But, it looks like it is a really good option.
Also, it will mean that we only need 10 meshes not 20 because they will work for male and female.
I can't find any workaround for the clothing issue with beasts.
What this means at this point is beasts won't be able to have a sheathed weapon and a "sheathed" shield at the same time.
The only option for doing a dual anything in clothing are the gloves. So, we can combining the gloves to dual and free up the right or left type to use.
It really doesn't matter which side we use for combining the types, to free up right or left. But, whatever we do it looks like we will have to use the glove/clothing type and one of the armor types. I'm leaning towards the bracers now, just because there are less of them and it would make less of a impact, balance wise.
For the beasts, on the shields, we may have to go back to the clavicle as long as you think you can script around it, That Bloke(TB) :unsure: Se up like OBSQB.
Is using a race check to decide which item to equip a viable option? Will it help in the long run?
I agree with thechy. This is a good way to deal with a balance issue that has been long outstanding.
As for a using a universal neck piece instead of the BBish necks....
#1 reason - it would reduce the size of the mod 10 fold. This really comes into play once we get to mod made weapons and shields.
#2 reason - reduce my work 10 fold
I've though about retexturing the neck piece to make it look like some sort of collar. But then you run in to the issue so what color? No color will match everything.
Phijama weapons used a black "post" for his necks. I would think that something like silver of gold would be a better choice. Maybe ebony or deadric to keep with lore.