So, it's been years, I've forgotten so much...
But I got a spark of inspiration to return to the Morrowind scene, at least for a bit. So: Hello my friends!
I wanted to give special thanks to some folks: Dragon32 for his tireless efforts with mlox and it's database. Also thanks to JH2011 who has always been very helpful and informative. And to keep it short, thanks to everyone else in the Morrowind modding scene.
The thing I'm most interested in at the moment is to update tes3cmd and make it more useful, if only so I can clean up my own Morrowind installation and mods I wrote way back when. Right now, I'm mostly brainstorming (if I can find my brain), but I have already been making a few small changes which will be tes3cmd v0.40 some day.
Anyway, I just wanted to say "Hi", and if anyone wants to talk about tes3cmd or that sorry orphan of mine, mlox, then get in touch and let's see where the adventure takes us. We can even talk about Arktwend and other Morrowind stuff too.