Heavy weapons (poll)

Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:55 am

So I've been playing heavy since release, for ever class and one thing I am finding is that bar some certain situations, the heavy weapons are not that useful and the player would generally be better served by having a medium rifle instead. Obviously a player can take both, but I feel like the heavy weapon is being consigned to a niche roll that doesn't really suit the class.

What are your experiences with heavy weapons, do you think they should or shouldn't be changed?
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:42 pm

I'd like just a little more accuracy with the gotlung gun. Seems that having a 200 round clip is not all that useful when like 2 or 3 out of every 10 bullets fired hits the mark from medium range. Up close the gun does great, it's the medium-long distances where it loses it's usefulness.
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:32 pm

I'd like just a little more accuracy with the gotlung gun. Seems that having a 200 round clip is not all that useful when like 2 or 3 out of every 10 bullets fired hits the mark from medium range. Up close the gun does great, it's the medium-long distances where it loses it's usefulness.

Yeah I've found it's only useful when you get the drop on people up close. One of the rare situations I mentioned above!
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:51 pm

I'd like just a little more accuracy with the gotlung gun. Seems that having a 200 round clip is not all that useful when like 2 or 3 out of every 10 bullets fired hits the mark from medium range. Up close the gun does great, it's the medium-long distances where it loses it's usefulness.

Which is why you get a second gun, take an AR and you have a perfect mid and long range weapon. When you defend an objective in a room etc. then take out the minigun and enjoy.
A minigun which is even moderately accurate at mid longish range would be totally overpowered.

Fine as is imho.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:01 pm

Which is why you get a second gun, take an AR and you have a perfect mid and long range weapon. When you defend an objective in a room etc. then take out the minigun and enjoy.
A minigun which is even moderately accurate at mid longish range would be totally overpowered.

Fine as is imho.

I kinda feel like a heavy weapon should be the heavy body-types primary weapon, that and if you're defending a room you need to keep that thing spun constantly which means a limited FOV (this is holding RMB after all). If you're not spining it then there is no way to kill anyone with it if they see you first.

I don't know if accuracy is the answer, but I don't think any of them are done right at the moment.

EDIT: I'd like to point out as well that generally to get the most value you out of your heavy weapon you need to be/be with a decent soldier, other wise you're barely getting enough for two fire fights.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:46 pm

If I decide to play using a good AR and SMG as a Medium body, I'm going to take my SMG for the "running through corridors" parts of the map, which for many situations is almost the entire map, and only switch to the AR when I get a good spot to hit enemies at range - and I'll be prepared to switch back to my secondary if an enemy manages to get in close.

On some maps, the secondary SMG will look like it's my primary weapon, even though that's not the case.

Same goes for a heavy with a good mid - long range weapon, and a Hjammerdeim or something for up-close - you're going to take your primary as a situational weapon, and an all-rounder weapon to fill in the gaps - but your focus is those moments on defense in the objective room - you know? That part where you get to take full advantage of your health and weaponry? Yeah, THAT'S your primary job, so the weapon you're using for it is your primary weapon. The spaces between are just filler, necessary, but not the point of your presence.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:50 pm

My first character was amedium engy and Im working on my heavy medic atm. The heavy weapons are fun, powerful, and own in their own unique ways. The gotlung own up close, the chinzor can do well up close but own at medium range, and the maximus tears ppl up from afar. I will usually rock the chinzor or gotlung with an AR with a drum clip, grip, and sight. The chinzor / gotlung for up0 close and the AR for medium / far battles. If not then ill use the maximus and the lobster GL as my secondary (nothing kicks more ass then having a GL as your secondary lol). I used to think the lobster svcked on my medium (it did) but being able to switch to it on the go and lob a cpl grenades into groups of defenders works wonders.

