I am all about theories and conspiracies and connections. I do admit that some of them seem pretty wacky, but I am all about hearing, err...reading them. Makes the dull ache of unfulfilled anticipation easier to bear.
I am all about theories and conspiracies and connections. I do admit that some of them seem pretty wacky, but I am all about hearing, err...reading them. Makes the dull ache of unfulfilled anticipation easier to bear.
Job 1:11 also seems to fit well.
Ecclesiastes 1:11
Hosea 1:11 has some interesting implications...
Mark 1:11 kind of hits on the nose, considering the baby is confirmed to be male...
Speaking of Shaun, did anyone else know that in the the Norwegian tongues Shaun pronounces akin to John, and John 1:11 is:
Curiouser and Curiouser.
I've got one, see what you make of this:
In FONV Arcade Gannon quotes a Latin phrase "Nihi Novi sub sole". See Ecclesiastes 1:9
The fact it also contains the exact phrase Arcade uttered?
You could probably find an appropriate Bible quote for every story in existence. It's a huge and wonderfully complex piece of literature. You could find texts predating the Bible serving as inspiration for those quotes as well, but so much is lost to history. As mentioned before, nihil novi sub sole, which is even more delightful when you realize the observation itself is unlikely to be original. Is it uncreative to draw inspiration from earlier stories? If it is, then 99% of what is universally considered art doesn't deserve to be called creative.
Very well stated.
I might add that there is so much more to the Bible than most people realize. It has some interesting and amazing observations about life in general. As pointed out by Nibblesps4, there are some surprising verses as well. Murder, betrayal, love, lust, advltery, slavery ... just the tip of the iceburg ... no small wonder that it is the best selling book of all time.
What is this being based off? Is this a verse you found and thought would be relevant, or is there an actual reference to this somewhere? If so, could I have it pointed out to me please; I'm curious.
EDIT: Is this just tangentially related to Vault 111 then? Couldn't you have chosen any book with a 1:11 or a 11:1 in this case? Why Hebrews?