolen, but merely out of his immediate sight.

Dominic decided to merely relax for the time being, as he began to feel how much pain his leg was in. The wolf had really bitten him. When he got ahold of his leggings again, Dominic would have to figure out how to prevent that from happening again.

After a little under an hour, the door opened, and Dominic turned his head to see who it was. It was a woman--an Altmer, actually. When she saw him awake, she merely said "Oh," and left quickly. This confused Dominic, but she came back with a man, who was another Altmer.

Dominic never liked the Altmer. Or any elves for that matter. He considered Dark Elves to be evil Daedra worshippers, Wood Elves to be short and annoying, and High Elves to be very full of themselves. They were just so... pompous. That was the word Dominic was thinking of, pompous. Growing up, his family had a rivalry with a neighboring Altmer family. Dominic didn't know how it started, but the families were never on good terms. It ended when the elves finally moved back to the Summerset Isles where they belonged.

"We're glad to see you're awake," said the man. "My name is Salmo, and this is my wife, Varulae. We heard a bang last night and came out to check, and found you face down bleeding in the road! When we found that you had passed out, we brought you back to our home to make sure you were all right. We had to drag you, though. Your armor was pretty heavy!"

Dominic was surprised. Firstly that his stupid shield idea actually worked. Secondly, he thought he was at the inn at Bruma and that these were the owners, coming to check on him and make sure that they could get their fee from him. The fact that this was their home and that they took the initiative to take care of him was a surprise.

"I'm sure you've already noticed that your leg is bandaged," Varulae said. "It wasn't too bad, but you seem to have lost a lot of blood. Would you like some water?"

"Yes please," Dominic said. "Thank you." When the wife left, he looked at Salmo. "Where am I?"

"Bleaker's Way," Salmo said. "Just south of Bruma. Were you heading there?"

"Yes, I was," Dominic responded.

"We can see if we can get you a carriage to take you there soon," Salmo proposed.

"Really?" Dominic said in surprise. He was genuinely shocked at how hospitable they were being. All of the Altmer he had met in his life acted as though they were above everyone else. These people on the other hand were more friendly than any non-elf he could think of. After a bit of thinking, Dominic spoke. "No thanks, you and your wife have already done enough for me."

"Are you sure?" Salmo asked. "It'd be no trouble for us at all."

Varulae returned to the room with a cup of water. "I just got a whole bucket from the well," she said. "There's more downstairs if you need it."

Dominic took the cup from her hand. "Thank you," he said, and took a sip of water. It wasn't until then he noticed how dehydrated he was. He turned back to Salmo. "No, it's fine," he said. "I've been through worse. I can make my way up to Bruma soon."

"You're in no shape to go anywhere!" Varulae said. "You've lost a lot of blood! If you don't convalesce first, you'll pass out again!"

"I'll be fine," Dominic reassured. "I don't want to be any more of a burden than I've already been."

"Oh no, you're certainly not a burden," Salmo said. "We'd be happy to take care of you."

"If you say so," Dominic said. He still couldn't believe how nice these High Elves were being. He took another sip of water.

"Are you sure you don't want that carriage?" Salmo asked.

"Would it be more costly for you to get it than to take care of me for a while?" Dominic asked in return.

"Whatever you want, it doesn't matter," Varulae said. "We just want to make sure you get better."

Dominic couldn't believe that response. He considered whether or not this was some big charade, but he could hear it in their voices that they were speaking with honesty. This was some crazy anomaly. Perhaps he was dreaming? He took another sip of water, hoping that once he was hydrated he might find out that this was just a mirage or something. In the meantime, he weighed whether or not it'd be more inconvenient to take care of him here, or run out and get a carriage from Bruma to take him there. The former was obviously better. "I'll just stay here and continue on," he said.

"All right, we'll be out in the fields harvesting some crops," Salmo said. "If you need anything, just call."

"Can I ask you a question before you leave?" Dominic said.

"Sure, anything," Salmo said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Dominic asked.

