Hey, is it just me that feels forced to play a build with at least some sneak in it in order to do all the quest lines? IMO It just wouldn't feel right to do the thieves guild or dark brotherhood quest lines as a heavy armor wielding warrior, because it just wouldn't feel right plus it would be difficult and weird. And I know this isn't a problem for some of you who don't mind having multiple characters (like for example one Mage character, one Thief and one Warrior etc). But I would really like to play a heavy armor wielding Nord, who uses sword and shield. And having multiple characters is just not an option for me, cos I like having only one character to focus on.
Doing the companions quest line as a sneak build is better than doing the Thieves guild or DB quests as a heavy armor warrior build. Know what I mean? And the College of Winterhold quests are OK to do with any character IMO because you don't actually need any magic to do the quests, except some simple level 1 skills that you have to use once in a while for a puzzle or something like that...
So my point is; should I just do them anyway? Will it be impossible to do the thieves guild or DB as a heavy armor warrior? Cos when I first make a character I want that character to be able to do every quest
Also, I won't make a hybrid class just so you know