» Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:37 am
Well, honestly, I gave up on using fractal terrain. I found that it was actually easier and less frustrating to paint the height data by hand in the heightmap editor and I had more control over my terrain when I did. If you use the zoom and a low brush setting you can literally raise and lower land with almost as much accuracy in there as you can using the landscape editor in the render window. If you use fractal terrain you're probably going to spend as much time fixing errors as you would painting it all yourself.
Still, if you want to go the fractal route, you can try tweaking the data in your raw file using http://projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/TESAnnwyn.html. I managed to get a more or less acceptable landmass using the settings I mentioned here -> http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Talk:WorldBuilding_101#TESAnnwyn. You might also want to try running a couple of erosion passes on your heightmap as is and see how it looks. How does it look, btw, in the render window?