Seriously though...
I went to play oblivion again, this time I picked up some heavy blunt weapons to use. I was totally disgusted by how fake it felt in my hand (always used short swords). when I swing a warhammer it's like slow motion. in real life that's not how it works. in real life when you swing a heavy object, you can make it go at a pretty high speed (though not as fast as a dagger), but before you make the next swing, you need to take some time to re-balance yourself, put the weapon in starting position, and swing. therefore, to accurately model a heavy weapon, you need to give it a lot of cool down time rather than make the weapon move slowly.
What oblivion did with heavy weapon is more like swinging a big fan, which is light but moves slow due to air resistance.
Maces and hammers should have a more knock back power. Swords you can recover from if not hit through the armor, but a mace or hammer wether it hits the unarmored areas or not should knock back an oponent or flinch him.
Bladed weapons can never cause knockouts or knock back the enemy. But they will be fast and when hit on light or non armored victims they cause great damage.
Also think maces and hammers should have a better chance at knockout and almost impossible not to get a knock out when swung at the enemies head.(this if they added targeted limbs and crippling). Blades would of course do more damage against light armored types and be very fast and nimble to do a stream of attacks.
Maces/hammers should be a bit uneasy with their momentum but when impacted they cause damage and either a flinch/knock back/cripple or knockout or possibly disarm or shatter a shield. Also they could cause a good impact even on heavy armor.
Axe like weapons would be sort of medium in the spectrum and always have a great chance of cribbling a limb by hewing it.