The couple was actually surprised at that question. Varulae spoke: "Well if we had left you, you'd have died," she said. "We couldn't just leave you like that."

"But most Altmer I've met are all very selfish and conceited," Dominic said. "I've never met anyone as hospitable and friendly as you."

"Ah, you must be from a big city," Salmo said. "Yes, most of our kind are very arrogant. Growing up, my parents were always very domineering of everyone in town, including me. They wanted me to be some great mage, but I'm not a real master of the arcane, so I failed. They were ashamed of me, so I just moved away to a quiet town to avoid that kind of stigma. I decided that I'd be my own man, and not let cultural norms define me. Years later, on a trip to get some supplies from Bruma, I met my wife here, and we fell in love and got married. We've lived here ever since."

"Wow," Dominic said. "Well thank you so much for all of your help. You have no idea how grateful I am."

"You're very welcome," Varulae said. "We should leave now and let you get some rest so you can get better."

"All right," Dominic responded. "Wait, can I ask one more thing?"

"Of course," Salmo said.

"Where's my helmet and the rest of my armor?" Dominic asked.

"Downstairs, being washed," Varulae said. "You're leggings have holes in them from your wound, and you we're coughing up blood in your helmet."

"Really?" Dominic said in surprise. "I didn't know I notice that I was coughing up blood... I can't thank you enough. How can I pay you back?"

"Oh no, you don't need to pay us," Salmo said. "It's all good, sir. Just get some rest, and we'll check on you in a few hours."

With that, the couple finally left. Dominic just drank the rest of the water and rested his head on the pillow. He actually felt a little embarrassed. He wanted to pay these people back, but they just denied it. He'd leave the rest of his money with them when he left, he decided. The Fighters Guild in Bruma could probably give him some work to make back his money. Soon enough, he fell back asleep, albeit uncomfortable as he had to keep his bad leg from moving.

((Longass post is long.))

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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:22 am

Gaelyn Stinclave, Talos Plaza District, Morning

“No…Honestly it’s no bother. I’m new here, need to pick up some bits and pieces anyway.” Gaelyn said as Lilly coughed up some more blood.

Just then another Breton walked up to them, and started talking about how he knew where they could find a healer. It seemed a little too convenient to the Imperial, but she figured that if it turned out this was some sort of trick she could probably win a fight-she had the advantage of range if nothing else.

“If you could help, that would be good, but I’m not sure if she’s up to walking,” Gaelyn replied.

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Angela Woods
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:51 pm

Lilly Emily, Talos district, Morning

Lilly, nervously told the boy,

"A healer would be greatly appreciated, Thank you..."

Lilly tried to get up on her own, but she couldn't, it hurt to much. She asked the girl,

"Can you help me walk?"

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Katie Pollard
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:59 pm

Veric Athellered, Talos Plaza District, Morning.

The non-injured girl spoke up, in an ever so slightly skeptical sounding tone; “If you could help, that would be good, but I’m not sure if she’s up to walking,” then the blonde haired girl who was injured tried to stand up and spoke.

"A healer would be greatly appreciated, Thank you..." She tried to get up again before quietly asking the other girl if she could help her stand. Veric awkwardly watched as she helped the injured girl and fought against the urge to try to help too. they both seemed a little uncomfortable in the presence of Veric which was something he was terribly used to. It seemed he created awkward moments quite a bit.

He followed slowly, a few steps behind them and stared at the stone street while walking. In his mind he was scolding himself for not having any medicinal supplies in his pack at all, which is something he would normally never forget since he never knew what poor soul would be in some sort of trouble. Finally after a few minutes of silence he stepped a little bit closer to them and quietly introduced himself. "There should be more than enough supplies in the Temple of the One to leave you feeling as mighty as Akatosh himself." He tried to say in a cheery and optimistic tone. "My name is Veric Athellered, by the by..."

