I'm sure you all know him, the Talos loving guy who won't stop screaming. If you talk to him, you can ask about the possibility of him being arrested for worshiping Talos, which is against Imperial rule. He says he'll take the risk. But I don't understand how he is able to avoid it for more than a few minutes. I mean he's in an Imperial city, a central trading hub of Skyrim, with guards everywhere, RIGHT OUTSIDE THE JARL'S PALACE. And he's SCREAMING it every hour of the day how great Talos is. How the hell could the government not pay attention to that? Even if it wasn't against the law to worship Talos, surely he would be arrested simply for public disturbance? TALOS LOVES YOU, LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE!!! AND THE NORDS WILL RUUUUUULE SKYRRIM.... FOREVERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
I actually haven't seen any member of the Thalmor, who would be the only ones who would be up in arms over his preaching.
But Whiterun at the start of the game is kind of in a no-man's land at the start of the game with neither side of the war wanting to do anything that could be deemed as hostile to the city to the point where they go join the opposing side. Even if a Thalmor came in to check out the city, I can't see a member of the legion see him worth the trouble to back him up.
Of course, this is coming from someone who has yet to settle the war in any way/shape/form.