I can't be the only one who gets annoyed by the randomness of Dogmeat, and probably other companions but I work alone so I can't speak from experience, that just constantly move around getting in your way and knock everything over. I understand the reason behind it, they wanted companions that feel more alive by moving around and looking at things, and when I am outside I don't care, Dogmeat can knock himself out.
However it would be so nice to have a command at least, that you can tell your companion when you wish, to following you more tightly, or in Dogmeats case a command to tell him to heel. I hate having to tell him to wait outside because he is annoying inside, but then when I get into fights I wish he was there helping me.
Also I wanted to add in how it's annoying when Dogmeat just ups and starts attacking stuff by himself when you're trying to be sneaky. It would be nice that if we got a heel command for him, that it also made him only defend you, or attack when you attack, but not attack when you haven't engaged in combat yourself.