Hahaha, thats what my girlfriends first guess to him was

She loves those dogs :nod:
Can you clarify that first clue? It seems like a typo, but it's throwing me off. For my first guess though, I'd say pride.
I dunno. That's what his text message to her said :shrug: After reading it, I could tell his grammar was poor at best. Basically I think it's: "I'm small, I can fit almost anywhere".
As for it being pride, or any of the other non-material things, I can't imagine it would be that... If I had to guess, I'd say it's a belated b-day gift for her? So something small, cheap?
Is it gold or any other precious stone or metal? Jewelry?
Like I said above, I doubt it's jewelry just because they only know each through work and such. Not saying it isn't but I highly doubt it is anything expensive. :shrug:
I find myself wanting to say Holidays because of the last two, I don't know why....
Like I said, I would have to guess it's something "tangible", ya know? Hard to explain but hopefully you get it.