[Relz] Helgen Reborn

Post » Mon May 13, 2013 3:49 am

Welcome to Helgen Reborn

by Mike Hancho/Balok

Nexus Page: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35841/?

From the author of Fallout: New Vegas' 3rd most endorsed quest mod of all time, comes my most ambitious adventure yet! Simply put, Helgen Reborn is THE definitive quest mod for rebuilding Helgen! Learn the legend of The Keepers of Hattu as you reunite two old soldiers and are thrust into a decades old feud with a ruthless and powerful Justiciar from the Aldmeri Dominion. Recruit and train your own town guard or ask for protection from the Empire or Stormcloaks. From uncovering an underground slavery ring, to fighting for your life in exciting battles in a secret new arena, many other adventures await as the workers rebuild the town step by step! You'll be rewarded with your own private tower in Helgen which includes the most interactive and dynamic display museum in Skyrim!

If you enjoyed other Mike Hancho mods, you will be blown away by Helgen Reborn as this is my biggest project yet, and has been in development for nearly a year! And of course Helgen Reborn sets the same quality standards for a quest mod that you've grown to expect from a Mike Hancho project!


  • Fully voiced with 20 of the best actors in the community
  • Easily 4 to 6 hours of game play
  • Three new sets of armor
  • Mike Hancho's meticulous attention to detail
  • Great story and characters
  • Interactive display room that transforms as you play the game
  • HUGE cavern to display stuffed creatures
  • Completely transforms Helgen into a vibrant community
  • Multiple faction options for the town (Independent, Stormcloak or Imperial)

Install with Nexus Mod Manager, or manually place Helgen Reborn.esp and Helgen Reborn.bsa in your games Data folder.

While you can certainly play at any level, it's probably best to level up a little as some of the combat can be pretty difficult for very low level characters. I'd say around level 20ish is a good sweet spot.

You MUST finish the initial quest "Unbound" before checking Helgen Reborn as active in your load order. Helgen is not destroyed yet, and it needs to be destroyed before my quest can begin. If you start a new game with my plugin loaded it will not place you in the cart for the ride down the hill, but it will place you beside the cart and the game will not move forward. So, simply finish Unbound, exit the cave with Hadvar or Ralof, make a new save, load my plugin and you're good to go! Four days after Unbound is completed, on your next location change, the quest should update in your journal. Just follow it like any other quest from there.

One other caveat is that it would be best to make sure that the bandits that take over Helgen have been enabled. They also enable four days after Unbound is completed when you enter Whiterun, so they should be enabled by the time you start my quest. But anything can happen, so you might want to check that as well. This procedure is necessary in order to deal with how Bethesda set up the beginning of the game.

Helgen Reborn is 100% compatible with LAL as long as you follow a few simple steps which are almost exactly as the steps above. Helgen MUST be destroyed for my quest to start, so choose what ever life you wish to choose and get started.

When you want to start my quest, follow Arthmoor's procedure for reverting Helgen to it's destroyed state and you should be good to go. Again, the bandits that take over the fort MUST be enabled, especially for LAL users because of the collapse in the keep that is added by LAL. To enable the bandits using LAL, enter Whiterun through the MAIN DOOR four days after Unbound is completed, NOT by fast traveling into the city.

For users playing with an existing character, as long as Helgen is destroyed and the bandits have taken over the fort, you should be good to go and have nothing to be concerned with. Load my mod, wait 4 days, change locations and the quest should update.

If all of this somehow fails, you can start the quest with the console by putting in: setstage BalokHelgen01 5

As with the Official DLC, uninstalling this mod is currently unsupported and may cause problems if removed. (If the town has been completed, you'll have a barren, empty town.) I am working on an uninstall quest, and if I can get something that works properly it will be included in a future update.

I would like to thank everyone who helped me along the way in building this project including my amazing cast of actors, texture artists, beta testers, those who submitted screen shots for my oil paintings and anyone else who helped answer my multitude of questions at the Official Bethesda Forums. Is to each of you that this project is dedicated.

Marcus - Ben Britton
Valerius - River Kanoff
Korst - Mauri Majanoja
Aerandil - Dante de Glanvill
Wiglaf - Daniel Hodge
Maenen, Patsy, Gaenor - Nicanor K. Delacruz Romero
Diana, Cienna, Gamblers - McKenna Swanson
Joto, Shadrick Oaken-Heart - Mike Quinlan
Wanan-Dun, Rolund - Johannes Envall
Sorian, Ciel, Viggun, Gambler - Rich Heller
Herd - Julian Sheridan
Kindrick, Alof, Miles - Matt Laughlin
Orianthi, Josslin, Kar - Christine Slagman
Reinhardt - Rory Keane
Oronar - Aidan Schneider
Halindil - Craig Morton
Goreu - Matthew Simmons
Balfring - Mike Hancho
Falco, Gamblers - tauntedflail
Gamblers - Pippa Winslow, Mike Hancho
Misc voices - Mike Hancho



Please take time to endorse if you like the mod, and don't hesitate to contact me in the comments thread. Enjoy!


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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 12:22 am

Congratz on release day :banana:

DL and will run through it again. Always lots of fun!


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Latino HeaT
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 3:43 am

Been waiting patiently for this one. Thanks to all for your hard work. Now we just need the other premium quest mod to release...Falskaar.

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kiss my weasel
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Post » Mon May 13, 2013 1:59 am

OMG it's done. *downloads*

Congrats! :banana:

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Spooky Angel
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Post » Sun May 12, 2013 7:26 pm

Definitely on my play list.... as soon as I finish coding mine :)

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oliver klosoff
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