It had and still has the potential to make stealth more skill-based AND more enjoyable for everyone at the same time:
Done watching? Here's the essential comparison again:

Giving stealthy players even more energy - by removing mobility drain and introducing separate pools for the two remaining modes (?) - will lead to even more cloak rushing. So I think something needs to be done not only against the viability of a "rushing" playstyle (better nano-vision and defensive modules) but also for the alternative, intelligent stealth. More viable assassinations will shift players' focus from just trying to get close enough for an easy kill (shotgun, SMG, double melee) towards trying to get really close for a more covert kill.
The reason noone bothers with assassinations in C2 is that being visible and stationary for 2.5 seconds is not "covert"

Crytek: I would really appreciate a response from an employee as to how assassinations (or stealth in general) will change in C3 multiplayer.
Fellow gamers: Do you agree with my take on cloak rushing being an undesirable playstyle? What balance changes to stealth (under the constraints of already announced facts!) would you like to see?