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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:23 pm

Jaden in Phenix’s room morning

About time you’re up. You know we are not at home so you can’t lollygag all day. Phenix is sitting at the table scarfing down a sweet roll and milk. You have a job to do Phenix and it’s best if you get back to it. Phenix giving me a dirty look for pointing out the obvious that she was taking her old sweet time on this contract kill. Looking at the girl I bust out laughing at her from having a milk foam ring above her top lip. What a MILK-DRINKER. If you can’t handle this one I would be glad to take it over and I smiled flashing my awesome vamp fangs V””V. Really that Nord has it coming you know they all do Phenix remember what I have taught you. Use them before they use you! Speaking of use I have asked around town last night and I have a new lead on a alchemist. We really could use one since the last one got his head chopped off on the block for being known to associate with the Brotherhood. Make contact with him today and get him on board he is pretty immature from what I could see so he shouldn’t be hard to manipulate.

His name is Veric a Breton boy. We are running low on all of our poisons so get on the ball.

Well I am going to bed see so she you later Brat.

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:52 am

Phenix, Late Morning, at Arena

Hurrying as fast as I could my blue velvet high heels kept slipping on the wet coble rocks beneath me.

“Darn it! I can’t be late.”

I didn’t understand myself why I would even care anything about this guy and watching him fight. All I know is when he invited me to watch him fight in the arena I was excited. Maybe it was shear lust that drew me towards him. I mean I did get to see him in the buff and let me just say WOW.. Trust me he has NO reason in the world to be shy or embarrassed for what he’s packing. Woo, as the cool morning breeze is a welcome cool down. Quickly I enter the Arena and place a large amount of coin down on Alix for the win.

‘My lady let me help you find a good seat and the Imperial Guard held out his arm.”

“Well thank you Sir, and your name is?

I took his arm in one hand and picked up my long blue velvet skirt with the other. We made our way down to the front lines next to the where the guards stand. He was right best seat in the house.

“Call me K’avar, my lady. I must say you look very fetching today”, and he smiled.

“That’s sweet of you to say thank you.”

Clearly this guard was showing interest and I remembered he was the one that had a grudge against my target the Nord Freyr. I needed more info. on this Nord and well this guard could give it to me.

“So K’avar after the fight maybe would you like to take a walk with me and get to know me a little bit more?”

Surprised by my forwardness he choked on whatever it was he had in his flask.

“It would be an honor to take you on a walk, and my lunch break will be about the time these fights get over.”

Just then we heard the announcer and everyone stood up in their seats to get a good look at the opponents.

The Orc was very large and muscular. The crowd has seen it all before with these big slow warriors but they seemed to cheer for he was on the yellow team.

Then out came the most handsome man I ever saw. He was the perfect height for a man, only matched by his perfect muscular yet lean body. He walked out in that Arena and flashed his beautiful smile and I swear the sun shown down on him at that very moment and made his silvery eyes glow. Every Women in that arena gasped at the very sight of him he was that handsome. He walked in as if he owned that place with a cool demeanor that was so sixy. All eyes were on him and he knew it. Soon the fight began and because I already saw him fight the Nord Freyr

and they both were equally matched skill wise I knew the Orc had no chance. Alix was so fast so highly skilled in a form of combat that I have only seen once before in Falkreath of Skyrim. It was a female Khajitt named Ra’ and she was like no warrior I have ever met. She was simply amazing to watch in combat. She was the one that actually trained me in one handed combat using a dagger.

That’s what Alix’s form of fighting reminded me of was a Khajitt warrior.

Just then………..

Looking into the crowd, I see her dark blue sparkling eyes gleaming.” It’s Phenix!” She came. Our eyes lock for a moment, and in that span of time my confidence soared!

As I see him glance in my direction our eyes meet and I know he sees only me in a crowd full of screaming people. I motion my finger in front of my own neck cut him from ear to ear and whisper in the wind, “FINISH HIM.”

Then like a bolt of lightning. Alix high in the air let himself fall using gravity and at the last moment unsheathed his Katana and sliced the Orc in his bare neck. Landing with permission, everything went quiet for a few moments. The Crowd including myself all stand in silence. Then the Orc's head rolls across the Arena floor. The Crowd goes WILD!!! I see him smile again in my direction as he does a little victory jig. I just laugh and clap as he left the Arena stage.

