Hello from DCOM Productions!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

Hey Crytek community,
I actually have come to these forums on a sad note as DCOM Productions has officially pulled pulled our Servers from Crysis 2. I had a daily moderated, cheat free server for a short time on Crysis 2 that always filled up and had some regular players in the very beginning, but now short lived. I used to be a huge advocate of Crysis and Crysis Warhead because of the CryENGINE, the unique gameplay and story, and the community support. However, with the seeming flop of Crysis 2 in the PC community, we have decided to pull our support for Crysis 2, as it is actually not even in the same ballpark as Crysis or Crysis Wars in regards to physics, gameplay (Singleplayer and Multiplayer), and features. Looking back at Crysis and Crysis Warhead (see video links below), the difference between Crysis and Crysis 2 is like a Grand Canyon. Still supporters of Crytek and the amazing work on the CryENGINE, its a sad step to pull support from Crysis 2, but Crysis 2 is not the ideal of an amazing game that we supported like Crysis and Crysis Warhead.

I have seen this time and time again with any game development company that decides to target console gaming coming from the PC world. It's usually a flop that results in a loss of a customer base from PC users (which mind you, is also almost 3x as large as your console customer base XBox/PS3 combined). I wish Crytek the best in their endeavors and maybe one day we will bring our support back.

Unofficial fan-created Crysis 2 Trailer

BROS Gaming Online Crysis Carnage Video

Why people bought Crysis in the first place

I wish best regards to the Crytek community, and to the loyal fans out there who were disappointed in Crysis 2, hang in there! Crytek is an amazing company, and I'm sure that we will see some great things in the future.

DCOM Productions,
David Anderson,
Website: http://www.dcomproductions.com
Email: danderson@dcomproductions.com

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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:52 pm

You spelled endeavors wrong....
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:56 pm

We all understand you, dude.

There are so many people here that is dissapointed too about the direction Crytek is taking with Crysis 2.
Bugs, Hackers, Big mistakes, and now paid DLCs... yes this game is dying.

I doubt we'd find any new private servers from now.

Well, see you in another games.

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:41 am

Lol? Crysis has a larger PC fanbase than consoles? Don't think so according to sale figures.

Crysis 1 sold about 770,000 copies on PC

Crysis 2 sold about 150,000 copies on PC
780,000 on xbox
340,000 on ps3

Look up the stats yourself if you don't believe
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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

From my sources, many digital vendors did not release their sales figures (Steam for example) and most of the sources online state PC sales were 14% for Crysis 2. However, I am basing my views not just on the Crysis 2 PC fanbase which is much smaller than that of its predecessor(s). Alot of digital vendors online are also not included in those statistic counts. At any rate, just wanted to get the message out that our Servers won't be online anymore. In business sometimes it has to be about the money to stay alive as a large company, if that means they had to reach out to XBox/PS3 customer bases it is understandable, but the product was definitely an overstatement of what hardcoe Crysis/Crysis Warhead fans expected from our feedback.

DCOM Productions,
David Anderson,
Website: http://www.dcomproductions.com
Email: danderson@dcomproductions.com
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

Lol? Crysis has a larger PC fanbase than consoles? Don't think so according to sale figures.

Crysis 1 sold about 770,000 copies on PC

Crysis 2 sold about 150,000 copies on PC
780,000 on xbox
340,000 on ps3

Look up the stats yourself if you don't believe

Crysis 1 sold 1 millions copies.
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