Hey I need help defining the game content im going to flow into for my Redguard Reaver (a good man of combat stricken with the dark art of magic from tormented affliction)
basically like a dark cleric/paladin..
I was thinking doing the cult hood as a pilgrimige, but as i play with this guy, i think its just way too humble for him... and i should use my other character with that.
So im really trying not to clash content and develop seperate game paths for me to enjoy.
Am i just blinding myself too much (from long absence of morrowind) the immersion of magic wielders in all the elements... legion/cult/blades..
so on so forth...
As of now I have walked my way to balmora from seyda neen along the coast ... i dropped off at caius and refused his orders as of now..
for i am in deep perplexity... I was thinking of maybe meeting up with the blades and getting wisdom from them..
but this is the true clash ---- Lean into the man seeking the structure and order of things or roll into the dark form and take clash against it???
help me please - i must enjoy this to the fullest (no as you play it is how u enjoy it please, this is exactly why im coming here lol--going insane)