“So my Lady would you like me to escort you back to collect your winnings and take that walk now?” Smiling K’avar held out his arm once again.

“I would love too.”

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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:00 pm

Freyr Mer-Killer

Noon after Alix's match

Market District

Freyr finally awoke after his nap to see Fenris sleeping at the foot of his bed and Astrild staring at him with those beautiful blue eyes.

Just like her.

Satisfied with the new demeanor of the wolves, Freyr decided it was time to make his move. As he made his way to the Elven district, Freyr contemplated on the two wolves, and figured that as they had no pack, and were so used to humans, it was quite possible that they already had a previous owner before. Besides divine intervention, which Freyr in his excitement previously thought was the case, this explanation made sense. After all, they even listened to commands. Freyr could hear all the applause and screaming from the Arena, and figured that Alix's match must have went well. His father's match wasn't for another day. Freyr had to make sure he was around to make sure his father did not enter that match.

Once I see to that, I'll be right there with you, Alix.

Fenris and Astrild must have smelled all the blood nearby, as Freyr had some trouble getting them to follow him out of the Arena district, but he eventually succeeded after grabbing them by the scruff of their furs and dragging them along. This was met with looks of astonishment from some people passing by.

Freyr finally got them to the Talos Plaza Hotel, and once again caused the people inside to cower from him.

"By the Nine, get those wild beasts out of here!" said the counter woman.

"Here to speak to Phenix. She here?" said Freyr.

"No, she left. Now please, remove those animals before someone is hurt."

"These two won't cause any issues. I have them tamed. Can you leave this note for Phenix when she returns? It says to meet me at my house in the Market District tonight. It's "Sylga's Assortments"."

Freyr left before receiving a reply from the woman, and left to take a walk with his new companions around the city.

"Lets go for a walk before we say hi to Alix, okay you two?"

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:18 am

Alix Fire-Heart

Noon after Alix's Match

Arena Bloodworks

Walking towards Owyn, the Redguard exclaimed, "Where did you learn to fight like that lad?!! Incredible!! You have amazing potential! Instead of bumpong your rank to Bloodletter, instead you're a Myrmidon!! Congratulations!! Here are your earnings!!!" Owyn handed Alix a pouch of gold and he walked off to talk to some other fighters.

Amazing. 300 gold! I'm definitely fighting again. Now if only Freyr were here, it would be even better. Walking up the stairs out of the Bloodworks, Alix saw people collecting there earning from his fight. Walking into the crowd looking for Phenix, Alix was given winks and smiles by all of the girls. There is only one for me.

Alix then finally saw her. Phenix was walking with a man. Not just any man. The Redguard Imperial guard that accused him and Freyr of starting the fight last night. Why is Phenix with him? I have to keep my eye on the Redguard, I don't trust him. Walking up to Phenix, Alix hugged her and said, "Phenix I knew you would come. I have an idea, in about an hour, we can meet by the apple tree near the west side of the Arena for lunch", sweeping her hair out of her eyes, he said in a soft voice, "Don't be late either." Alix then walked off to find Freyr.

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Olga Xx
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:53 pm

Phenix, Afternoon time, at the Wawnet Inn Outside of Imperial City

*mood music*


My eyes slowly open to the sound of men talking and laughing. I see no light coming from the windows for heavy old curtains have been drawn closed. My head is throbbing and the room is spinning. What has happened? The men’s voices are louder now as I hear the clink of the door, and it opens. A dim light flickers from a candle that is set down next to me on the bed side table.

“She’s a real beauty K’avar,” the Argonian male said. “She’s got quite a bump on her head. I don’t think she’s going to put up much of a fight Jeelius.” I could feel his Argonian nails clawing at my dress. With one swipe he ripped my top clean open.

“Please wait, don’t do this!”

Do what,” he hissed? His cold scaled hands run down my neck and across my shoulders. He takes his nails once again slices my satin and lace black bra straps one by one.