The only time I think the heavy weps can be underpowered is up close against certain SMGs. My chinzor, maximus, and gotlung have all lost to a medium / light with a carb9 drum mag when up close. Sometimes ill get them but if we start shooting at the same time the smg will usually win :( But that just means that ill rock a smg with a drum mag myself if I know that the level will be close quarters. But overall I think the heavy weps are pretty sick
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:37 am

Lobster on a Medium is good if you treat it as a powerful secondary weapon, and take a good SMG as your "main" gun (assuming, of course, that you've found one you're good with). If you're a Soldier, you can also run a Light Rifle, but any other class and you'll have MAJOR ammo shortages if you pair the Lobster with a non-SMG weapon.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:30 pm

The only time I think the heavy weps can be underpowered is up close against certain SMGs. My chinzor, maximus, and gotlung have all lost to a medium / light with a carb9 drum mag when up close. Sometimes ill get them but if we start shooting at the same time the smg will usually win :( But that just means that ill rock a smg with a drum mag myself if I know that the level will be close quarters. But overall I think the heavy weps are pretty sick

I think this is the situation I am usually thinking of. I feel like if I have a Maximus, Chinzor or Hammerj--thing then I should win a short range battle, but drum SMGs tend to win most of the time. Of course player skill can be bought into it but I don't personally think thats it, as losing tends to be the norm, not the exception.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:34 pm

Heavy weapons are my primary, but there is only a few things I would want buffed.

Grenade MG: I haven't used this thing too much, but when I did I noticed the insane bloom and slower rate of fire. Now I'm not saying it should fire like a Machine Gun, but it shouldn't bloom that much when you fire 1.3 grenades per second.

Hammer-whatsit Shotgun: This thing is pretty bad (My personal opinion), it both requires you to be heavy and takes your primary weapon section, bad thing is; It's weaker then the medium shotgun! (Per shot Damage). I would really personally enjoy a damage buff to make it worth the restrictions, even if that means reducing its accuracy.

Gotlung Mini-gun: I love this thing, really. Its does great damage at close ranges, and sufficient damage at medium ranges. The only thing I would suggest changing would be the accuracy while standing still. Why? Well the gun already restricts movement (unless you don't like being ready for whats around the corner) but at medium ranges, even when the center is locked at them, any of the SMGs or even MPs can out dps it.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:12 pm

Hammer-whatsit Shotgun: This thing is pretty bad (My personal opinion), it both requires you to be heavy and takes your primary weapon section, bad thing is; It's weaker then the medium shotgun! (Per shot Damage). I would really personally enjoy a damage buff to make it worth the restrictions, even if that means reducing its accuracy.

It takes some getting used to, but if you can time your shots at the right range, you can two-shot someone with the Hjammerdeim almost instantly,
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:07 pm

I love the Chinzor and the Maximus, the others I don't really use because they are situational whereas these two can be used anywhere, anytime.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:44 am

It takes some getting used to, but if you can time your shots at the right range, you can two-shot someone with the Hjammerdeim almost instantly,

Yes, but while using the regular shotgun if you time and aim your shot correctly, you can one-shot two of the body types instantly. I'm not saying make each shot do more then the regular shotgun, but I'd rather see it be more of a scattergun then a wide radius rifle.
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sally coker
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:26 pm

Yes, but while using the regular shotgun if you time and aim your shot correctly, you can one-shot two of the body types instantly. I'm not saying make each shot do more then the regular shotgun, but I'd rather see it be more of a scattergun then a wide radius rifle.

Mossington can't one-shot a FULLY buffed (upgraded Medic Buff + upgraded Health CP + Battle Hardened) Light even with a headshot unless it's got a damage buff. Hjammerdeim can 2-shot fast enough that they won't know the difference.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:17 pm

So whom uses the grenade launcher or the HAMMERTIME as their main?
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:21 pm

Which is why you get a second gun, take an AR and you have a perfect mid and long range weapon. When you defend an objective in a room etc. then take out the minigun and enjoy.
A minigun which is even moderately accurate at mid longish range would be totally overpowered.

Fine as is imho.

I gotcha, but tbh, when I use the Chinzor, with extended mag, it has only 50 less than the Gotlung, is more accurate at long range, and does more damage. I've completely stopped bothering with the Gotlung because it's inferior to the Chin. IMO

Gotlung needs a lil something more to make it worth while, looking cool is not cutting it any more lol.

And btw, I always have my Rockstedi as the secondary, great rifle to pair with a HMG
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