Help Admin. Anti-Cheat.

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:13 pm

I have had personal experience with Cheater name: ReVolution1337
This guy is 100% cheat (aim bot). Check out his statistics at

Also video proof at


For the sake of better gameplay experience please develop a "vote kick/vote ban" feature for Crysis 2 multiplayer. The server's admin would set a timescale for the ban (1 hour to 24 hours) and when the players on that server suspect there is a cheater, they would type "votekick or voteban" in chat and a list would appear for voting.
Look at Counter Strike, if you suspect someone is cheating everyone would vote kick/ban that player using chat "votekick or voteban".
It is much better than admin's banning the cheater's ID globally, because I am sure they would figure out other ways of hacking another ID and start cheating again.

This method is fast and affective compared to recording proof and sending it "gamesas" admins.
If this feature is developed it would save time and energy for both the players and "gamesas" technical teams.

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neil slattery
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:46 am

I don't doubt that this guy is probably botting (though I must admit I've not checked the stats link). HOWEVER, you should take this energy and push for a simple /record demo feature instead.

We can never solve the problem by just asking for people to be globally banned - even if some Crytek guy responded, it would be difficult to prove and there will always be more cheaters, botters, wallhackers, etc.

BUT if we have a simple /record demo feature, we can submit genuine evidence to admins, we can host ladders and exchange demo files after clan matches, and generally have a workable community game with a long life.
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