“NO you don’t!” K’avar grabs Jeelius and pushes him out of the way. “I get her first!”

“Please, please, don’t do this!”

“Shhhhhh, now we’re going to show you a real good time, so don’t fight it.”

“Some guards you both are, serial rapist more like it!” My anger started taking over the fear and I could feel the adrenalin coursing in my veins.

The Argonian released my ankles for a split second to laugh at my comment and without hesitation; I kicked him as hard as I could. He dropped to his knees and screamed as my kick landed him straight in the eye. I turned quickly and punched the other Guard K’avar square in the throat and pushed him off the bed. He hit the ground coughing and gasping for air. I jumped up and tried to run to the door. Jeelius used his tail to trip me as I ran past him. He reached out and grabbed me before I landed on the ground.

You’re gonna pay for that [censored],” K’avar said, as he recovered from my blow to his throat. He slapped me so hard and fast that it split my lip and dazed me for a moment. He threw me back down on the old bed.

“I guess I should have knocked your pretty little head harder against that bridge wall. Who knew you would have such fight in you, then again I kind of like it.”


45 Minutes earlier:

In the arena Alix came up to us after collecting my winnings and ask me to meet him for lunch outside the city gates. I of course accepted his invitation. K’avar was too busy talking to other arena guest while he waited for me to get my coin that he never saw that Alix had made plans with me. Not long after that K’avar and I walked to the stables where he gave Shadowmere an apple and we talked a little while as I groomed her. He asked me to walk down to the lake under the bridge where he wanted to show me the most beautiful pink and blue flowers that were growing lakeside. I only agreed if he in return would answer any questions I had. He was hanging on every word I said. He was admiring me at every glance. I thought I had him eating out of the palm of my hand when everything changed the minute I asked about Freyr. He began to get enraged that I even spoke his name. He accused me of luring him out here to just get information on the Nord. I tried to calm him down and for a second I thought it worked as he pretended to accept my apology. I turned my back towards him to leave and he grabbed me by the neck and smashed my head so hard against the bridge I passed out.

{Back to Present time}

“Jeeluis tie her feet to the bed post.”

Jeeluis started biting and clawing trying to get a hold on me. He held one of my legs down with his massively strong tail. He managed to tie one of my legs. K’avar grabbed his shackles he had stored under the bed and tried to cuff me to the bed frame. With every move he had I tried to block him. Jeeluis was so turned on by the fight I was giving he couldn’t help but to bite down on my inner thigh as he ripped at my skirt. I screamed in pain. K’avar started choking me by the throat as he positioned himself over top of my body. Jeelius backed off to watch as he held and stroked my one free leg. K’avar’s grip was so strong I couldn’t breathe. My lungs felt like they were going to burst at any minute. His filthy hands on my body as he was getting ready to force himself on me made my skin crawl and turned my stomach. This can’t be my first time with man, this can’t happen. Not like this! K’avars hands brushed across the Argonians bite on my thigh and I screamed once again.

In a sick perverted way K’avar said, “Scream Phenix, scream for me.”

Pain and fear were in creeping in my soul. I started to give up fighting. Then something caught the corner of my eye.

A small pink flower peddle just lying there on the bed side table.

{Dream sequence}

It all came rushing back. His arms wrapped around my body as we rode Shadowmere.

The way the wind started to pick up, and the way the flower peddles where blowing around us, dancing.

The tree branches swayed in the wind making music in the air. The scent of the pink and purple mountain flowers hit us like waves of the ocean. Feeling his touch as his hand brushed my hair from my face. He pulls me close into his body. I feel his one hand rounding the back of my neck. He slowly turns his head and guides me towards him. We’re staring deeply into each other eyes and our lips touch.

I remember it all…

I remembered, the Dream.

{Back to Present time}

Glancing at the pink flower peddle on that night stand told my heart that it wasn’t just a dream, it was a premonition.

I looked to ceiling and screamed, “Help me!”

