Heavy Weapons Build...

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:27 am

We all know "Big Guns" is a thing of the past.. but this build does not Cater to that area. This build is more for someone who Enjoys watching hundreds of Bullets fly through the air ripping down everything in there path.. yes I'm talking about the minigun, and Laser Gatling. I have made builds for both Energy, and Guns. After Testing this build, it is probably the most devastating "Hallway Clearer" I have ever seen.

***··REMEMBER! YOU WALK VERY SLOW WITH HEAVY ARMOR!(but this is the lore of this build. Tank style)··***

Lets get started!

As far as "Companions" go, Raul will be your best bet, especially if he has Full Maintenance, giving him something like Hunting Shotgun(Dinner bell) or a Riot Shotgun is very effective with him. especially with Coin shots and magnums.. he will be able to take out any "half dead" enemies that might of survived your barrage of gun fire. As far as Robotic companions, it's up to you.. ED-E or Rex serve a good purpose... ED-E for more of the "Explorer" and Rex for the "looter"

If your the type that can't stand walking from one place to the next and want to just sprint everywhere keep some LIGHT clothing with you, such as Benny's suit or Vault Suit or Followers Lab coat etc.. So you can run around going from one location to the next. (Travel Light is... well acceptable but not necessary)

ok... i get blah blah blah... start the [censored] ing build already.

But wait! theres more!

First I would like to mention to "Minor" in Explosives. Maybe not "max it out" but add a few points into so if you really want to have that shock and awe.. with good ole Annabelle.

****First off.. lets do guns****

Fast Shot(AP Cost is much lower, Commando, and possibly Concentrated fire will help you with this)
Good Natured, Wild Wasteland or Even Kamikaze(if you want to use VATS more)

St: 7/6
Pe: 6
En: 7
Ch: 1
Int: 7/8
Ag: 6
Lu: 6

Why I went with only 7 Strength instead of 10 is simple. Adding a +1 for the implant, and using Weapons Handling will make it 8 for any weapon. Also, if you can hold out till you finish either Auld Lang Syne(Easy with 80 speech) or finish the Brotherhood quests you will get another +1 Strength from the power armor. There are a few ways doing this. Also, if you lower it to 6, I HIGHLY Recommend placing it in Intelligence, you'll want all the skill points you can get.

First off, let me make one thing clear, you will not be running out and getting power armor and a mini gun before level 5.. you can but it will be a little rough doing so. plus to "feed" the minigun or gatling laser(if you can find one before level 12)


okay.. okay.

Level 0(Tag x3)

Wait! WTF?! why not guns?! Well.. it's simple. You will be pouring points into guns... you will need cheaper equipment, better uses of stims, and be able to maintain your own Gear. You could also switch out Speech for Barter if your not worried about money.

Level 2: Rapid Reload(Heavy weapons Take forever to reload(*MAKE SURE YOUR GUNS ARE AT 30**)

Level 4: Educated(more skill points(**Remember there is a bug, so try to keep your intelligence at an even number 6,8,10))

Level 6: Hand Loader or Bloody Mess or Toughness (you cannot craft 5mm AP, or HP , so all you would do is create more and more 5mm basic ammo) and Bloody mess will add 5% per round. so with Lord Death and Bloody mess it will make it 14, but it only adds .7 so if you don't care for the extra point, and just want to buy your 5mm, take toughness.

Level 8: Commando or Quick Draw. Depending on your Style of play, if your more into VATS Attacks go Commando(HA!) or if its easier for you to hit them with open sights(like me) Take Quick Draw. it will help you when you "Stumble Across" any enemies that jump around the corner.

Level 10: Math Wrath or Finesse. Math Wrath if your more into VATS attacks, or Finesse if your looking for more Criticals. either way you can't loose on this one.

Level 12: Sniper or Comprehension. you will notice by now what type of player you are. either it VATS or open sights. if your into VATS go Sniper, if your needing that little bit of "edge" when it comes to Speech/Barter Checks, or lock picking or hacking.

Level 14: Jury Rigging. This is Crucial... Yes miniguns are only fixed by other miniguns, but being able to Repair other Expensive gear to help fund the expenses of purchasing miniguns will be dire. I also suggest keeping a few miniguns in decent condition to help keep your Minigun at ship shape. Also remember that "heavy weapons" isn't just for the Mini Gun... if your wanting to "hybrid" your charecter with Energy weapons or Explosives, this will also help keep this in awesome shape. and of course your armor! Nothing like Repairing Power Armor with cheap Metal Armor. ^_^!

