Hello and Help!

Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:51 pm

Just installed the Ultimate Edition off of STEAM. Played for about an hour. Many questions.

Quick background, I've played FO1, FO2 and FO3, but I've been playing Skyrim for about a year and a half so I'm having to get back into the groove so to speak as to how this game works. For example, I shot two people before I figured out how to put my gun away. Spent 20 minutes going through the game options and never found it. Finally got lucky.

For the data files I just clicked everything so a lot of stuff got pre-loaded and some new quests were listed. I'm going to assume these are high level quests and leave them alone for now.

Random questions.

1) Why do I keep getting a message pop up to drink from my Vault 13 canteen? I tried to select it in the pipboy and it didn't do anything. Do I need to fill it somewhere? I tried to activate some water but no option to fill the canteen came up.

2) As soon as the doc walked away from me I looted everything I could from the clinic. Is that a problem? Nothing was flagged in red text, but I never know if I offended anyone or not.

3) Is robbing graves bad? Seriously I'm just not sure what to touch in this game.

4) I will assume that unloading two clips of ammo to kill a giant praying mantis isn't a good idea. Have a better one?

5) What's worth carrying around and what is just loot? I can't figure out what might be useful for repairing items and such.

6) Snow globe ... why?

7) So I bought all the books thinking I would get my skills increased. Well, that only lasted a short time though I don't recall the books saying they were a temporary buff. So is there any better way to perminately raise skills and SPECIAL? What should I be looking out for?

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