At that second I knew he heard me. For some reason the Divines or whoever was responsible for giving me this premonition did not allow me to remember who the man in my dream really was. All I knew in my heart is he would hear my cry. I took a breath again and started to struggle to fight these guys off, but they were too strong.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. My breath is labored now and the pain threw out my body takes control.

Slowly I turn my throbbing head to the door and there HE was.

He came for me just as I knew he would.

The sounds in the room are muffled by the blood that fills my ears. The room goes black and my eyes close…............................

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:47 am

Alix Fire-Heart


Wawnet Inn

Opening the door to the room, Alix saw what he never wanted to see to happen to any woman. [censored]. Two imperial guards, one was an Argonian and the other was the Redguard from earlier, K'avar. For once in his life, Alix got seriously enraged and furious. Running up to the Argonian, Alix grabbed him by the neck and choked slammed him to the ground.

The Redguard K'avar realized what was going on and got off of Phenix and rushed at Alix. Before the Redguard could react, Alix kicked him straight in the gut and then again in the face, but it happened so fast that K'avar didn't even have time to blink. Landing hard on his back, K'avar tried to protect himself, but to no avail. Alix repeatedly beat his face in. Picking up the Redguard with one hand, Alix threw him across the room.

Turning his attention back to the Argonian, Alix started walking towards him, as hie did so, the Argonian charged Alix. Unsheathing his katana, Alix rushed forward with a diagonal cut and cleanly sliced the Argonians right arm off. Screaching in pain, the Argonian fell to his knees and nursed the stump of where his arm used to be. Begging for his life the Argonian pleaded, "Please I beg of you, spare me!!! We didn't mean anything by it!!! We were only--"

Before he could finish his sentence, Alix quickly and proficiently decapitated the Argonian. Blood spurting everywhere in the room, Alix turned his attention back to K'avar. Walking up to the Redguard, Alix put the tip of the blade under K'avar's chin. "Stand up! Now!!!" The Redguard quickly stood up and said, "I'm an Imperia--" Cut off mid sentence, K'avar looked down and saw that both of his hands were cut off. Screaming at Alix, K'avar tried to head butt him, bur before he could do so, Alix quickly knocked him out.

Sighing, Alix wiped the blood off his katana and quickly resheathed it. Turning around, he focused all his attention on Phenix. He rushed to the bed and unshackled her. Tears streaming down his face, Alix cried to her saying, "Are you ok Phenix? They didn't violate you did they?!" Not waiting for a repsonse, he hugged her tightly.

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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:11 am

Freyr Mer-Killer

Outside the Imperial City


Freyr was getting bored walking around looking at the sights. It really wasn't his thing taking in nature and all that, but the wolves needed to stay active. If they got restless, it could be trouble seeing how they were wild beasts, albeit tamed for wild creatures. Freyr had taken them around the road that circled the perimeter of the city near the wood area. Fenris caught a few rabbits during the trip, so he didn't need to feed the two.

"Okay, you two. It's time to go home."

Freyr started running his way back, and of course the two wolves ran straight past him, making him struggle to keep up. Freyr was very fit, so he managed not to trail too far behind the pair. Freyr was approaching the bridge leading back to the city, when the wolves ran for the Inn that was nearby.

"Astrild, Fenris! Get over here!"

The two wolves kept yelping and growling at the door, scratching it. Freyr figured they must still be hungry and smelled the food the inn keeper likely had cooking.

Eh I guess I can pop in and see what they have. Hopefully they have some uncooked meat for them. If I'm to keep them happy though, they'll need fresh meat.

As Freyr approached the door, he heard a familiar voice yell from inside.

"Are you ok Phenix? They didn't violate you did they?!"

Freyr didn't really make out everything Alix said. All he heard was are you okay.

"Alix? That you? What are you doing all the way o-."

As Freyr stepped in, Freyr frozed. What he saw didn't quite register immediately, as it was quite the sight to behold. Blood and bodies everywhere, a pair of hands on the floor, and Alix cradling Phenix in the middle of the floor, unconscious.

"ALIX, what in the hell happened here?"

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