Level 16: Better Criticals or Weapons Handling if you have Acquired a Minigun or CZ57 by now(most likely) or Light Machine Gun, or Anti-Material Rifle. This will kick there requirements down so if your using open sights it will stay more on target.

Level 18: Better Criticals or Weapons Handling(possibly Concentrated fire), pick the one you haven't chosen yet. you may not be able to score a critical hit Every shot, but getting that 1 or 2 Critical hits helps tremendously when dealing with Death Claws or Cazadors.

*Also, if you are creating a Hybrid that uses VATS.. may want to think about Concentrated fire. This perk will help out with the LMG and CZ57 at Moderate distances if your using the VATS Style build)

Level 20: Grim Reapers Spirit. VATS style or not, this skill is pretty important especially teamed up with nerves of steel and concentrated fire, it will be able to keep your "Assault" on that Big target longer.

Level 22: Spray n' Pray. Usually i think companions as just throw away mercinaries, but it gets highly annoying when they run out in front of you with a melee weapon, this perk will also help if your using Rex in your group.

level 24: Tag!, Action Boy/Girl, Intense Training. If your Happy at your skills, you don't use VATS you could always add another point into a SPECIAL Stat. ;)

Level 26: Nerves of Steel, Intense Training, Tag, or Action Boy/Girl x2 . Again, you will know what stat you need by now. Nerves of Steel will help you considerably if your a VATS style player.

Level 28: your choice

Level 30: Your Choice.

In the End my "Heavy weapons" Character had 80 Lockpick(Magazines), 70 Science(Followers Lab Coat plus magazines), 100 Guns, 80 Speech(Usually passes all of the speech checks, and have magazines if encountered with 100 speech), 50 Sneak(hold out weapons), 50 Medicine(Followers Lab Coat plus Magazines), 50 Barter, 90 Repair, 55 Survival(light touch and to teach Jack Hydra, it bugged me I couldn't teach him this) The Rest were just left alone.

Final Gear Layout:
CZ57(main weapon)
Anti-Material rifle(w/ AP Rounds for DeathClaws)
12.7mm Submachine gun if I'm needing Stealth and quickness
Remnants Power Armor
Remnants Helmet
Bounty Hunter Duster
Boones Beret
Lucky shades

a little Recap, for a VATS Player

Fast Shot

Level 2: Rapid Reload
Level 4: Educated/Comprehension
Level 6: Intense Training(Agility)
Level 8: Commando
Level 10: Math Wrath
Level 12: Sniper
Level 14: Jury Rigging
Level 16: Weapons Handling
Level 18: Concentrated fire
Level 20: Grim Reapers Spirit
Level 22: Action Boy/Girl
Level 24: Action Boy/Girl
Level 26: Nerves of Steel
Level 28: Tag!
Level 30: Long Haul

Hope this Helps some of you, this "Heavy Weapons" Build is extremely tough.. It doesn't necessarily have to be all about the minigun. you can integrate Anti-Material Rifle for Sniping, Light Machine Gun if your getting bored of the mini gun, and the 12.7mm Sub-machine gun(w/ Silencer) for those Stealth moments.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:34 am

this seems like a decent build, but for a VATS heavy player..im not. Fast shot is somewhat a win-lose tradeoff, since it decreases the VATS cost by 20%, yet makes 20% of your bullets just fly around the enemy...Trigger Discipline is a better trait for those Iron sight users like myself. my personal opinion for iron sight users is to use Educated, Rapid Reload, Lady Killer/Black Widow, Confirmed Bachelor, Tag!, Bloody Mess, Heavyweight(by far, this should be in VATS and iorn sight players, making heavy weight objects weight even up to 7.5 pounds or so) Quick Draw, Living Anatomy, Strong Back, Jury Rigger, and Pack Rat when playing hardcoe mode (even not, Pack Rat is still somewhat useful for Heavy Weapon Users who love keeping Weapon Repair kits by them), Finesse, and Better Criticals. anything more then that is just an added bonus, which right now you have a few free options to choose before hitting level.50.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:25 am

I see your point, it could be a decent trade off for Trigger Discipline for a "open Sight" player. But when I brought my CZ57 to the Fort. Man that room was splattered in a matter of seconds. It tore right through those praetorians they got choked up in far tent, and Raul gave Cesar a little money to put in his mouth. :P

I really need to start recording some of these funny moments.
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:48 am

I like your build, I haven't used the mini gun at all in 7 play throughs, so I think my next run will this.
A suggestion if you have old world blues, save a perk and get the reinforced spine. It will raise you strength by 2 and with the implant you can go from 7 to 10.
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