This is actually not true at all. The reverse is in fact true if you do smithing and armor perks. Light has stamina regeneration and attack evades that heavy does not. You can hit the armor cap in either.
Heavy armor has damage reflect which is better than evade because well it does damage back. I believe the % are the same as well. And in all honesty, stamina is never really an issue for me. If it becomes one, I find more than my share of stamina pots laying around.
The only downside for me personally with HA is the fact that to get weightless armor your have to waste two perks. Half fall damage and a bonus to unarmed combat are a waste.
Im going Heavy Armor right now but I like the Light Armor perk tree much more especially for its 50% bonus to stamina regen. It just didnt feel right with my Axe and board Orc.
You could take the steed stone and ignore those two perks. I refuse to take them myself. Once I level all the skills I actively want, I'm heading for the steed stone myself.